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Marin-Bucio, Diego
Dancing Embryo: Enacting Dance Experience Through Human-AI Kinematic Collaboration.
ISSN 0771-8640.
s. 247–277.
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This paper explores the intersection of dance, human experience, and artificial intelligence (AI), focusing on how AI can engage in dance-like movements through kinematic co-creation with human performers. The study challenges traditional notions of dance, which are typically centered on human physicality and expressivity, by demonstrating how AI-generated movements can evoke meaningful dance experiences. The project, Dancing Embryo, is a collaboration between a dancer-choreographer and a computational scientist to create an interactive AI capable of generating and transforming dance movements. The AI dancer, designed using motion data from contemporary dancers, participates in real-time performances by synchronizing features of its movements with a human dancer. This work expands the definition of dance to include non-human agents and emphasizes co-creativity between humans and machines. The paper discusses the technological, philosophical, and artistic implications of AI dance, proposing that the experience of dance can be perceived and completed through human interpretation, even when performed by a machine.
Marin Bucio, Diego Antonio
Intuitive awareness in constructing kinaesthetic experiences: a structural and pheno-menological analysis of dance creation.
Corpo Grafias.
ISSN 2390-0288.
s. 92–103.
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The body goes through different states during the creation of collective dance, its communication with other bodies (as well as the connection with its own) encompasses a complex interaction that, in addition, follows imaginative sensations suggested by the choreographer. This article exposes, through the structural analysis of a choreographic piece, the moments of kinesthetic identification occurring in and between the dancers during its creation. The analysis follows Spiegelberg's methodology for phenomenological analysis and Anca Giurcesco's methodology for structural analysis of dance, with the aim of understanding how the relationship between the choreographer's ideas take shape in and through the dancers' bodies. The text defines concepts such as 'forms of congruence', triggers questions about interoceptive awareness during the search for congruence between breath and collective movement, and shows the coherence between the choreographer's poetic proposal and its objective physical interrelation.
Marín Bucio, Diego Antonio
Dance and Human-AI kinaesthetic co-creativity.
MAGOTZI Boletín Científico de Artes del IA.
ISSN 2007-4921.
s. 1–5.
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Human-machine interaction in dance is not a new phenomenon, however, the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years allows new scenarios where novel methods of creative collaboration between human and artificial intelligence are proposed. From an interdisciplinary approach, this article provides an analysis of different software for choreographic creation and synthesises the findings from the creative collaboration between the author and an AI-dancer, which were presented at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge (UK). The author concludes that in order to co-create dance with an AI, it is not enough to simply use it, but it must enable an experience in which the human and machine can be exposed to a mutual influence that is not limited to logical reasoning, but is based on kinaesthetic intuition.
Marín Bucio, Diego Antonio
Dance creative processes during the Covid-19 pandemic. File 1: social distance in the studio.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
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The article documents and analyzes how the community of dance experienced COVID-19 Pandemic in some different cities and contexts. In this file, the analysis focuses on the physical contact during rehearsals and dance lessons with three different cases around France, as well as reflections about the socio-cultural conditions of the dance community and the future of dance on the screens.
Se alle arbeider i Cristin
Marín Bucio, Diego Antonio
Towards a posthuman dance: embodying the artificial.
Paso de Gato.
ISBN 9786078584727.
143 s.
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This dissemination text based on the same author's book "Encarnando lo artificial" questions the boundaries of artistic creation by testing the experience of dancing in an artificial intelligence entity. The text brings recent experiences of dance creation with machines and introduces concepts and terminology for understanding human-AI interaction in the performing arts. The author also presents a synthesis of the reflections arising from his collaboration with an AI-dancer.
The author expresses a perspective far removed from anthropocentric premises in order to break with the conventional understanding of dance, challenging concepts such as the body and creativity. He also reflects on the ethics of its application in the performing arts and its impact on the cultural industries.
Available at: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Diego-Antonio-Mar%C3%ADn-Bucio-ebook/dp/B0D239P3KK
Original language: Spanish.
Original title: Hacia una danza posthumana: encarnando lo artificial.
Marín Bucio, Diego Antonio
Embodying the artificial: dance and human-AI co-creativity.
Universidad Latina de América.
ISBN 9786077030263.
170 s.
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This research presents the foundations of the emerging field of AI-dance and through taxonomies, conceptual models and methods of human-machine creation, discerns the forms of technological integration in artistic creation. The book revolves around three ethnographies involving the temporary integration of technology into the body, the development of an AI-dancer, and the dance experience alongside an artificial intelligence. Throughout the text, the author reflects on whether an AI can dance, the influence of artificial motion on human-bodily behaviour and how body entrainment with artificial bodies can trigger kinaesthetic experience through dance.
Original language: Spanish.
Original title: Encarnando lo artificial: danza y co-creatividad humano-IA.
Se alle arbeider i Cristin
Marin-Bucio, Diego
Matriz de Movimiento Maquínico (MMM).
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Presentation of a conceptual framework to differentiate the various forms of dance creation with technology. Human-AI interaction in dance is examined through the analysis of various case studies . The findings present a taxonomy that clarifies when AI goes from being a tool to an active agent in artistic production.
Marin-Bucio, Diego
Aproximaciones a la inteligencia artificial en la creación de danza: la IA como herramienta, títere o colaborador.
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This presentation reported the research outcomes of incorporating generative AI in the creation of concert dance, evaluating its role as a tool, puppet, or collaborator. Employing an interdisciplinary theoretical framework encompassing 4E cognition, phenomenology of perception, Actor-network theory and Entrainment theory, human-AI interactions are examined. Ethnographic methodologies and phenomenological analysis reveal power dynamics and modes of creative interrelation in dance creation with AI and other technologies. The results present a taxonomy and conceptual model, highlighting how AI can transcend from a mere creative catalyst to an active agent in producing aesthetic works. This structured approach facilitates the understanding, differentiation and application of emerging technologies in dance, proposing new paradigms for human-machine creative collaboration.
Marin Bucio, Diego Antonio
Embodying the artificial: a multimodal human-machine performance.
Marin Bucio, Diego Antonio
Dancing Embryo: Danza y co-creatividad humano-IA.
Marin Bucio, Diego Antonio
Dance in the unequal world of High Tech.
Marin Bucio, Diego Antonio
Can an AI dance?
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The reflections and results presented in this paper originate from the experience of designing an artificial intelligence dancer and the subsequent co-creation of human-IA dance in the "Dancing Embryo" project (Marin, Wallace and 6A9). The research revolves around three ethnographies that capture the collaborative process between humans and machines to create and perform dance. This research transcends mere technological innovation into a profound philosophical enquiry, questioning the very nature and limits of the art of dance.
Marín Bucio, Diego Antonio & Polak, Rainer
Exploring motion capture systems in dance research: a case study of djembe dance from West Africa.
Marín Bucio, Diego Antonio
Dancing Embryo.
Marín Bucio, Diego Antonio
Human-AI dance: hybrid co-creativity in the posthuman era.
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The talk challenges previous approaches to creative collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence, questioning whether we are only using AI to enhance our own creativity rather than a collaboration between two creative agents.
In addition, the author argued for the development of more body-interactive AI systems, as he alerts us to the potential decline of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. His point was accompanied by a proposal presented together with Benedikte Wallace, where Diego Marín and an interactive AI created and performed dance in real-time.
Se alle arbeider i Cristin
12. sep. 2023 10:00
- Sist endret
25. okt. 2023 16:17