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MASHED - Mashup musikk, opphavsrett og plattform-regulering (avsluttet)

Sosiale media plattformers implementering av algoritmiske reguleringsverkt?y har fornyet en langvarig debatt: Hvilke former for musikalsk l?nekultur, og hvilke former for opphavsrettsregulering, kan forsvares juridisk, og p? hvilken m?te bidrar de til ? bevare eller true ytringsfriheten?

Om prosjektet

Prosjektet MASHED: Mashup musikk, opphavsrett, og plattform regulering vil forske p? spenningsforholdet og feedback-mekanismene mellom Internett-plattformers bruk av algoritmiske reguleringsverkt?y og mashup-musikk (en type remiks-musikk som prim?rt best?r av utklipp fra allerede eksisterende musikk).

Ved ? bringe sammen ekspertise og metoder fra musikkvitenskap, jus og sosiologi, vil prosjektet MASHED g? tverrfaglig til verks for ? studere dette spenningsforholdet via tre overlappende fokusomr?der, hvor den ene tar for seg mashup-musikken fra et estetisk perspektiv, den andre tar for seg relasjonen mellom musikken og opphavsrett, og den tredje unders?ker p? hvilken algoritmisk plattform-regulering p?virker mashup-artister og deres musikk.


M?let for prosjektet er

  • ? belyse viktige konsekvenser som oppst?r p? bakgrunn av ulike forst?elser av hvordan ytringsfriheten b?r beskyttes
  • ? utvikle et tverrfaglig og empirisk fundert teoretisk rammeverk som favner kompleksiteten og variabiliteten til hvordan begrepene forfatterskap og eierskap blir forst?tt og operasjonalisert i dagens samfunn

For mer informasjon om prosjektet, se v?re engelske sider


  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2021). Remix’s retreat? Content moderation, copyright law and mashup music. New Media & Society. ISSN 1461-4448. 25(6), s. 1271–1289. doi: 10.1177/14614448211026059. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Colbj?rnsen, Terje; Hui, Alan & Solstad, Benedikte (2021). What do you pay for all you can eat? Pricing practices and strategies in streaming media services. Journal of Media Business Studies. ISSN 1652-2354. doi: 10.1080/16522354.2021.1949568. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jones, Ellis (2021). The role of mashup music in creating Web 2.0’s democratic promise. Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. ISSN 1354-8565. doi: 10.1177/1354856520983758.
  • Hui, Alan (2021). Emerging frontiers: Platform regulation of mashups in and beyond an EU context. I Harrison, Ann & Harrison, Ann (Red.), The Present and Future of Music Law. Bloomsbury Academic. ISSN 978-1-5013-6777-9. s. 64–81. doi: http:/dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501367809.0013.
  • Hui, Alan & D?hl, Frederic (2021). Collateral Damage: Reuse in the Arts and the New Role of Quotation Provisions in Countries with Free Use Provisions After the ECJ’s Pelham, Funke Medien and Spiegel Online Judgments. IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. ISSN 0018-9855. 52, s. 852–892. doi: 10.1007/s40319-021-01084-4.
  • Hui, Alan (2021). Mashup music as expression displaced and expression foregone. Internet Policy Review. ISSN 2197-6775. 10(4). doi: 10.14763/2021.4.1604. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2020). Detection Algorithms and their Implications for Participation: The Case of Mashups. Selected Papers of Internet Research, SPIR. ISSN 2162-3317. 2020: AoIR2020. doi: 10.5210/spir.v2020i0.11181.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2020). Remiksens retrett? Innvirkningen av plattformers gjenkjenninsprosedyrer p? mashups. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 3(2020). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Eidsvold-T?ien, Irina (2020). Kunstnerisk frihet - en menneskerett. I Br?then, Tore; Furuseth, Eivind & Mikelsen, Anders (Red.), Hvor din skatt er vil ogs? ditt hjerte v?re : Festskrift til Ole Gjems-Onstad 70 ?r. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202675592. s. 197–228. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2020). Book review: Popular Music in the Post-Digital Age. Popular Music. ISSN 0261-1430. 39(1), s. 146–148. doi: 10.1017/S0261143020000045.
  • Novovic, Milos (2019). Fighting European ‘Copyright Tourism’: Lessons from Defamation Laws. European Review of Private Law. ISSN 0928-9801. 27(5), s. 949–971.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2019). Book Review: Spotify Teardown: Inside the Black Box of Streaming Music. Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. ISSN 1354-8565. 25(4), s. 782–785. doi: 10.1177/1354856519854204.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Mixing with Quotations: Mashups and Contextual Transformation. I Zagorski-Thomas, Simon; Isakoff, Katia; Stévance, Sophie & Lacasse, Serge (Red.), The Art of Record Production, Volume 2: Creative Practice in the Studio. Routledge. ISSN 978-1138205109. s. 50–65. doi: 10.4324/9781315467658-4.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Humor's Role in Mashups and Remixes. I Braae, Nick & Hansen, Kai Arne (Red.), On Popular Music and Its Unruly Entanglements. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-18099-7. s. 189–207. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-18099-7.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Sinnreich, Aram (2019). Do You Wanna Build a Wall? Remix Tactics in the Age of Trump. Popular music and society. ISSN 0300-7766. 43(5). doi: 10.1080/03007766.2019.1650990.
  • Hesmondhalgh, David; Jones, Ellis Nathaniel & Rauh, Andreas (2019). SoundCloud and Bandcamp as Alternative Music Platforms. Social Media + Society. ISSN 2056-3051. 5(4). doi: 10.1177/2056305119883429. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2019). What does Facebook ‘afford’ do-it-yourself musicians? Considering social media affordances as sites of contestation. Media, Culture and Society. ISSN 0163-4437. s. 1–16. doi: 10.1177/0163443719853498.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2019). DIY and popular music: mapping an ambivalent relationship across three historical case studies. Popular music and society. ISSN 0300-7766. doi: 10.1080/03007766.2019.1671112.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). Parody in the Age of Remix: Mashup Creativity vs. the Takedown. MIT Press. ISBN 9780262374125. 328 s.
  • Jones, Ellis (2021). DIY Music and the Politics of Social Media. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781501359637. 184 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). Crises affecting the economy, production, and consumption of music: Perspectives from remixers.
  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). Users’ Freedom of Expression in the Digital Era .
  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). Crisis in the Flow of Remixes and in the Maintenance of Copyright Exceptions.
  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). Presentation of the book Parody in the Age of Remix.
  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). Wakeful Sleep and Sleepy wakefulness in EDM.
  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). You’re not supposed to sample and rely on copyright exceptions.
  • Br?vig, Ragnhild (2023). Publishing Panel (on the publishing of Parody in the Age of Remix).
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2021). Rhythm, Repetition, and Expectations.
  • Hui, Alan (2020). Revenue assignment in music sampling: the challenge of who owns and who owes.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2020). “Parody in the Age of Remix and Takedowns” .
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2020). A Doubled Now: Parody Theories.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2020). Playful Rhythms and Mosaic Flow.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2020). Slutten p? mashup musikk?
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2020). Slutten p? remix? Spenningsforholdet mellom mashup-musikk og automatiske reguleringsverkt?y.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2020). Presentasjon av MASHED-prosjektet.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2020). Detection Algorithms and their Implications for Participation: The Case of Mashups.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2020). Mashups, musicians, and majors: the politics of participatory culture today .
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Smedsrud, Morten Skipenes (2020). Algoritmene lammer kreativiteten. [Fagblad]. Apollon.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2020). Mashup Music, Intertextuality, and Copyright.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel; Mangaoang, ?ine & de Boise, Sam (2020). Panel discussion: online participatory music cultures today.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2020). The historical role of ‘mashup culture’ in envisioning a democratic media environment.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild; Jones, Ellis Nathaniel; Hui, Alan; Perrett, Josh & Manning, Maddie (2019). Promo video of the research project MASHED: Mashup Music, Copyright, and Platform Regulation.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild; Jones, Ellis Nathaniel & Perrett, Josh (2019). Invitation video for survey participation related to the research project MASHED: Mashup Music, Copyright, and Platform Regulation.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Presentation of the MASHED-project.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Sinnreich, Aram (2019). Paper on the Panel Resist, Rebel, Remix: Politics and Practice in Digital Culture.
  • Marte, D?hlen & Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Hvem er den egentlige artisten bak mashups og sample-musikk? [Fagblad]. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录.no.
  • Cederkvist, Vibeke & Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Musikkverdenen voksne ikke forst?r. [Internett]. NRK.no.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Aareskjold, Jon Marius (2019). Vocal Chops and its Aesthetics.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild; Théberge, Paul; Lefford, Nyssim; Provenzano, Catherine & Williams, Alan (2019). Methodology Panel.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Music Listening - Meso time.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Aareskjold, Jon Marius (2019). Vocal Chops and it's aesthetics.
  • Hui, Alan (2019). Norwegian copyright limitations and exceptions following Pelham v Hütter.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2019). The historical role of ‘mashups’ in envisioning a democratic media environment.
  • Bishop, Sophie & Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2019). Just a folk theory? User understandings of algorithms as media critique.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Mashups as Bisociative.
  • Hui, Alan (2019). IPTrollet blog: After the Kraftwerk ruling: Narrower limitations and exceptions for EU and EEA?
  • Kjus, Yngvar & Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Med opphavsrett p? studieplanen. [Fagblad]. Ballade.no.
  • Hui, Alan (2019). Platform regulation of mashup makers in a post-Brexit UK.
  • Hui, Alan; Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2019). Grey Tuesday (Musikk I gr?sonen).
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Humor, Parody and Mashups.
  • Eidsvold-T?ien, Irina (2019). A viewpoint on sustainability in the cultural ecosystem- through a performers and copyright perspective .
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Musical Fragmentation and Pleasure.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel; Hesmondhalgh, David & Rauh, Andreas (2019). Bandcamp and SoundCloud as alternative music platforms.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel & Hyland, Patrick (2019). Negotiating conceptions of “lo-fi” authenticity in collaborative work.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Aareskjold, Jon Marius (2019). Vocal chops and Rhythm.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Mashup and Parody.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Musical Fragmentation and Dual-Planed Temporality.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2019). Presentation of MASHED; TIME; and MusFrag.
  • Kjus, Yngvar; Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild; Asker?i, Eirik; Hartung, Mike; Wergeland Juell, Magnus & Karoliussen, Sara (2019). Musikkprodusentens rolle.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild; Aareskjold, Jon Marius & Sandvik, Bj?rnar (2018). EDM Producers' Reflections on Groove.
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild (2018). Panel ved boklansering av Yngvar Kjus bok "Live and Recorded: Music Experience in the Digital Millennuim".
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2018). Imagining an audience in DIY music.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2018). DIY as the new default.
  • Jones, Ellis Nathaniel (2018). Are platforms 'deskilling' musicians?
  • Br?vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild & Sinnreich, Aram (2018). Do You Wanna Build a Wall? Remix Tactics in the Age of Trump.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 6. mars 2018 09:23 - Sist endret 16. des. 2022 13:44


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