Syllabus/achievement requirements

The articles in the syllabus marked with * you will find in a compendium that you can buy in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern.



*Dahlerup, Drude (2018) Has democracy failed women? Cambridge: Polity Press (1-68, 68 p) 

Just for KFL4060: 

*-Fehr Drude von der et al. (eds.). (1998) Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. UCL Press, London


To get access to the titles marked link, you must be logged in via the server of the University of Oslo.


The articles in the syllabus marked with * you will find in a compendium that you can buy in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern.

Reading list KFL2060/4060

Lecture 1: Introduction to the course and to the Nordic welfare state

*Kangas Olli, Palme Joakim & Kainu Markus (2016) “The Nordic Welfare State Model” in Fr?nes Ivar & Kj?lsrud Lise (eds.) Det Norske Samfunn bind 3. Gyldendal. p. 38 – 57 (19 p.) ISBN 978-82-05-49692-7

Teigen Mari & Skjeie Hege (2017) “The Nordic Gender Equality Model: Comparing Scores”short version of a Chapter in Knutsen Oddbj?rn (ed.) The Nordic Model of political science – challenged, but still viable. Fagbokforlaget. p. 125 – 148 (23 pages) ISBN 978-82-450-2175-2


Lecture 2: What is gender equality? Key concepts in the Nordic context

Fraser Nancy (1994) “After the Family Wage. Gender Equity and the Welfare State” in Political Theory, Vol. 22, No 4. Sage publications. p.591-618 (27p)

*Hernes Helga (1987) “Welfare state citizenship of Scandinavian women” chapter in Welfare State and Woman Power: Essays in State Feminism. Norwegian University Press, pp. 135 – 163 (28 p)

*Hirdman Yvonne (1991) “The Gender System” in Andreasen Tayo, Borchorst Anette, Dahlerup Drude (eds.) Moving on. New perspectives on the Womens’ Movement. Aarhus University Press. p. 187-207 (20p) ISBN 8772883685

Nielsen Harriet Bjerrum (2017) “Feelings and the Social Transformation of Gender” in Nielsen Harriet Bjerrum: Feeling Gender. A Generational and Psychosocial Approach. Palgrave Macmillian. p 1-22 (22p)

Widerberg Karin (2000) “Harrit Holter. A Pioneer in Gender Studies and Sociology”. Acta Sociologica 43 (4). p.413-420 (8p)


Lecture 3: Work-family balance – from a family perspective


Korsvik Trine Rogg (2011) "Childcare policy since the 1970s in the ‘most gender equal country in the world’: A field of controversy and grassroots activism", European Journal of Women's Studies, 18 (2). (19p).


Nadim  Marjan (2016) “Undermining the Male Breadwinner Ideal? Understandings of Women’s Paid Work among Second-Generation Immigrants in Norway”. Sociology Vol.50 (1) Sage. p.109-124 (15 p).


*Smeby Kristine Warhuus (2017) “When work meets childcare – the competing logics of mothering and gender equality.” in Brandt Berit, Halrynjo Sigtona & Kvande Elin (eds.) (2017) Work-Family Dynamics: Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals. Routledge. p. 89-104 (15p)


Aarseth Helene 2007, "Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context", NORA 15 (2-3), p. 133-143. (21p)

*Halrynjo, Sigtona (2017) “Ch. 12: Exploring the career logic within the Nordic work-family model” i (Red) Brandth, Berit; Halrynjo, Sigtona & Kvande, Elin: Work-Family Dynamics. Competing Logics of Regulation, Economy and Morals. Routledge. (17p)


Lecture 4: Access to work, education and politics


*Dahlerup Drude (2018) Has democracy failed women? the following chapters and pages: “Exclusion without words” (chapter 1, p.1-27) “Breaking Male Dominance in Politics” (chapter 2, p. 28-58) and the first pages of “The Impact of Gender Quotas” (p. 59-68). Polity Press p. 1-68 (68 p)


Teigen Mari (2011) "Quotas in Corporate Boards" in Niskanen Kirsti (ed.): Gender and Power in the Nordic Countries, 2011, NIKK publication 2011:1. (24p)

Lahelma Elina (2005) "School Grades And Other Resources: “The Failing Boys” Discourse Revisited" in  NORA, 13 (2), p. 78-89. (12p)


Railo Erkka (2014)”Women’s Magazines, the Female Body, and Political Participation”, NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 22 (1), p. 48-62 (13 p)


Lecture 5: Men and masculinities in a Nordic Perspective


Ekenstam Claes (2005) “Manly or unmanly? Fear of falling” in NIKK magasin 3-2005, p 27-31 (5p)


Eriksen Ingunn Marie, Lyng Selma Therese (2016) Relational aggression among boys: blind spots and hidden dramas.  Gender and Education. (14 p)


Farstad Gunhild R., Stefansen Kari (2015) “Involved fatherhood in the Nordic context: dominant narratives, divergent approachesNORMA Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies, Volume 10 - Issue 1 p. 55-70 (15 p)



Nielsen Harriet Bjerrum (2004) "European Gender Lessons: Girls and boys at scout camps in Denmark, Portugal, Russia and Slovakia”, Childhood 11 (2), p. 207-226. (20 p)


Hearn Jeff, Nordberg  Marie, Andersson Kjerstin, Balkmar Dag, Gottzén Lucs, Klinth Roger, Pringle Keith and Sandberg Linn (2012) ”Hegemonic Masculinity and Beyond: 40 Years of Research in Sweden”, Men and Masculinities,  15 (1), p. 31 (19p)


Lecture 6: Gender equality in an intersectional perspective

*Gullestad, Marianne (2007) Plausible Prejudice, excerpt from chapter VI “Invisible fences: reinventing sameness and difference”. Universitetsforlaget. p 168-192 (24 p)

Knobblock I., Kuokkanen R.(2015). "Decolonizing Feminism in the North: A Conversation with Rauna Kuokkanen.NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 23(4) p. 275-281. (6 p)

*Mulinari Diana (2008) “Women-friendly? Understanding gendered racism in Sweden” in Melby Kari, Ravn Anna-Birte, Carlsson Christina Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia: The limits of political ambition? Policy Press. p 167 -181 (14 p)

*Rydstr?m Jens (2011) “Summary and conclusions” in Rydstr?m Jens: Odd Couples. A History of Gay Marriage in Scandinavia. Aksant. p.167-177. notes 212. (10p)



Anderssen Norman & Hellesund Tone (2009) “Heteronormative Consensus in the Norwegian Same-Sex Adoption Debate?” in Journal of Homosexuality Vol 56 (1) p. 102-120 (18 p)

*Borchorst Anette, Freidenvall Lenita, Kantola Johanna, Reisel Liza, Teigen Mari. (2012) “Institutionalizing Intersectionality in the Nordic Countries: Anti-Discrimination and Equality in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden” in Krizsan Andrea, Skjeie Hege, Squires Judith (eds.) Institutionalizing Intersectionality. The Changing Nature of European Equality Regimes. Palgrave MacMillian. p. 59 – 88 (29 p.)

Siim Birte & Skjeie Hege (2008) “Tracks, intersections and dead ends. Multicultural challenges to state feminism in Denmark and Norway” Ethnicities Vol 8(3), p. 322-344 (22 p)



Lecture 7: Gender-based violence


Bredal Anja (2014) “Ordinary v. Other Violence? Conseptualising Honour Based Violence in Scandinavian Public Policies” in Gill A.K., Strange C., Roberts K. (eds.) ‘Honour’ Killing and Violence. Theory, Policy and Practice. Palgrave macmillan. 20 p.


Enander Viveka & Holmberg Carin (2008) “Why Does She Leave? The Leaving Process(es) of Battered Women” in Health Care for Women International, 29:3, p. 200-226, (26p) 


Ericsson Kjersti (1998) "Sexual harassment and the genderization of work" in Fehr Drude von der, Jonasdottir Anna G., Rosenbeck Bente (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. UCL Press. p. 176-196. (21p).


Gill Aisha K. (2014) “Introduction: ‘Honour’ and ‘Honour’-Based Violence: Challenging Common Assumptions” in Gill A.K., Strange C., Roberts K. (eds.) ‘Honour’ Killing and Violence. Theory, Policy and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 1-23 (23p).


Skilbrei May-Len & Holmstr?m Charlotta (2017). The Swedish Sex Purchase Act: Where does it Stand? Oslo Law Review.  ISSN 2387-3299. 1(2), p 82- 104. (22p.)


Lecture 8: Explaining change - structure and agents


Ellings?ter  Anne Lise 1999, "Women’s right to work: The interplay of state, market and women’s agency", NORA, 2-3 (7), p. 109-123. (15p).


Nielsen Harriet Bjerrum & Rudberg Monica (2000) "Gender, Love and Education in Three Generations. The Way Out and Up", The European Journal of Women’s Studies 7 (4), p. 423-453. (31 p)


Predelli Line Nyhagen & Halsaa Beatrice (2012) “Political Opportunities and Violence against Women” from Majority-Minority Relations in Contemporary Women’s Movements. Strategic Sisterhood. Palgrave Macmillian. chapter 4, p. 86-104 (18p)



Lecture 9: Travelling towards a gender balanced society?


*Haavind Hanne (1984) “Love and Power in Marriage”. Holter, Harriet (ed.) Patriarchy in a Welfare Society. Universitetsforlaget, p 46-66. (22p)


Lister Ruth (2009) ”A Nordic Nirvana? Gender, Citizenship, and Social Justice in the Nordic Welfare States”, Social Politics, 16 (2), p. 242-278 (36p)



Skjeie Hege & Teigen Mari (2005) "Political Constructions of Gender Equality: Travelling Towards… a Gender Balanced Society", NORA 13 (3), p. 187-197 (11p)


?s Berit : The master suppression techniques:


Lecture 10: Summing up and preparing for exam



For students at KFL4060: * Fehr Drude von der et al. (eds.). (1998) Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society. UCL Press, London



2: Wetterberg Christina Carlsson: "Equal or different? That’s not the question. Women’s political strategies in a historical perspective" pp 21-40 (20p)


12: Sj?rup Karen: “The gender relation and professionalism in the post-modern world: social brotherhood and beyond.” pp 217-242 (23p)


13: Haavind Hanne: “Understanding women in the psychological mode: the challenge from the experience of Nordic women” pp 243-271 (28p)


17: Ve Hildur: “Rationality and identity in Norwegian feminism” pp 325-343 (19p)


Published June 1, 2018 12:00 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2018 12:46 PM