Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books that have to be purchased:

Titles marked with * are from books that have to be purchased that you can buy in the bookshop Akademika at Blindern.

*Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds). Feminist Perspectives on Social Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

You may purchase this anthology at Akademika (the campus bookstore) or at the campus library. Texts from this anthology are marked *in the reading list.

* Ramazano?lu, C., & Holland, J. (2002). Feminist Methodology. London, England: SAGE Publications Ltd. (e-book). Link DOI



To get access to the titles marked link, you must be logged in via the server of University of Oslo.



The remaining texts are available in a course-reader/Compendium, that you will find in the basement in Akademika bookstore (Kopiutsalget)


Ahmed, S.: “Open Forum Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the ‘New Materialism’,” European Journal of Women’s Studies 15.1 (2008) p. 23–39. Link DOI.

Alcoff, Linda Martín: “Introduction” in Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self.  Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online (2006) p. 1-9. Link DOI.

Alcoff, Linda Martín: “Then and Now,” in The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 26, No 2 (2012) p. 268-278. Link.

Bacchi, Carol: “Discourse, Discourse Everywhere: Subject ‘Agency’ in Feminist Discourse Methodology,” in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 13:03 (2005) 198-209. Link DOI.

Bal, M: Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: a Rough Guide, 2002. University of Toronto Press. 22-55 (33 p).

Berg, Anne‐Jorunn “Silence and Articulation—Whiteness, Racialization and Feminist Memory Work,” NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 16:4 (2008) p. 213-227. Link DOI.

*Bhavnani, Kum-Kum: "Tracing the Contours: Feminist Research Objectivity" in Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 65-75. (10 p).

Braidotti, Rosi,: "The Uses and Abuses of the Sex/Gender Distinction in European Feminist Practices" in Griffin, Gabriele and Braidotti, Rosi (eds): Thinking Differently. A European Women's Studies Reader, 2002. London: Zed Books. 285-304 (19 p).

Butler, Judith. ”Sexual politics, torture, and secular time.” in The British Journal of Sociology. Vol. 59, No. 1, (March 2008). p. 1-23. March. Link DOI eller Link.

Christensen, Ann-Dorte and Sune Qvotrup Jensen: “Doing Intersectional Analysis: Methodological Implications for Qualitative Research,” NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 20:2 (2012) p.109-125. Link DOI.

Code, Lorraine: “A New Epistemology of Rape?,” Philosophical Papers, 38:3 (2009), p. 327-345. Link DOI.

Code, Lorraine. Statements of Fact: Whose? Where? When?, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 30: sup1 (2000), p. 175-208. Link DOI.

Davis, Noela: “New Materialism and Feminism's Anti-Biologism : A Response to Sara Ahmed,” European Journal of Women's Studies 16.1 (2009 ) p. 67-80. Link DOI eller Link.

De Lauretis, Teresa: Alice Doesn’t: feminism, semiotics and cinema, 1984. Bloomington: Indiana U.P. 12-36. (24 p) .

*Devault, Marjorie L: "Talking and Listening from Women's Standpoint: Feminist strategies for Interviewing and Analysis" in Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 227-246 (19 p).

*Errante, Antoinette: "But Sometimes You're Not Part of the Story" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford:Oxford University Press. 411-431 (20 p).

Fox Keller, Evelyn: "The Gender/Science System: Or, Is Sex to Gender as Nature Is to Science? " in Hypatia. Vol. 2.3 , 1987. 37-49 (13 p). Link.

*Geiger, Susan: "What's So Feminist about Women's Oral History?" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford:Oxford University Press. 399-408 (9 p).

Gressg?rd, Randi. “Mind the Gap: Intersectionality, Complexity and ‘the Event’,” Theory & Science 10 (2008) p. 1-16. Link.

Grosz, Elizabeth: “The Untimeliness of Feminist Theory,” in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 18:1(2010), p. 48-51. Link DOI.

Haraway, Donna: "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s" in Ed. Linda Nicholson: Feminism/Postmodernism, 1990. New York and London: Routledge. 190-223 (33 p). Link (pdf).

Harding, Sandra: "Can Men be Subjects of feminist thought" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford:Oxford University Press. 177-195 (18 p).

Harding, Sandra: “Introduction: ‘Is There a Feminist Method?’ ” In Feminism and methodology : social science issues. Bloomington; Milton Keynes [Buckinghamshire]: Indiana University Press; Open University Press, 1987, p. 1-14. Link.

*Harding, Sandra: "Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is strong objectivity?" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 39-58 (19 p).

*Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Denise Leckenby: "How Feminists Practice Social Research" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds). : Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 209-225 (16 p).

*Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy, Patricia and Michelle L. Yaiser. : "Difference Matters: Studying Across Race, Class, Gender, and sexuality" in Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds) : Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 101-117 (16 p).

*Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy, Patricia Leavy and Michelle L. Yaiser: "Feminist Approaches to Research as a Process: Reconceptualizing Epistemology, Methodology, and Method" in Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds.): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 3-22 (19 p).

*Hollander, Jocelyn A: "Vulnerability and Dangerousness: The Construction of Gender through Conversation about Violence" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds) : Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 296-317 (21 p).

Kristeva, Julia: Revolution in Poetic Language, 1984. New York: Colombia University Press. From part 1 The semiotic and the symbolic : 1. “The Phenomenological Subject of Enunciation” (21-24); 2. “The Semiotic Chora Ordering the Drives” (25-30) (8 p.)

Laqueur; Thomas W.: “The Rise of Sex in the Eighteenth Century: Historical Context and Historiographical Implications. Signs, Vol. 37, No. 4, Sex: A Thematic Issue (Summer 2012), p. 802-812. Link.

Lempiainen, Kirsti: "A Short Introduction to the Use of ’sex’ and ’gender’ in the Scandinavian Languages" in Rosi Braidotti and Esther Vonk (Eds) Utrecht: The making of European Women’s Studies. A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues, 2000. ATHENA. 24-25 (2 s).

Letherby, Gayle: Feminist research in theory and practice, 2003. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press. p. 80-98 (18 p) .

Mehrez, Samia: "Translating Gender" in Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 3.1, 2006. 106-126. (10 p). Link.

Moi, Toril: "'I am not a woman writer' About women, literature and feminist theory today" in Feminist theory. Vol. 9:3 , 2008. 259 -268. (9). Link.

Moi, Toril:  “Patriarchal Thought and the Drive for Knowledge,What is a Woman? , 1999. Oxford: Oxford University Press” 348-368 (20 p).

Moore, Henrietta: Feminism and Anthropology, 1988. Oxford: Polity Press. 12-41 (30 p).

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum: “Historical, cultural, and emotional meanings: Interviews with young girls in three generations,” in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 11:1 (2003), p. 14-26. Link DOI.

Roseneil, Sasha : "Criticality, Not Paranoia: A Generative Register for Feminist Social Research" in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. 19: 2 , 2011. 124-130. (6 p). Link.

Scott, Joan W: "Feminism's History" in Journal of Women's History. Vol. 16.2 , 2004. 10-26 (16 p). Link.

Scott, J. W. “Storytelling,” History and Theory, 50 (2011), p. 203–209. Link DOI.

Skeggs, Beverley: "The moral economy of person production: the class relations of self-performance on ‘reality’ television" in The Sociological Review Vol. 57.4, 2009. 626–644, (18). Link.

Skeggs, Beverley: "Context and Background: Pierre Bourdieu's analysis of class, gender and sexuality" in The Sociological Review. Vol. 52, 2004. 19–33, (14). Link.

*Smith, Dorothy E: "Women’s Perspective as a Radical Critique of Sociology” Feminist Approaches to Research as a Process: Reconceptualizing Epistemology, Methodology, and Method" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds). : Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 27-38 (11 p).

Spivak, Gayatri C: "The Politics of Translation" in Ed. Lawrence Venuti: The Translation Studies Reader, 2000. London: Routledge. 397-414. (17 p) .

*Sprague, Joey and Dinane Kobrynowicz: "A Feminist Epistemology" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 78-94. (16 p).

Weston, Kath: "Fieldwork in Lesbian and Gay Communities" in *Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Michelle L. Yaiser (eds): Feminist Perspectives on Social Research, 2004. Oxford:Oxford University Press. 98-204 (6 p).

Widerberg, Karin: "Disciplinization of Gender Studies. Old Questions, New Answers? Nordic Strategies in the European Context" in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research Vol 14.2 , 2006. 131-139 (8 p). Link.

Widerberg, Karin: "Translating Gender" in NORA. Vol. 6. 2 , 1998. 133 -138 (5 p). Link.

Widerberg, Karin: "Women 's experiences--text or relation? Looking at research practices from a sociological and feminist perspective" in NORA. vol 4. 2 , 1996. 128 -136 (8 p).


Published May 26, 2015 11:17 AM - Last modified July 6, 2015 9:40 AM