Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required reading


The articles in the syllabus list are gathered in compendiums which you can buy in the bookshop, in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern. To access the titles with links you must be logged in to the University of Oslo's server.


Acker, Joan: Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organisations: Gender and Society, 4, 2, 1990. 131-158 (27 pages). link (pdf).

Attwood, Feona in Attwood, Feona ed. : Mainstreaming Sex: The Sexualisation of Western Culture, 2009. London: Tauris. pp. xiii-xxiv (16 pages)

Beasly, Christine: Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity in a Globalizing World. Men and masculinities, 2008. 11, 1, p. 86-103 (17 pages). link (pdf).

Bennett, Judith M: History matters. Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism , 2006. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (extracts pp 6-19, 54-60).

Borchorst Anette and Birte Siim in: Feminist Theory, 2008, Vol9, (2). Sage Publications. Women-friendly policies and state feminism. Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality. pp 207-224, 17 pages. link.

Braidotti, Rosi in Griffin, Gabriele and Braidotti, Rosi: Thinking Differently, 2002. London: Zed Books. Identity, Subjectivity and Difference: A Critical Genealogy, pp 158-178 (20 pages).

Butler Judith in Phillips Anne (ed.): Feminism and Politics, 2001. Feminism and Politics. Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire, pp. 273-291 (18 pages) .

Cahill, Ann in : Hypatia, 2000, 15, 1. Foucault, Rape, and the Construction of the Feminine Body, 43-63 (20 pages). link.

CEDAW convention, (5 pages). link.

Crenshaw, Kimberle Williams in Crenshaw Kimberle, Neil Gotanda, Gary Peller and Kendall Thomas (ed.): Critical Race Theory. The Key Writings that Formed the Movement , 1995. The New Press. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence Against Women of Color, pp.357-383 (36 pages) Jfr. link (pdf).

Connell R.W.: Masculinities, 1995. Polity Press. The Social Organization of Masculinity, pp. 67-86 (19 pages)

Connell R.W.: Southern Theory, 2007. Cambridge: Polity Press. Modern general theory and its hidden assumptions, pp 27-48 (21 pages)

Edwards, Tim: Cultures of Masculinity, 2006. London: Routledge. Violence and violation – men, masculinity and power, pp 44-63 (19 pages)

Foucault, Michel: The History of Sexuality, vol 1, 1984. Scientia Sexualis, pp 53-73 (20 pages) link.

Fraser Nancy: Justice Interruptus. Critical Refelctions on the “Postsocialist” Condition, 1997. Routledge. From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of Justice, pp 11-39 (28 pages).

Fraser Nancy: Scales of Justice. Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World, 2008. Polity Press. Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World, pp 12-20 (8 pages).

Haavind, Hanne in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press. pp 243-271 (28 pages)

Halsaa, Beatrice In Jones, Kathleen & Karlsson, Gunnel (eds): Gender and the Interests of Love. Essays in honour of Anna G. Jonasdottir, 2008. Centrum for feministiska samhallsstudier 8, ?rebro . A Passion for Love. pp 43-70 (27 pages).

Hernes Helga: Welfare State and Women Power. Essays in State Feminism, 1987. Oslo: Norwegian University Press . Introduction, and The Welfare State Citizenship of Scandinavian Women, pp 9-29, 135-163 (48 pages).

Hirdman, Yvonne In Tayo Andreasen (ed.) : Moving on, 1991. Aarhus: University Press. The gender system, pp 187-207 (20 pages).

Holter, Harriet: Sex Roles and Social Structure, 1970. Universitetsforlaget ,Oslo . Sex Roles and Social Differentiation, pp 9-53 (44 pages).

Holter, Harriet (ed): Patriarchy in a welfare society, 1984. University Press, Oslo . Women’s research and social theory, pp 9-25 (17 pages).

Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g in Berg, Anne Marie; Eikeland, Olav (eds): Action Research and Organization Theory, 2008. Gender and action research, pp 167-90 (23 pages).

Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g : Gender, Patriarchy and Capitalism, 1997. WRI, Oslo . Looking for causes, 285-90, On patriarchal strategy p 383-87, Three patriarchal contexts of modern society p 408-12, 23 pages.

Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g in: NORMA 4, 2009. Power and structure in studies of men and masculinities, 132-150 (18 pages). link.

Jonasdottir, Anna G: In: Why Women are Oppressed, 1994. Temple University Press, Philadelphia . Constructive theses, pp 217-227 (10 pages).

Joyce, Rosemary: Rosemary: Ancient bodies, ancient lives, 2008. Thames and Hudson, London . Introduction p 6-21, Understanding sex and gender biologically p 43-45, Goddesses, matriarchs and manly-hearted women p 46-55, (26 pages) .

Lukes, Steven: Power – A Radical View (second edition), 2005. Palgrave, New York. Power, freedom and reason, pp 60-107 (47 pages).

Lyng, Selma Therese in Lewis, P. and Simpson, R. (eds.): Revealing and Concealing Gender: Issues of Visibility in Organizations, 2010. Palgrave. “Mothered” and othered. (In)visibility of care responsibility and gender in the processes of excluding women from Norwegian law firms, (25 pages).

Moi, Toril: "Appropriating Bourdieu: Feminist Theory and Pierre Bordieu's Sociology of Culture " in What is a Woman? And older essays, 1999. Oxford University Press. Chapter 3, pp 264-299 (35 pages).

Mulinari, Diana, Suvi Keskinen, Sari Irni and Sella Tuori: Complying with Colonialism, 2009. Ashgate. Introduction: Postcolonailism and the Nordic Models of Welfare and Gender, pp1-16 (16 pages).

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum & Rudberg, Monica in: NORA 2&3, 2007. Fun in gender – youth and sexuality, class and generation, pp. 100-113 (13 pages). link.

Reeser, Todd : Masculinities in Theory, 2010. Wiley Blackwel . Theorizing masculinity, pp 17-54, (37 pages)

Sen, Amartya: The Many Faces of Gender Inequality , 2001, sept. 17. The New Republic. link.

Scott, Joan W: Feminist Studies Vol 14 No 1, 1988. Deconstructing Equality Versus Difference: Or the Uses of Poststructuralist Theory for Feminism, pp 33-50 (17 pages). link.

Siim, Birte and Hege Skjeie : Ethnicities, 2008:8. Tracks, intersections and dead ends: Multicultural challenges to state feminism in Denmark and Norway, pp. 322-344 (22 pages). link.

Solheim, Jorun in Holter, ?. G.; Borchgrevink, T. (eds) : Labour of Love – Beyond the Self-evidence of Everyday Life, 1995. Avebury, Aldershot. Shelter from the Storm, pp 45-69 (24 pages).

Squires, Judith ed.: The New Politics of Gender Equality, 2007. Palgrave Macmillan. Equality Strategies: Quotas, Policy Agencies and Mainstreaming, pp 21-51 (30 pages)

Therborn, G?ran: Between Love and Power. Family in the world 1900-2000, 2004. Routledge, London . Introduction, pp 1-12, 17-29, 301-6 (29 pages)

Walby, Sylvia: Theorizing Patriarchy , 1990. Blackwell, Oxford . Introduction, pp 1-24, (24 pages)

Young Iris Marion in Phillips Anne (ed.): Feminism and Politics, 2001. Oxford University Press. Polity and Group Difference: A Critique of the Ideal of Universal Citizenship, pp 401-429 (28 pages)

Published May 22, 2013 10:15 AM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2013 11:27 AM