Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required reading


To access the titles marked link, you must be logged in to the server og University of Oslo.


The articles in the syllabus list are gathered in compendiums which you can buy in the bookshop, in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern.

Acker, Joan: Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organisations: Gender and Society, 4, 2, 1990. 131-158 (27 pages). link (pdf).

Beasly, Christine: Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity in a Globalizing World. Men and masculinities, 2008. 11, 1, p. 86-103 (17 pages). link (pdf).

Bennett, Judith M: History matters. Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism , 2006. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (extracts pp 6-19, 54-60).

Borchorst Anette and Birte Siim in: Feminist Theory, 2008, Vol9, (2). Sage Publications. Women-friendly policies and state feminism. Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality. pp 207-224, 17 pages. link.

Braidotti, Rosi in Griffin, Gabriele and Braidotti, Rosi: Thinking Differently, 2002. London: Zed Books. Identity, Subjectivity and Difference: A Critical Genealogy, pp 158-178 (20 pages).

Butler Judith in Phillips Anne (ed.): Feminism and Politics, 2001. Feminism and Politics. Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire, pp. 273-291 (18 pages) .

Cahill, Ann in : Hypatia, 2000, 15, 1. Foucault, Rape, and the Construction of the Feminine Body, 43-63 (20 pages). link.

CEDAW convention, (5 pages). link.

Christensen, Ann Dorte & Qvotrup Jensen, Sune: Combining hegemonic masculinity and intersectionality. NORMA 9, 1, 60-75 (15 pages). link.

Crenshaw, Kimberle Williams in Crenshaw Kimberle, Neil Gotanda, Gary Peller and Kendall Thomas (ed.): Critical Race Theory. The Key Writings that Formed the Movement , 1995. The New Press. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence Against Women of Color, pp.357-383 (36 pages) Jfr. link (pdf).

Connell R.W.: Masculinities, 1995. Polity Press. The Social Organization of Masculinity, pp. 67-86 (19 pages)

Connell R.W.: Southern Theory, 2007. Cambridge: Polity Press. Modern general theory and its hidden assumptions, pp 27-48 (21 pages)

Edwards, Tim: Cultures of Masculinity, 2006. London: Routledge. Violence and violation – men, masculinity and power, pp 44-63 (19 pages)

Fraser Nancy: Reframing Justice in Scales of Justice. Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World, 2008. Polity Press. pp 12-20 (8 pages).

Haavind, Hanne in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press. pp 243-271 (28 pages)

Halsaa, Beatrice In Jones, Kathleen & Karlsson, Gunnel (eds): Gender and the Interests of Love. Essays in honour of Anna G. Jonasdottir, 2008. Centrum for feministiska samhallsstudier 8, ?rebro . A Passion for Love. pp 43-70 (27 pages).

Hernes Helga: Welfare State and Woman Power. Essays in State Feminism, 1987. Oslo: Norwegian University Press . Introduction, and The Welfare State Citizenship of Scandinavian Women, pp 9-29, 135-163 (48 pages).

Hirdman, Yvonne In Tayo Andreasen (ed.) : Moving on, 1991. Aarhus: University Press. The gender system, pp 187-207 (20 pages).

Holter, Harriet: Sex Roles and Social Structure, 1970. Universitetsforlaget ,Oslo . Sex Roles and Social Differentiation, pp 9-53 (44 pages).

Harriet Holter: Oppression of women, oppression of men, and master suppression techniques (lecture hand-out) (20 pages)

Holter, Harriet (ed): Patriarchy in a welfare society, 1984. University Press, Oslo . Women’s research and social theory, pp 9-25 (17 pages).

Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g in Berg, Anne Marie; Eikeland, Olav (eds): Action Research and Organisation Theory, 2008. Gender and action research, pp 167-90 (23 pages).

Holter ?ystein Gullv?g: What’s in it for men? Men and masculinities xx, 2014 (in print) (lecture hand-out) (20 p)

Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g : Gender, Patriarchy and Capitalism, 1997. WRI, Oslo. Looking for causes, 285-90, On patriarchal strategy p 383-87, Three patriarchal contexts of modern society p 408-12, 23 pages.

Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g in: NORMA 4, 2009. Power and structure in studies of men and masculinities, 132-150 (18 pages). link.

Jonasdottir, Anna G: In: Why Women are Oppressed, 1994. Temple University Press, Philadelphia . Constructive theses, pp 217-227 (10 pages).

Joyce, Rosemary: Rosemary: Ancient bodies, ancient lives, 2008. Thames and Hudson, London . Introduction p 6-21, Understanding sex and gender biologically p 43-45, Goddesses, matriarchs and manly-hearted women p 46-55, (26 pages) .

Lyng, Selma Therese in Lewis, P. and Simpson, R. (eds.): Revealing and Concealing Gender: Issues of Visibility in Organizations, 2010. Palgrave. “Mothered” and othered. (In)visibility of care responsibility and gender in the processes of excluding women from Norwegian law firms, (25 pages).

Moi, Toril: "Appropriating Bourdieu: Feminist Theory and Pierre Bordieu's Sociology of Culture " in What is a Woman? And older essays, 1999. Oxford University Press. Chapter 3, pp 264-299 (35 pages).

Mulinari, Diana, Suvi Keskinen, Sari Irni and Sella Tuori: Complying with Colonialism, 2009. Ashgate. Introduction: Postcolonailism and the Nordic Models of Welfare and Gender, pp1-16 (16 pages).

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum & Rudberg, Monica in: NORA 2&3, 2007. Fun in gender – youth and sexuality, class and generation, pp. 100-113 (13 pages). link.

Sen, Amartya: The Many Faces of Gender Inequality , 2001, sept. 17. The New Republic. See Frontline link.

Scott, Joan W: Feminist Studies Vol 14 No 1, 1988. Deconstructing Equality Versus Difference: Or the Uses of Poststructuralist Theory for Feminism, pp 33-50 (17 pages). link.

Solheim, Jorun in Holter, ?. G.; Borchgrevink, T. (eds) : Labour of Love – Beyond the Self-evidence of Everyday Life, 1995. Avebury, Aldershot. Shelter from the Storm, pp 45-69 (24 pages).

Squires, Judith ed.: The New Politics of Gender Equality, 2007. Palgrave Macmillan. Equality Strategies: Quotas, Policy Agencies and Mainstreaming, pp 21-51 (30 pages)

Therborn, G?ran: Between Sex and Power. Family in the world 1900-2000, 2004. Routledge, London . Introduction, pp 1-12, 17-29, 301-6 (29 pages)

Walby, Sylvia: Theorizing Patriarchy , 1990. Blackwell, Oxford . Introduction, pp 1-24, (24 pages)

(1030 pages)

Published May 26, 2015 11:25 AM