Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required reading


To access the titles marked link, you must be logged in to the server of University of Oslo.


The articles in the syllabus list are gathered in compendiums which you can buy in the bookshop, in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern.

Acker, Joan: Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organisations: Gender and Society, 4, 2, 1990. 131-158 (27 pages). link (pdf).

Beasly, Christine: Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity in a Globalizing World. Men and masculinities, 2008. 11, 1, p. 86-103 (17 pages). link (pdf).

Borchorst Anette and Birte Siim in: Feminist Theory, 2008, Vol9, (2). Sage Publications. Women-friendly policies and state feminism. Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality. pp 207-224, 17 pages. link.

Christensen, Ann Dorte & Qvotrup Jensen, Sune: Combining hegemonic masculinity and intersectionality. NORMA 9, 1, 60-75 (15 pages). link.

Crenshaw, Kimberle. "Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics." U. Chi. Legal F. (1989): 139.Crenshaw, Kimberle. "Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics." U. Chi. Legal F. (1989): 139. link

Connell R.W.: Masculinities, 1995. Polity Press. The Social Organization of Masculinity, pp. 67-86 (19 pages)

Fraser, Nancy. "After the family wage: Gender equity and the welfare state." Political theory 22.4 (1994): 591-618. link

Fraser, Nancy. "BEHIND MARX'S HIDDEN ABODE For an Expanded Conception of Capitalism." New Left Review 86 (2014): 55-72.

Haavind, Hanne. "Love and power in marriage. I Holter, H.(red.): Patriarchy in a welfare society." (1984).

Halsaa, Beatrice In Jones, Kathleen & Karlsson, Gunnel (eds): Gender and the Interests of Love. Essays in honour of Anna G. Jonasdottir, 2008. Centrum for feministiska samhallsstudier 8, ?rebro . A Passion for Love. pp 43-70 (27 pages).

Hernes Helga: Welfare State and Woman Power. Essays in State Feminism, 1987. Oslo: Norwegian University Press . Introduction, and The Welfare State Citizenship of Scandinavian Women, pp 9-29, 135-163 (48 pages).

Hirdman, Yvonne In Tayo Andreasen (ed.) : Moving on, 1991. Aarhus: University Press. The gender system, pp 187-207 (20 pages).

Holter, Harriet : Oppression of women, oppression of men, and master suppression techniques (lecture hand-out) (20 pages)

Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g: Social Theories for researching men and masculinities. Direct Gender Hierarchy and Structural Inequality, 2005. In Kimmel m.fl: : Handbook of studies on Men and Masculinities. USA: Saga Publications, Inc, ISBN 0-7619-2369-1. pp 15-34.

Jamieson, Lynn:”Intimacy Transformed? A Critical Look at the Pure Relationship”, Sociology 1999, Vol 33 No 3. s.477-494. (17s.) link

Jonasdottir, Anna G: In: Why Women are Oppressed, 1994. Temple University Press, Philadelphia . Constructive theses, pp 217-227 (10 pages).

Kimmel, Michael: (2016) The Gendered Society Reader, kapittel 1., Sixth Edition 2016, Oxford University Press (fronter)

Lyng, Selma Therese in Lewis, P. and Simpson, R. (eds.): Revealing and Concealing Gender: Issues of Visibility in Organizations, 2010. Palgrave. “Mothered” and othered. (In)visibility of care responsibility and gender in the processes of excluding women from Norwegian law firms, (25 pages).

Magnusson, Eva: “Gendering or Equality in the Lives of Nordic Heterosexual Couples with Children: No Well-Paved Avenues Yet”. NORA, 2005, Vol. 13, nr. 3, s.153-163 (10s.) link

Moi, Toril: "Appropriating Bourdieu: Feminist Theory and Pierre Bordieu's Sociology of Culture " in What is a Woman? And older essays, 1999. Oxford University Press. Chapter 3, pp 264-299 (35 pages).

Mulinari, Diana, Suvi Keskinen, Sari Irni and Sella Tuori: Complying with Colonialism, 2009. Ashgate. Introduction: Postcolonailism and the Nordic Models of Welfare and Gender, pp1-16 (16 pages).

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum & Rudberg, Monica in: NORA 2&3, 2007. Fun in gender – youth and sexuality, class and generation, pp. 100-113 (13 pages). link.

Orloff, A.S. (2009), ‘Should Feminist Aim for Gender Symmetry? Why a Dual-Earner/Dual-Caregiver Society Is Not Every Feminist’s Utopia’, I Gornick & Meyer Gender Utopias, pp. 129-157.(28s) link

Sen, Amartya: The Many Faces of Gender Inequality , 2001, sept. 17. The New Republic. See Frontline. link.

Skjeie & Langvasbr?ten. 2009. Intersectionality in practice? International Feminist Journal of Politics. 11:4, 513-529. link.

Solheim, Jorun in Holter, ?. G.; Borchgrevink, T. (eds) : Labour of Love – Beyond the Self-evidence of Everyday Life, 1995. Avebury, Aldershot. Shelter from the Storm, pp 45-69 (24 pages).

Squires, Judith ed.: The New Politics of Gender Equality, 2007. Palgrave Macmillan. Equality Strategies: Quotas, Policy Agencies and Mainstreaming, pp 21-51 (30 pages)

Usdansky, Margaret L. "The genderequality paradox: Class and incongruity between workfamily attitudes and behaviors." Journal of Family Theory & Review 3.3 (2011): 163-178. (15 pages) link

Walby, Sylvia, Jo Armstrong, and Sofia Strid. "Intersectionality: Multiple inequalities in social theory." Sociology 46.2 (2012): 224-240. (26 pages) link

Aarseth, Helene. "From modernized masculinity to degendered lifestyle projects: changes in men's narratives on domestic participation 1990—2005." Men and Masculinities 11.4 (2009): 424-440. (16 pages) link


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Published May 24, 2017 12:00 PM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2017 2:39 PM