
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
12.09.2006Hal Wilhite? SUM, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Introduction? Wilhite et al. 2001, Ortner 1999?
12.09.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 1 ? The different disciplines in the group & environmental sustainability ?
14.09.2006Hal Wilhite? SUM, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Debates in the social sciences? Wilhite and Norgard 2004?
14.09.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 2 ? Variation within the same discipline. Note! Write up, Whilhite et al. 2001.


19.09.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Finding the right research approach, methodology and research tools? Lecture notes 1.1

Lecture notes 1.2?

19.09.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 3? Project design in different disciplines. Note ! Write up, Stige et al. 2006


21.09.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Presenting the data of a research project, writing strategies? Lecture notes 2.1

Lecture notes 2.2

Case study?

25.09.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 4 ? Presentation of research. Note ! Group project delivery?
26.09.2006Desmond McNeill? SUM, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Inter-disciplinary research: contrasting different perspectives? Dasgupta 2001, McNeill 1998, Reisner 1993?
27.09.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 5 ? How disciplines interact – do not interact? Note! Write up, McNeill 1998.?
03.10.2006Desmond McNeill? SUM, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Inter-disciplinary research: combining different perspectives? Taylor 1985

Lecture notes?

03.10.2006Ingrid Nesheim? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 6 ? Summary of course & film!

A nice piece of write up

Hard and soft, and pure and applied research?

09.10.2006? SUM, 4th floor? Exam? 09.00-12.00

Last year's examNote this was a take home exam.?

Published June 30, 2006 2:03 PM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2006 4:15 PM