Syllabus/achievement requirements


Allen, T. & Thomas, A: Poverty and Development into the 21st Century, 2000. Oxford University Press. Kapittel 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 og 21.


Same compendium as SUM3000

Adams, W. & Hulme, D. 2001. Conservation & Community. I: Hulme, D. & Murphree, M. (red.): African Wildlife & Livelihoods. The promise & performance of community conservation (s. 9-23). James Currey.

Adger, W. N., Benjaminsen, T. A., Brown, K. & Svarstad, H. 2001. Advancing a Political Ecology of Global Environmental Discourses. Development and Change, 32: 681–715.

Agraval, A. & Narain, S. 1991. Global Warming in an unequal world: a case of environmental colonialism. Centre for Science and Environment.

Bodansky, D. 2001. The History of the Global Climate Regime. I: Luterbacher, U. & Sprinz, D. (red.): International Relations and Global Climate Change (s. 23-40). MIT Press.

B??s, M. & McNeill, D. 2003. "The Changing Priorities of Multilateral Institutions: From Technical Aid to Good Governance" i B??s, M. & McNeill, D., Multilateral Institutions ((kap 3). Pluto Press.

Hoel, M. 1998. Kostnadseffektive klimaavtaler. I: R?dseth, A. & Riis, C. (red.): Markeder, ressurser og fordeling (kapittel 5). Gyldendal Ad Notam.

Hovden, E. & Lindseth G. 2002. "Norvegian Climate Policy 1989-2002", i Lafferty, William M. m.fl.(red.),Realizing Rio in Norway. (kap 9).ProSus.

Kiely, R. 1998. Transnational companies, global capital and the Third World. I: Kiely, R. & Marfleet, P. (red.): Globalisation and the Third World (s. 45-67). Routledge.

Rosendal, K. 2001. Impacts of Overlapping International Regimes: The Case of Biodiversity. Global Governance, 7: 95-117.

Ruud, A. 2002. Environmental management of transnational corporations in India - are TNCs creating islands of environmental excellence in a sea of dirt? Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(2): 16 s.

Svarstad, H., Daugstad, K. & Vistad, O. I. 2003. Hvem vil v?re enige og tro p? Dovrefjell? Et case om framveksten av lokal forvaltning av verneomr?der. Tidsskriftet Utmark, 2: 14 s. (Optional)

Torvanger, A. 2001. Er Kyotoprotokollen liv laga? Utsikter etter klimam?tet i Bonn. Kirke og Kultur, 5/6: 425-433. (Optional)

Tvedt, T. 1998. "In Search of the Development NGOs" i Tvedt, T, Angels of mercy or development diplomats? NGOs & Foreign Aid (kap 1). Africa World Press.

Tvedt, T. 1998. "Why do Development NGOs Exist?" i Tvedt, T., Angels of mercy or development diplomats? NGOs & Foreign Aid (kap 2. Africa World Press.

Wilhite, H. & Norgard, J. S. 2003. A case for self-deception in energy policy. Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study. European Council for Energy Efficient Economy.

Wilhite, H. 2001. A cross cultural analysis of household energy use behaviour in Japan and Norway. I: Miller, D. (red.): Critical concepts in the social sciences. Routledge.

Passed out:

Torvanger, A., Alfsen, K. H., Kolshus, H. H. & Sygna, L. 2001. The state of climate policy research and climate policy. CICERO.

Published Dec. 23, 2005 10:38 AM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2006 2:59 PM