Syllabus/achievement requirements


Allen, T. & Thomas, A: Poverty and Development into the 21st Century, 2000. Oxford University Press. Kapittel 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17 og 21.


Same compendium as SUM3000

Adams, W. & Hulme, D. 2001. Conservation & Community. I: Hulme, D. & Murphree, M. (red.): African Wildlife & Livelihoods. The promise & performance of community conservation (s. 9-23). James Currey.

Adger, W. N., Benjaminsen, T. A., Brown, K. & Svarstad, H. 2001. Advancing a Political Ecology of Global Environmental Discourses. Development and Change, 32: 681–715.

Agraval, A. & Narain, S. 1991. Global Warming in an unequal world: a case of environmental colonialism. Centre for Science and Environment.

Bodansky, D. 2001. The History of the Global Climate Regime. I: Luterbacher, U. & Sprinz, D. (red.): International Relations and Global Climate Change (s. 23-40). MIT Press.

B??s, M. & McNeill, D. 2003. "The Changing Priorities of Multilateral Institutions: From Technical Aid to Good Governance" i B??s, M. & McNeill, D., Multilateral Institutions ((kap 3). Pluto Press.

Eriksen, Tore Linné: “Globalisation: Myth, Miracle, Monster?”, ch. 5 in Dan Banik (ed.): Poverty, Politics and Development. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Fagbokforlaget 2006, pp. 104-133.

Hovden, E. & Lindseth G. 2002. "Norvegian Climate Policy 1989-2002", i Lafferty, William M. m.fl.(red.),Realizing Rio in Norway. (kap 9).ProSus.

Rosendal, K. 2001. Impacts of Overlapping International Regimes: The Case of Biodiversity. Global Governance, 7: 95-117.

Ruud, Audun: “Sustainable Development: A Useful Tool for Change?”, ch. 6 in Dan Banik (ed.): Poverty, Politics and Development. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Fagbokforlaget 2006, pp. 134-154

Ruud, A. 2002. Environmental management of transnational corporations in India - are TNCs creating islands of environmental excellence in a sea of dirt? Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(2): 16 s.

Tvedt, T. 1998. "In Search of the Development NGOs" i Tvedt, T, Angels of mercy or development diplomats? NGOs & Foreign Aid (kap 1). Africa World Press.

Tvedt, T. 1998. "Why do Development NGOs Exist?" i Tvedt, T., Angels of mercy or development diplomats? NGOs & Foreign Aid (kap 2. Africa World Press.

Wilhite, Harold & Norgaard, J?rgen S.: “Equating Efficiency with Reduction: A Self-Deception in Energy Policy”, in Energy and Environment, volume 15, 2004 (6): 991-1009.

Published Nov. 22, 2006 8:43 AM - Last modified Dec. 19, 2006 1:55 PM