
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.08.2008Hal Wilhite? Auditorium 2 Georg Sverdrups hus, 10.15-12.00? Introduction? Readings: Smith (p 177 - 215), Ortner (p 107 - 137)?
26.08.2008Celine Loades? Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.), 13.15-15.00? Seminar 1? ?
28.08.2008Hal Wilhite? Auditorium 4 Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka, 10.15-12.00? Debates in the social sciences ? Readings: Wilhite et al. 2001 (pp 233 - 254)?
02.09.2008Hal Wilhite? Auditorium 2 Georg Sverdrups hus, 10.15-12.00? ? Readings: Wilhite et al. 2000 (pp 255 - 274) ?
02.09.2008Celine Loades? Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.), 13.15-15.00? Seminar 2? ?
04.09.2008Ingrid Nesheim? Auditorium 4 Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka, 10.15-12.00? Methodology and research tools? Readings: Peres et al. 2003, Stige et al. 2006, Nesheim et al. 2006, Moe et al. 2002, Tuomisto et al. (2003) (can be downloaded from the syllabus/required readings page)

Voluntary reading: Martin

All articles will the basis for discussion in both lectures, most so in the first lecture.

Detailed plan and preparations

PowerPoint presentation?

04.09.2008Ingrid Nesheim? Undervisningsrom 3 Georg Sverdrups hus, 13.15-15.00? Seminar 3? Detailed plan and preparations ?
09.09.2008Ingrid Nesheim? Auditorium 2 Georg Sverdrups hus, 10.15-12.00? Presenting the data of a research project, writing strategies? Readings: Peres et al. 2003, Stige et al. 2006, Nesheim et al. 2006, Moe et al. 2002, Tuomisto et al. (2003) (can be downloaded from the syllabus/required readings page) Voluntary reading: Martin

All articles will the basis for discussion in both lectures, most so in the first lecture.

Detailed plan and preparations

PowerPoint presentation?

09.09.2008Ingrid Nesheim? Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.), 13.15-15.00? Seminar 4? Detailed plan and preparations ?
11.09.2008Desmond McNeill? Auditorium 4 Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka, 10.15-12.00? How disciplines differ? Readings: Campbell (1992), McNeill (1999), Robinson (1999)

PowerPoint presentation


11.09.2008Celine Loades? Undervisningsrom 3 Georg Sverdrups hus, 13.15-15.00? Seminar 5? ?
16.09.2008Desmond McNeill? Auditorium 2 Georg Sverdrups hus, 10.15-12.00? Inter-disciplinary research: combining different perspectives ? Readings: Gasper (2001), Graubard (1997), Schorske (1997)

PowerPoint presentation?

16.09.2008Celine Loades? Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn.), 13.15-15.00? Seminar 6? ?
18.09.2008Desmond McNeill? Auditorium 4 Eilert Sundts hus, A-blokka, 10.15-12.00? Inter-disciplinary research: combining different perspectives ? Readings: Norgaard and Baer (2005)

Powerpoint presentation?

25.09.2008? SUM 4th floor 9.00-13.00, Sognsveien 68? Exam? 09.00-13.00

Exam questions 2006

Exam questions 2007?

Published Aug. 28, 2008 11:25 AM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2008 1:58 PM