
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
16.04.2008Tanja Winther? SUM, 4th floor 1015 – 12. ? Fieldwork 1: Research and fieldwork ethics.? Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapters 6,7,8,9,10 Compendium: Urry 1984, Clammer 1984?
16.04.2008Tanja Winther? SUM, 4th floor 12.30-14.00? Seminar? ?
23.04.2008Tanja Winther? SUM, 4th floor 1015 – 12. ? Field Work 2: Methods and data collection techniques.? Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapters 1-5?
23.04.2008Tanja Winther? SUM, 4th floor 12.30-14.00 ? Seminar? ?
28.04.2008Nina Witoszek? SUM, 4th floor 1015 – 12. ? Writing 1: How to write a project description ? Compendium: Barthes 1993, Castels 2003, Geertz 1973, Geertz 1995, Gould 1987?
30.04.2008Nina Witoszek? SUM, 4th floor 1015 – 12. ? Writing 2: Research theory and methods in the humanities: Hermeneutics and Semiotics. ? Compendium: Barthes 1993, Castels 2003, Geertz 1973, Geertz 1995, Gould 1987?
07.05.2008Nina Witoszek? Sognsveien 70, 5th floor 1015 – 12. ? Writing 3: How to popularize?? ?
07.05.2008? Sognsveien 70 5th floor 12.30-14.00 ? Seminar? ?
14.05.2008Desmond McNeill? Sognsveien 70, 5th floor 1015 – 12. ? Project design 1: Initial choice of topic, and perspective/discipline.? Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapter 2

Compendium: Stake 1994, Creswell 1998, Lincoln and Guba 2003, Holy 1984, Urry 1984 ?

19.05.2008Desmond McNeill? Sognsveien 70 5th floor 1015 – 12. ? Project design 2: Refining the question: the interplay between topic, theory and methodology. ? Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapter 2

Compendium: Stake 1994, Creswell 1998, Lincoln and Guba 2003, Holy 1984, Urry 1984 ?

19.05.2008? Sognsveien70 5th floor 12.30-14.00 ? Seminar? ?
26.05.2008Desmond McNeill? SUM, 4th floor 1015 – 12. ? Project design 3: Discussion of students' proposed projects.? Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapter 2

Compendium: Stake 1994, Creswell 1998, Lincoln and Guba 2003, Holy 1984, Urry 1984 ?

06.06.2008? ? Project description/exam to be handed in.? ?
Published Nov. 16, 2007 10:20 AM - Last modified May 16, 2008 1:45 PM