EXAM SUM 4014 2004 Please …

EXAM SUM 4014 2004

Please write an essay of about 8-10 pages answering ONE of following questions. Your answer should be delivered to the reception desk at SUM Friday December 10th before 12:00. Good luck.

1. In his lecture about the importance of religion to understand environmental ethics Tarjei R?nnow claimed that much of the environmental movement is imbedded in religious views. Explain his arguments, and use your notes from his lecture to analyze and discuss Holms Rolston’s articles. Do you agree with R?nnow that environmentalists often evoke religion in making their claims? You may bring in a rich body of relevant literature, sources, and examples in your discussion.

2. Explain what Arne N?ss’ “ecosophy” is all about. What is the relationship between his views and the “deep ecology platform”? Use the readings to discuss the validity of his philosophical argumentation and the merits of the platform. What are the moral and practical implications of deep ecology and do you agree with them? Feel free to bring in other relevant sources in your discussion, and provide examples to support your views.

3. Can we and should we restore nature? Using Robert Elliot’s article “Faking Nature” as a point of departure, discuss the vices and virtues of nature restoration. Use readings from your syllabus to support your views. Feel free to bring in other relevant sources in your discussion, and make sure to provide examples in your argumentation.

Published Nov. 18, 2004 1:00 AM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2005 5:05 PM