Student Conference SUM 12.01.2005 Program …

Student Conference SUM 12.01.2005 Program of the day

10.00: Tourism and Its Environmental and Cultural Effects.

Camilla Lee Maana: How Tourism Effect People and Their Culture in Developing Countries, and Wether It Can Contribute to Social Equallity and Better Awareness or How do World Tourism Organization’s Work With Third World Tourism, Effects or Gain the Locals?

Heidi Kathleen Smith: Turtles vs. Tourism: The Fight For Survival in Mexico.

Henriette Berg: Eco-tourism at the Galapagos Islands. Fishermen, Yachts and Marine Iguanas.

*Sustainable Development Njuguna Martin Karani: Civil Society and Environmental Sustainability in Kenya.

Andrèa Zenòbio Gunneng: Formulating Information Strategies to Promote Sustainable Consumption Behavior.

Elena Lukyanova: Russia and Sustainable Development: a Myth Waiting to be Created or an Evolutionary Step.

11.15: *Break. Coffee and Tea

11.30: *Corporate Social Responsibility

Ellen Camilla Dahl Skjelsb?k: Corporate Social Responsibility, Kappahl and Environmentalism.

Terese Eriksen: Corporate Social Responsibility: The Effects on Social Development.

Karoline Ehrenclou: CSR as an Instrument for Sustainable Development in Norway. Liv Torill Bird: CSR – A Survival Strategy Worth Investing In?

Anbj?rg Kolaas: What Encourages a Green Textile Industry? A Comparison Between Norway and India.

12.30: *Lunch

13.15: *Ethical and Cultural Perspectives on Environmental Issues

Hilde S. Gl?mseter Laukli: Incorporating Local History and Culture in Nature Conservation Projects – an Interdisciplinary Approach to Protection of Coastal Environments

Tiina Johanna Ruohonen: More Than Fiction: The Green Elite.

Tone Druglitr?: Researchers Attitudes and Relations to Their Research Subjects in Animal Testing. The Problem of Speciesism.

Scott Randall: Stream Restoration: Maintanance of Our Waterways and Our Conscience.

14.15: *Break. Coffee and Tea

14.30: *Politics, Culture and the Environment Trine Staer: Water as a Weapon in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Guro S?rnes: Cultural and Political Perspectives on the Water Question in the Middle East.

Geremew Nigatu Kassa: The Role of Gada System in Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Oromo Society: Borana Conflict Resolution System.

Eyong Evelyn Manyi: NGOs and Local Government as Rural Transformers in Buea (Cameroon).

Kofi Akamani: Management of Green Spaces in Ghanaian Cities: The Case of Kumasi.

Kofi Akamani: Exploring Alternative Livelihood Opportunities in Rural Ghana: Atwima District Study.

Heidi Kathleen Smith: “Cal-exico”: The California-Mexico Connection.

Published Jan. 12, 2005 1:00 AM