The exam will be handed out after the colloquium Monday 30 October, and you are to hand it befor 10am on Thursday 9 November. Hand in 3 copies to SUM reception. Remember to use your candidate number (not your name). Students who don't attend the last colloquium can pick up the exam at SUM or send an e-mail to The exam is to be written in english.
You are required to attend one lecture series and one seminar series, both given in 2x45 minute sessions. Per Ariansen gives a lecture series that covers most of the topics. The lectures will not be direct comments on each syllable article, although most of these will be referred to. The seminar series, given by Espen Gamlund, will focus more closely on the syllabus articles. Both lectures and seminar aim for a class discussion of problems, the seminar somewhat more so than the lecture series.
Welcome to the class! Per and Espen look forward to working with you!