
Published Nov. 13, 2007 5:31 PM

For those who took the exam in 4011a: all results are now posted in StudWeb

Published Nov. 9, 2007 4:54 PM

For changes in the SUM4019 schedule, please see the detailed course plan for this course. The first lecture will be Tuesday 20th of november.

Published Nov. 9, 2007 4:26 PM

Exam: Please hand in 3 copies to SUM reception on Monday 19th. Remember to use your candidate number (not your name). Students who didn't attend the last colloquium can pick up the exam at SUM or send an e-mail to The exam is to be written in english. Use 12 font, times new roman, 1,5 line space.

Remember to use proper citation The indicated document is a manual for the masters thesis template, but section 5 and 6 are citation guidlines. Good luck:)

Published Oct. 29, 2007 4:42 PM

Since today?s colloquium was cancelled, a new one has been scheduled and will be held on November 5th from 11.15 to 13.00

Published Oct. 19, 2007 4:27 PM

The take home exam is from November 8 to November 19. The questions will be handed out after your session on the 8th.