
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.10.2007Per Ariansen ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? NATURE: INTRINSICALLY VALUABLE?? O'Neill (L&R:10 values), Rolston (L&R:11 values) ?
22.10.2007Espen Gamlund ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00? Colloquium 1. Nature: Intrinsically Valuable? ? O'Neill (L&R:10), Rolston (L&R:11), Norton (L&R:13), Wetlesen (W&B:47). ?
23.10.2007Per Ariansen ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? WHO COUNTS MORALLY?? Palmer (L&R:1 intro), Singer (L&R:4 sentientism), Regan (L&R:5 animal rights), Ariansen (handout Animals, Justice and Care), Taylor (L&R:6 biocentrism) Katz (L&R:7 systems and individuals?) Cahen (L&R: ecosystems) Norton (L&R:13 weak anthropocentrism) ?
24.10.2007Espen Gamlund? SUM, 4th floor. 14.15-16.00? Colloquium 2. Who counts morally? ? Singer (L&R:4), Regan (L&R:5), Ariansen (handout), Taylor (L&R:6), Katz (L&R:7) ?
25.10.2007Per Ariansen ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? THE PRAGMATIC APPROACH: BETWEEN ANTHROPOCENTRISM AND NONANTHROPOCENTRISM? Ariansen. Environmental constructionism. Light (L&R: 18 monism) Norton (L&R:13 weak anthropocentrism) McShane (Anthropocentrism vs. Nonanthropocentrism: Why should we care?, Environmental Values 16, 2007) ?
29.10.2007Espen Gamlund ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 cancelled and rescheduled to Nov 5th? Colloquium 3. The pragmatic approach: between anthropocentrism and nonanthropocentrism ? Cancelled

Palmer (L&R:1), Ariansen (handout), Stone (L&R:15), Callicot (L&R:16), Light (L&R:18). Norton (L&R:13 weak anthropocentrism) McShane (Anthropocentrism vs. Nonanthropocentrism: Why should we care?, Environmental Values 16, 2007) ?

30.10.2007Per Ariansen ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? TOTAL WORLD VIEWS AND DEEP ECOLOGY? Gaard & Gruen (L&R:21), Warren & Cheyney (L&R:22); Deep ecology: Fox (L&R: 19) N?ss (L&R:20) From Witoszek and Brennan, chapters 15-22 (N?ss, French, Callicott, Fox, Brennan) + chapters 26-37 (Sale, N?ss, Zimmermann, Salleh, Warren, Hallen, Bookchin) + Chapter 51, Anker.


31.10.2007Espen Gamlund ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 4. Deep Ecology and its Critics ? Fox (L&R:19), N?ss (L&R:20), N?ss (W&B:1), N?ss & Sessions (W&B:2) – Witoszek & Brennan (chapters 15-22 and 26-37) ?
01.11.2007Per Ariansen ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? THE ENVIRONMENT AS A POLITICAL ISSUE? Hardin The Tragedy of the Commons, future generations, Partridge, Ekeli, Environmental Values 13 (2004):421-48: Environmental risks, Uncertainty and Intergenerational Ethics Gardner (A Perfect Moral Storm: Climate Change, Intergenerational Ethics and the Problem of Moral Corruption, Environmental Values 15/3, 2006)

all slides from Per?

05.11.2007Espen Gamlund? SUM4th floor 11.15-13.00 (rescheduled from oct 29th)? Colloquium 3. The pragmatic approach: between anthropocentrism and nonanthropocentrism ? (rescheduled from oct 29th)

Palmer (L&R:1), Ariansen (handout), Stone (L&R:15), Callicot (L&R:16), Light (L&R:18). Norton (L&R:13 weak anthropocentrism) McShane (Anthropocentrism vs. Nonanthropocentrism: Why should we care?, Environmental Values 16, 2007) ?

05.11.2007Espen Gamlund ? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 5. The environment as a political issue ? Partridge (future generations ), Ekeli (Environmental risks, Uncertainty and Intergenerational Ethics Gardner (A Perfect Moral Storm: Climate Change, Intergenerational Ethics and the Problem of Moral Corruption, Environmental Values 15/3, 2006)?
06.11.2007Espen Gamlund? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? Colloquium 6? ?
08.11.2007Per Ariansen? SUM, 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ? ? Time buffer and occasion to review topics.

The exam questions will be handed out after the session.

Per?s last lecture ?

19.11.2007? ? EXAM? Exam paper to be handed in before 10 am?
Published Aug. 16, 2007 12:12 PM - Last modified Nov. 12, 2007 12:33 PM