Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
01.03.2010 | Knut Alfsen?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00?
| The climate system - The green house effect?
| - The green house effect
- A brief history of climate change
- The human influence
Required reading: Burroughs (2007)Optional reading: IPCC (2007), Weart (2003)Home assignment will be handed out at the lecture and in Fronter?
03.03.2010 | Knut Alfsen?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ?
| Scenarios?
| - How scenarios are created
- Uncertainties
- Projections for future climate change
Required reading: Burroughs (2007)Optional reading: IPCC (2007), Harvey (2000)?
08.03.2010 | Grete K Hovelsrud?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ?
| Consequences?
| - Impacts on human systems and ecosystems
- Adaptation to climate change
Requiered reading: Smit and Wandel(2006), Tyler et.al (2007)?
10.03.2010 | Grete K. Hovelsrud and Steffen Kallbekken?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ?
| Seminar?
| Scenarios? How to adapt when impacts are uncertain??
15.03.2010 | Steffen Kallbekken?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00?
| Emission cuts?
| - What constitutes “dangerous climate change”?
- How do we set a target to avoid dangerous change?
- Alternative emissions pathways
- Estimates of required emission cuts
- Early versus delayed cuts
Required reading:Schneider and Lane (2006)Optional reading: Rive et.al (2007)?
17.03.2010 | Steffen Kallbekken ?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00?
| Policy instruments?
| - Introduction to economic principles
- Environmental taxes
- Emissions trading
- Regulation
- Behavioural change
Required reading:
Hussein (2000)Optional reading: Arrow (2007)?
22.03.2010 | Harold Wilhite?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00?
| Mitigation?
| - Changes to renewable production are necessary but not sufficient
- Attention to energy demand-side (consumption)
- Why efficiency-oriented economic and technical approaches need to be supplemented with social perspectives on energy demand and a focus on reduction
- Perspectives on production, consumption and mitigation from a Southern perspective
Required reading: Wilhite et.al (2000), Wilhite and Norgard (2004) ?
24.03.2010 | Harold Wilhite and Steffen Kallbekken?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00?
| Seminar?
| Mitigation scenarios? The students will create emissions profiles to reach climate targets.?
29.03.2010 | Guri Bang?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00 ?
| Two-level games?
| - Establishing a majority coalition in domestic politics
- Agenda setting and agenda denial in domestic policy making
- Negotiating a treaty that can be accepted domestically
- Negotiating a treaty that reconciles differing national interests
Required reading: Putnam (1988), Tsebelis (2002):Chapter 1, Schreurs and Tiberghien (2007)Optional reading: Tsebelis (2002):Chapter 2?
07.04.2010 | Irja Vormedal?
| SUM 4th floor, 14.15-16.00?
| Non-state actors?
| - The International Climate Negotiations: An introduction
- The Role of State vs. Non-State Actors in Global Governance
- The Role and Influence of Environmental NGOs
- The Role and Influence of Business Groups
Required reading: Newell (2000), Falkner (2008)?
14.04.2010 | Guri Bang?
| SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00?
| Agreements?
| - The law of the least ambitious program (broad membership)
- Negotiating with fewer countries (limited membership)
- Starting with non-binding commitments, with optional possibility to do more than required
- The role of institutions: the choice of instruments
- Issue linkage and spillover
Required reading: Victor (2006), Barrett (2007), Karp and Zhao (2008), Haas (2008)
14.04.2010 | Guri Bang and Steffen Kallbekken?
| SUM 4th floor, 13.15-15.00?
| Seminar?
| International climate negotiations – role play?
19.04.2010 | ?
| ?
| Home exam due date?
| Home assignment should be handed-in in fronterDeadline: 16:00?
Published Nov. 20, 2009 4:32 PM
- Last modified Mar. 26, 2010 6:49 PM