Reschedule There has been several …
There has been several changes on the schedule. The overview in Fronter and the online timetable has been updated. A short summary of the new schedule is as foolows:
- 22/3 Thursday 10:15-12:00: Mónica Guillen-Royo
- 27/3 Tuesday: No lecture
- 29/3 Thursday 10:15-12:00 and 13:15-15:00: Double lecture with Steffen Kallbekken
- 10/4 Tuesday 10:15-12:00: Arild Vatn (stand in for for Mariel St?en)
The threee last lectures/seminar with Guri bang will go as planned:
- 12/04 Thursday 10:15-12:00
- 17/04 Tuesday 10:15-12:00
- 19/04 Thursday 10:15-12:00
Published Mar. 20, 2012 10:55 AM
- Last modified Mar. 20, 2012 11:05 AM