
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.03.2010Maria Gj?rberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Introduction to CSR? Lecture introducing sustainable development, development theory and CSR, with a focus on the business case for CSR and a discussion of the limits of the business case-approach to CSR.

Required reading: Porter, M. E. and M. Kramer, R. (2007), Blowfield, Michael and Alan Murray (2008), Chapter 1 and 5 Lafferty, W. and O. Langhelle (1999), Carroll, A. B. (1999), Vogel, D. (2005) Chapter 1-3, Garriga , E. and M. Domènec (2004)?

03.03.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? Seminar? Colloquium: Introduction to CSR?
08.03.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? CSR, political economy and the governance gap? Lecture presenting the political-economic background for the emergence of CSR, in particular on globalisation and the governance gap.

Required reading: Ruggie, J. G. (2003), Fuchs, D. and M. M. L. Lederer (2007), Hirschland, M. J. (2006) Chapter 1-2, Blowfield, Michael and Alan Murray (2008) Chapter 3?

10.03.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Seminar? Colloquium: CSR, political economy and the governance gap?
15.03.2010Christopher Wright? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? CSR and civil society? Lecture focusing on the role of civil society in promoting corporate accountability and responsibility in the corporate sector, and its effect on corporate practices.

Required reading: Bendell, J. (2000), Blowfield, Michael and Alan Murray (2008) Chapter 6, Clapp, J. (2005), Mathews, J. (1997), Newell, P. (2001)?

17.03.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Seminar? Practitioner presentation: Annabelle Lefébure, CSR Manager in Varner Gruppen?
19.03.2010Christopher Wright? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Seminar? Practitioner presentation: Henning Kloster-Jensen, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
22.03.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? CSR and governments? Lecture focussing on the role of governments in promoting CSR and on public private partnerships (PPP).

Required reading: Fox, T., H. Ward, et al. (2002), Moon, J. and D. Vogel (2008), Gj?lberg, Maria (2009), Bull, B. and D. McNeill (2007): Chapter 1 ?

24.03.2010Christopher Wright? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Seminar? Practitioner presentation: Gunhild ?rstavik, Forum for Environment and Development (ForUM)?
29.03.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Comparative CSR? Lecture on the different interpretations of CSR across countries.

Required reading: Maignan, I. and D. Ralston (2002), Matten, D. and J. Moon (2008 ), Williams, C. and R. Aguilera (2008), Gj?lberg, Maria (2009)?

07.04.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Critical perspectives and summary? Critical perspectives on CSR both as an academic dispcipline and as an ideological model for state, market and civil society relationships.

Required reading: Blowfield, M. (2005), Riechter, J. (2002), Utting, P. (2000), Friedman, M. (1970)?

12.04.2010Maria Gj?lberg? SUM 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? Seminar? Colloquim?
19.04.2010? ? Home exam due date? Home exam should be handed in in fronter

Deadline: 16:00?

Published Nov. 20, 2009 5:13 PM - Last modified Mar. 4, 2010 12:51 PM