
WEEK 1: Introduction to International Development



Banik, D. (2014) “The Global Citizen and the Immorality of Poverty” in A. B. Sterri (ed.), Global Citizens: Challenges and Responsibilities in an Interconnected World, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers


What works: understanding and appreciating success (Dan Banik)

Fosu, A. (2013) “Achieving Development Success”, WIDER Policy Brief, No. 3 2013.

Manor, J. (2007) “Introduction: Synthesizing Case Study Findings' in Manor, J., (ed.) Aid That Works: Successful Development in Fragile States, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

A. de Haan (2009) “Aid: The Drama, The Fiction, and Does it Work?”, ISS Working Paper No. 488


Dimensions of development (Francis Fukuyama)

Fukuyama, F. (2012) The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux (selected chapters)

Fukuyama, F. & Marwah, S. (2000) “Comparing East Asia and Latin America: Dimensions of Development”, Journal of Democracy 11(4): 80-94

Fukuyama, F. (2015) “Why is Democracy Performing so Poorly?”, Journal of Democracy 26(1): 11-20


The Role of Ideas in Development (Desmond McNeill)

McNeill, D. (2000) “The Concept of Sustainable Development” in A. Holland, K. Lee and D. McNeill (eds.), Global Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press.

McNeill, D. (2004) “The Informal Sector: Biography of an Idea” in M. B??s and D. McNeill, Global Institutions: Framing the World?, London: Routledge


WEEK 2: Governance and development


Public Participation and Good Governance (Larry Diamond)

Diamond, L. (2005) “Empowering the Poor: What Does Democracy Have to Do with It?” in D. Narayan (ed.), Measuring Empowerment: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives, Washington, DC: World Bank.

Fukuyama, F. (2013) “What is Governance?”, Working paper 314, Center for Global Development


The Case of Citizen Fora in Malawi (Michael Chasukwa)

F. Tembo (2012) “Citizen voice and state accountability: Towards theories of change that embrace contextual dynamics”, Overseas Development Institute, Working paper 343,

L. Wild & D. Harris (2012) “The political economy of community scorecards in Malawi”, Overseas Development Institute working paper,


Initiatives in Rule of Law (Erik Jensen)

Weber, M. (1954) “The Economic System and the Normative Orders” in M. Rheinstein (ed.) Law in Economy and Society, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Andrews, M., Pritchett, L. & Woolcock, M. (2012) “Escaping Capability Traps through Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA)”, Center for Global Development, Working paper 299

Jensen, E. G. (2003) “The Rule of Law and Judicial Reform: The Political Economy of Diverse Institutional Patterns and Reformers’ Responses” in E. G. Jensen and T. C. Heller (eds.), Beyond Common Knowledge:  Empirical Approaches to the Rule of Law, Stanford: Stanford University Press


WEEK 3: Poverty Reduction

Promising Practices in the Domain of Poverty Reduction (Dan Banik)

Banik, D. & Li, X. (2013) “The Pursuit of Inclusive Development in China: From Developmental to Rights-Based Social Protection”, Indian Journal of Human Development 7(1): 205-221.

Ravallion, M. (2009) “Are there Lessons for Africa from China’s Success against Poverty?” World Development 37(2): 303-313

Diaz-Cayeros, A. & Magaloni, B. (2009) “Aiding Latin America’s Poor”, Journal of Democracy 20(4): 36-49,


TVEs and Poverty Reduction in China (Lixia Tang)

Chang, C. and Wang, Y. (1994) “The Nature of Township-Village Enterprise”, Journal of Comparative Economics 19: 434-452 (18 p.)

Oi, J. C. (1992) “Fiscal Reform and the Economic Foundations of Local State Corporatism in China, World Politics 45(1): 99-126 (26 p.)


Income Inequality in Latin America (Benedicte Bull)

Lustig, N., Lopez-Calva, L. F. and Ortiz-Juarez, E. (2013) “Deconstructing the Decline in Inequality in Latin America”, Policy Research Working Paper 6552. The World Bank

Cornia, G. A. (2012) “Inequality Trends and their Determinants:  Latin America over 1990-2010”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2012/09


Social Transfers Also Work in Africa (Blessings Chinsinga)

Chirwa, E. & Dorward, A. (2013) "Agricultural Input Subsidies: The Recent Malawi Experience", Oxford: Oxford University Press (chapters 5, 6 & 12)


WEEK 4: Food and Agriculture


Intro (Dan Banik)

Banik, D. (2011) “Growth and Hunger in India”, Journal of Democracy 22(3): 90-104


Crop Research & Development (Ola Westengen)

Evenson, R. E. & Gollin, D. (2003) “Assessing the Impact of the Green Revolution, 1960 to 2000”, Science 300: 758-762 (6 p.)

Denning G, Kabambe P, Sanchez P, Malik A, Flor R, et al. (2009) “Input subsidies to improve smallholder maize productivity in Malawi: Toward an African Green Revolution”, PLoS Biol 7(1): e1000023. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000023

Pingali, P. L. (2012) “Green Revolution: Impacts, Limits, and the Path Ahead”, PNAS 109(31): 12302–12308


From Famine to Food Self-Sufficiency (Blessings Chinsinga)

Ellis, F. & Maliro, D. (2013) “Fertiliser Subsidies and Social Cash Transfers as Complementary or Competing Instruments for Reducing Vulnerability to Hunger: The Case of Malawi”, Development Policy Review 31(5): 575-596


China's Agricultural Investments in Zimbabwe (Lixia Tang)

Li, X. Banik, D., Lixia, T. & Wu, J. (2014) “Difference or Indifference: China's Development Assistance Unpacked” IDS Bulletin 45(4): 22-35

Banik, D. (2013) “China and Poverty Reduction in Africa”, in Guanghua Yu (ed.), Rethinking Law and Development: The Chinese Experience, London: Routledge


WEEK 5: Health and Human Rights


Promising Practices in the Health Domain (Dan Banik)

Polio eradication in India:

Combating HIV/AIDS in India

Global health success: Lancet (2012) & Lancet (2013), Global Burden of Disease,

Green, C. et al (2006) “Uganda’s HIV Prevention Success: The Role of Sexual Behavior Change and the National Response”, AIDS and Behavior 10 (4): 335-346.

Parkhurst, J. O. (2005) “The Response to HIV/AIDS and the Construction of National Legitimacy: Lessons from Uganda”, Development and Change 36(3): 571-590


Health in All Policies (Ole Petter Ottersen)

Horton, R. & Lo, S. “Protecting Health: The Global Challenge for Capitalism”, The Lancet 383: 577-578 (2 p.)

Gopinathan, U. et. Al (2014) “The Political Origins of Health Inequity: The Perspective of the Youth Commission on Global Governance for Health”, The Lancet 383: e12-e13 (2 p.)

Ottersen, O. P., et al. (2014) “The Lancet–University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health: The Political Origins of Health Inequity: Prospects for Change”, The Lancet 383: 630-667 (36 p.)


Human Rights & Development (Margot Skarpeteig)

Banik, D. (2014) “Walking the Talk: Rights, Justice and the Fight Against Poverty” in P. Keyzer, V. Popovski and C. Sampford (ed.), Access to International Justice, London: Routledge

Donald, A. & Mottershaw, E. (2009) “Poverty, Inequality and Human Rights: Do Human Rights Make a Difference? Report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation,

Norad (2014) “Summary: Results report on Human Rights and Democracy”, (19 p.)


WEEK 6: Conclusion and Looking Ahead


Riddel, R  “Does foreign aid really work? An updated assessment”

Krasner, S. D. (2011) “Foreign Aid: Competing Paradigms”, Journal of Intervention and State Building, 5(2): 123-149



Published Feb. 13, 2015 10:23 AM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2015 9:46 PM