Hansen, A. and Wethal, U. 2015. Emerging Economies and Challenges to Sustainability: Theories, strategies, local realities. London and New York: Routledge.
Articles available online
You must be logged on via the University of Oslo server in order to access the following articles. If you are off campus, please read how to log on here. The articles will also be available as pdf. files in Fronter shortly before the commencement of the course.
Bebbington, Anthony and Bebbington, Denise. 201.1 An Andean Avatar:Post-Neoliberal and Neoliberal Strategies for Securing the Unobtainable, New Political Economy, 16:1, 131-145
Beeson, M & Hung H. P. 2012. ‘Developmentalism with Vietnamese Characteristics: The Persistence of State-led Development in East Asia’, Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 539–559
Beresford, M. 2008. ‘Doi Moi in Review: The Challenges of Building Market Socialism in Vietnam’, Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 221–243.
Chatterjee, Partha. 2008. "Democracy and Economic Transformation in India". Economic & Political Weekly, Special Article, Arpil 19, pp 53 – 62.
Cunguara, B. and Hanlon, J. 2012. Whose Wealth Is It Anyway? Mozambique’s Outstanding Economic Growth With Worsening Rural Poverty. Development and Change 43(3): 623–647.
Gibbs, D. 2006. Prospects for an environmental economic geography: Linking ecological modernization and regulationist approaches. Economic Geography 82(2): pp. 193-215.
Gqada, I. 2012. A Boom for Whom? Mozambique’s Natural Gas and the New Development Opportunity. SAIIA Occasional Paper No 151, August 2013
Kaplinsky, R & Messner, D. 2008. ‘Introduction: The Impact of Asian Drivers in the Developing World’, World Development, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 197–209.
Kingstone, P.R. & Ponce, A.F. 2010. 'From Cardoso to Lula: The triumph of pragmatism in Brazil', in K Weyland, RL Madrid & W Hunter (eds.), Leftist governments in Latin America: Successes and shortcomings, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.
Leguizamón, Amalia. 2013. Modifying Argentina: GM soy and socio-environmental change. Geoforum
Lin, Justin Yifu and Rosenblatt, David. 2012. Shifting patterns of economic growth and rethinking development, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 15:3, 171-194
McNeill, D. 2000. The Concept of Sustainable Development. In Lee, K, D. McNeill and A. Holland (Eds.) pp 10-29.
Radelet, Steven 2010. ‘Success Stories from Emerging Africa’, Journal of Democracy, Volume 21, Number 4, October 2010, pp. 87-101
Richardson, Neal P. 2014. Export-Oriented Populism: Commodities and Coalitions in Argentina. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Published online 8 January 2014
Robinson, J. 2004. Squaring the circle: on the very idea of sustainable development. Sustainable development: mandate or mantra?, Ecological Economics 48 (2004), pp. 369–384
Rolnik, R. 2013, 'Ten years of the City Statute in Brazil: From the struggle for urban reform to the World Cup cities', International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development', vol.5, no.1, pp. 54-64.
Sidaway, J. D. 2012. ‘Geographies of Development: New Maps, New Visions?’, The Profes?sional Geographer, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 49–62.
Sidaway, J. D. & Pryke, M. 2000. ‘The Strange Geographies of “Emerging Markets” ’, Trans?actions of the Institute of British Geographers, New series 25, no. 2, pp. 187–201.
Sokona, Youba & Fatma Denton (2001) Climate change impacts: can Africa cope with the challenges?, Climate Policy, 1:1, 117-123
Wade, Robert H. 2011. Emerging World Order? From Multipolarity to Multilateralism in the G20 the World Bank, and the IMF. Politics & Society 2011 39: 347
UNDP 2013, Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World, UNDP, New York. Overview + Introduction
Wilhite, H. 2008. Consumption and the Transformation of Everyday Life: A View from South India. Basingstroke: Palgrave Macmillan, ch 8, pp 128 – 146.(Available in Fronter)
Yates, Julian S. and Bakker, Karen. 2013. Debating the 'post-neoliberal turn' in Latin America. Progress in Human Geography 38: 62 originally published online 30 August 2013
Zhang, L., Mol, A. L. and Sonnenfeld, D. A. 2007. The interpretation of ecological modernization in China. Environmental Politics 16(4): pp. 659-668.