Syllabus/achievement requirements


Weiss, Tom & Wilkinson, Rorden (eds.) (2013), International Organization and Global Governance, Routledge.


The following articles is available in a compendium that you can buy in the Kopiutsalg at Akademika bookshop, Blindern. Bring Your Student ID Card.

B??s, M., and D. McNeill, (2004) “Introduction: Power and Ideas in multilateral institutions” Chapter 1 in Global Institutions and Development: Framing the World?  (ed. with M. B??s). Routledge. pp. 1- 12.(12p)

Bull, B  (2010), ‘Rethinking Multilateralism: Global Governance and Public-Private Partnerships with the UN’, in Morten Ougaard and Anna Leander (ed.), Business and Global Governance, Warwick Studies in Globalisation, Routledge, 179-199 (20p)

Callahan, William A (2013).: ”Strategic Futures and the Post-American World Order”, in Callahan, William A: China Dreams. 20 Visions for the Future. Oxford OUP, 2013, pp. 44-55.

Claes, D.H. (2011). "States and firms in the international oil market" in D.H. Claes and C.H. Knutsen (eds.): Governing the Global Economy - Politics, Institutions, and Economic Development. London: Routledge. Ch. 16, pp. 292-311. (19p)

Klein, N. (2014),  Planning and Banning: Slapping the invisible hand, building a movement, pp 120 - 161, in Klein, N. (2014) This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate. New York: Simon and Shuster (41p)

McNeill, D. (2004) “Social Capital and the World Bank” in B??s, M., and D. McNeill (eds.) Institutions and Development: Framing the World?  Routledge. pp. 108 – 123 (15p)

McNeill, D and A. St Clair. (2009) “UNDP: the Human Development Paradigm”, Chapter 4 in Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: the role of multilateral organisations. Routledge.  pp 63 -90 (27p)

McNeill, D and A. St Clair. (2009) “International Organisations and the Challenge of Global Poverty” Chapter 2 in Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: the role of multilateral organisations. Routledge.  pp 10 – 29 (19p)

Rosenau, James (1992), ‘‘Governance, Order and Change in World Politics.’’ In Governance without Government: Order and Change in World Politics, edited by James Rosenau and E.O. Czempiel, 1–29. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (29p)

Sending, Ole Jacob (2015), Introduction + chapter 1 in The Politics of Expertise: Competing for Authority in Global Governance, University of Michigan Press

Yan Xuetong: ”Pre-Qin Philosophy and China’s Rise Today”, in Yan Xuetong: Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power, Daniel A. Bell and Sun Zhe, eds,. Princeton, PUP, 2011, pp. 199-221


Digital Articles:

You must be logged on via the University of Oslo server in order to access the following articles. If you are off campus, please read how to log on here. The articles will also be available as pdf. files in Fronter shortly before the commencement of the course.

Biermann, F., Pattberg, P., van Asselt, H. and Fariborz Zelli (2009) “The Fragmentation of Global Governance Architectures: A Framework for Analysis,” Global Environmental Politics 9, pp 14–40

Brende, B. and H?ie, B. (2015), ‘Towards Evidence_Based, Quantitative Sustainable Development Goals for 2030’, The Lancet 385(9964: 206-208),

Chootray, Vasuda  and David Hulme (2009), Contrasting Visions for Aid and Governance in the 21st Century: The White House Millennium Challenge Account and DFID’s Drivers of Change, World Development Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 36–49

Dhingra, S. & T. Sampson, 2016, Life after BREXIT: What are the UK's options outside the European Union? LSE/Centre for Economic Performance: Brexit Paper No. 1.

De Schutter. O. (2014) "The Reform of the Committee on World Food security: the Quest for Coherence in Global Governance",  in Rethinking Food Systems edited by Lambek et al. Springer, 219-238

Eriksen, S. S. and Sending, O.J. (2013) "There is no global public: the idea of the public and the legitimation of governance", International Theory / Volume 5 / Issue 02 / July 2013, pp 213 – 237

Fidler, David P. (2007) Architecture amidst Anarchy: Global Health’s Quest for Governance In GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE, VOLUME I, NO. 1(JANUARY 2007)

Godfray et al. (2010) Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People. Science. 327, 812-818 (6p)

Goldthau, A., and Witte. J. M. (2009). "Back to the future or forward to the past? : strengthening markets and rules for effective global energy governance." International Affairs 85(2): 373-390.

Keukeleire, Stephan and Bas Hooijmaaijers (2013) The BRICS and Other Emerging Power Alliances and Multilateral Organizations in the Asia-Pacific and the Global South: Challenges for the European Union and Its View on Multilateralism. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies Volume 52, Issue 3, pages 582–599, May 2014

Lakoff, A. ( 2010)  Two Regimes of Global Health.   Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2010, pp. 59-79

Mattoo, A. & A. Subramanian, 2012, China and the World Trading System, The World Economy 35: 1733-71.

Melchior, A., 2006, The Most and the Least Favoured Nations: Norway's Trade Policy in Perspective. The World Economy 29(10): 1329-46.

Orsini, A., Morin, J. F. and Young, O. (2013) Regime Complexes: A Buzz, a Boom,or a Boost for Global Governance?, Global Governance 19 (2013), 27–39.

Ruggie, J. G. (2014) Global Governance and “New Governance Theory”: Lessons from Business and Human Rights, Global Governance 20 (2014), 5–17

Rüland, Jürgen (2014) The Rise of “Diminished Multilaterism:” East Asian and European Forum Shopping in Global Governance, pp 159-177 in Lenger, A. & Schumacher, F. (Eds.) Understanding the Dynamics of Global Inequality: Social Exclusion, Power Shift, and Structural Changes, Springer 2014.

Seyfang, G. and Smith, A. (2007) "Grassroots innovations for sustainable development: Towards a new research and policy agenda", Environmental Politics, 16:4, 584-603

Sexsmith, K. and McMichael, P. (2015), ‘Formulating the SDGs; Reproducing or Reimagining State-Centered Development?, Globalizations 12(4): 581-596 (DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2015.1038096)

Shovea, E. and Walker, G. (2010) "Governing transitions in the sustainability of everyday life", Research Policy 39 (2010) 471–476.

Skodvin, T. and Andresen, S. (2009) "An agenda for change in U.S. climate policies? Presidential ambitions and congressional Powers", Int Environ Agreements (2009) 9:263–280

Skodvin, T., Gullberg, A.T. and Aakre, S. (2010) "Target-group influence and political feasibility: the case of climate policy design in Europe", Journal of European Public Policy, 17:6, 854-873

Victor, D. G. (2011) "Global warming gridlock : creating more effective strategies for protecting the planet", Cambridge: New York, Cambridge University Press, ch. 1, pp. 3-29

Wade, R (2011), "Emerging World Order? From Multipolarity to Multilateralism in the G20, the World Bank, and the IMF", Politics & Society September 2011   vol. 39  no. 3  347-378

Wang Jisi (2012) : ”China’s Grim International Environment”, in Mark Leonard, (ed).: China 3.0. London: European Council on Foreign Relations, 2012, pp. 112-17

Wright, Christopher (2014), "Global Finance and the Environment", in Robert Falkner (ed), The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, Wiley , 428-445 (14s)

Zhu Feng and Lu Peng: ”Be Strong and Be Good. Continuity and Change in China's International Strategy under Xi Jinping”, in China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 19-34


Published Nov. 23, 2015 10:39 PM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2017 2:13 PM