Syllabus/achievement requirements


Weiss, Tom & Wilkinson, Rorden (eds.) (2nd edt. 2017), International Organization and Global Governance, Routledge. 

Highly recommended, but optional: Mark Mazower (2012): Governing the World: The History of an Idea, Penguin Boooks.


The following articles is available in a compendium that you can buy in the Kopiutsalg at Akademika bookshop, Blindern. Bring Your Student ID Card.

Banik, D. (2018) "Taking Stock of the SDGs", in Deepak Dwivedi and Pooran Pandey (eds.),Leaving No One Behind: SDGs and South-South Cooperation, New Delhi: NITI AYOG/ Crossbill Publishing House (2018)

Bull, B (2010), ‘Rethinking Multilateralism: Global Governance and Public-Private Partnerships with the UN’, in Morten Ougaard and Anna Leander (ed.), Business and Global Governance, Warwick Studies in Globalisation, Routledge, 179-199 (20p)

Callahan, William A (2013).: ”Strategic Futures and the Post-American World Order”, in Callahan, William A: China Dreams. 20 Visions for the Future. Oxford OUP, 2013, pp. 44-55.

Claes, Dag Harald (2018). “Institutional Governance”, chapter 4 in The Politics of Oil - Controlling Resources, Governing Markets and Creating Political Conflicts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Claes, Dag Harald (2018). “Oil and the US hegemony”, chapter 7 in The Politics of Oil - Controlling Resources, Governing Markets and Creating Political Conflicts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Rosenau, James (1992), ‘‘Governance, Order and Change in World Politics.’’ In Governance without Government: Order and Change in World Politics, edited by James Rosenau and E.O. Czempiel, 1–29. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (29p)

Wright, Christopher (2013), Global Finance and the Environment, in Falkner, Robert (ed), The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, First Edition, London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, p. 428-445.

Yan, Xuetong: ”Pre-Qin Philosophy and China’s Rise Today”, in Yan Xuetong: Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power, Daniel A. Bell and Sun Zhe, eds,. Princeton, PUP, 2011, pp. 199-221

Digital Articles:

You must be logged on via the University of Oslo server in order to access the following articles. If you are off campus, please read how to log on here. The articles will also be available as pdf. files in Fronter shortly before the commencement of the course.

Bang, Guri Jon Hovi and Tora Skodvin (2016), “The Paris Agreement: Short-Term and Long-Term Effectiveness, Politics and Governance” (ISSN: 2183-2463) 2016, Volume 4, Issue X, Pages X-X.

Banik, D. and Miklian, J. (2017) "New Business: The Private Sector as a New Global Development Player”, Global Policy Journal

Barkemeyer, Ralf, et. al (2011), "What Happened to the ‘Development’ in Sustainable Development? Business Guidelines Two Decades After Brundtland", Sustainable Development, 22 (1),

Bolton, John (2000), "Should we take global governance seriously?", Chicago Journal of International Law, 1 (2), 205-221

Chin, G.(2014) "The BRICS-Led Development Bank: Purpose and Politics Beyond the G20"Global Policy, 5(3), September 2014.

Doyle, C. and P. Patel (2008). "Civil society organisations and global health initiatives: problems of legitimacy." Soc Sci Med 66(9): 1928-1938.

Easterly, William (2015), "The Trouble with the Sustainable Development Goals", Current History, 114 (775), 322-23

Feng and Peng (2015): ”Be Strong and Be Good. Continuity and Change in China's International Strategy under Xi Jinping”, in China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 19-34. 

Fidler, David P. (2007) Architecture amidst Anarchy: Global Health’s Quest for Governance In GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE, VOLUME I, NO. 1(JANUARY 2007)

Hochstetler, K. and Milkoreit, M. (2015). Responsibilities in Transition: Emerging Powers in the Climate Change NegotiationsGlobal Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 21(2): 205-226. 

Hovi, Jon, Tora Skodvin and Stine Aakre (2013), Can Climate Change Negotiations succeed?. Politics and Governance, Volume 1 (Issue 2), pp. 138–150,1 Department of Political Science, University of Oslo

Ikenberry, John G (2018), "The end of liberal international order?", International Affairs, 94 (1), 7-23

Jakobsen, Jostein (2018), "Neoliberalising the food regime ‘amongst its others’: the right to food and the state in India", Journal of Peasant Studies

Jisi, W. (2012) : ”China’s Grim International Environment”, in Mark Leonard, (ed).: China 3.0. London: European Council on Foreign Relations, 2012, pp. 112-17

Lakoff, A. ( 2010) Two Regimes of Global Health. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2010, pp. 59-79

McMichael, Phillip (2009), A food regime genealogy, Journal of peasant Studies, 36 (1),

Melchior, A., 2018, “Non-tariff Issues in FTAs”, Chapter 5, pp. 67-92 in Melchior, A., 2018, Free Trade Agreements and Globalisation. In the Shadow of Brexit and Trump. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ruggie, J. G. (2014) Global Governance and “New Governance Theory”: Lessons from Business and Human Rights, Global Governance 20 (2014), 5–17

Stephen, Matthew D.  (2017), Emerging Powers and Emerging Trends in Global Governance,  23, 483-502

Victor, D. G. (2011) "Global warming gridlock : creating more effective strategies for protecting the planet", Cambridge: New York, Cambridge University Press, ch. 1, pp. 3-29 (in Canvas)

Wade, R (2011), "Emerging World Order? From Multipolarity to Multilateralism in the G20, the World Bank, and the IMF", Politics & Society September 2011 vol. 39 no. 3 347-378

Wang Jisi. (2012) : ”China’s Grim International Environment”, chapter 15 in Mark Leonard, (ed).: China 3.0. London: European Council on Foreign Relations, 2012, pp. 112-17


Published Nov. 21, 2018 8:24 PM - Last modified Apr. 12, 2019 2:20 PM