Course content

In the craft of research, writing is our most important tool. While ideas and questions can emerge from any situation or impulse, it is only through writing that we can clarify our ideas to ourselves and others, plan how to explore them, and share our findings with society. Writing is also an everyday undertaking. Numerous trivial texts (notes, summaries, e-mails, transcriptions, plans, mind maps, etc.) precede all final manuscripts. Without these treasured pieces, no research puzzle can emerge. Uses and joys notwithstanding, writing is also challenging. And if the routes ahead are unclear, writing can become painfully lonely.?

Embracing these insights, SUM4300 aims to demystify the tacit and everyday writing chores inscribed in all analytical work and help students identify a variety of writing tasks that are helpful to practice when developing their MA ideas forward and build their research proposal. Here, students will find time and space to explore the mysteries that emerge in the process from first ideas to multiple texts-in-progress, collectively and in dialogue with Centre staff. The course will also foster a constructive feedback culture. Key questions include: How can I combine course work and thesis work? How can I balance free writing and editing? How can I invite feedback, or set up interviews, before I know where I am going? What makes a text 'academic'? How to develop a doable research proposal?

Learning outcome


  • To comprehend the multiple uses of writing in the craft and presentation of academic research.

  • To create strategies for keeping your thesis process warm, share texts regularly, and comment constructively on work by peers.

  • To explore different writing practices that help you learn more from the time you spend on your studies.



  • Ability to differentiate between explorative and explanatory purposes of writing.

  • Overview of techniques for cultivating helpful writing strategies, including joint writing.

  • Understanding of the many uses and misuses of feedback, and the principles reflected in the University of Oslo’s ethical guidelines for supervision.?


  • Command of techniques that inspire writing and split thesis work into multiple, smaller writing projects.

  • Ability to formulate what kind of feedback you seek and give helpful process-oriented feedback to others.

  • Ability to edit a text, when time is right, by applying techniques for clarity in academic writing.

  • Ability to develop a MA level research proposal to guide further thesis work.?

Admission to the course

This course is only for students who are enrolled in the two years master`s programme Development, Environment and Cultural Change, and is designed for students that are in their second semester.

The course will be compulsory for program students beginning august 2020 and onwards.


Taking a learning-by-doing approach to text work, this course draws on explorative writing and process-oriented feedback to support the development of academic work competences. This way, the course offers a bridge between the SUM4100 and 4200 and your final year thesis work.


The course is activity-based and consists of a series of workshops. Each workshop comprises multiple learning activities, including process-oriented feedback (in groups), plenary micro-lectures on academic text work, class exercises and discussions, an informal poster exhibition, and joint writing sessions for integrating new ideas.?


Before each workshop, participants choose from a course booklet comprising about 30 questions that engage with issues relevant to any MA research process and write a 3-5 page reflection note for group feedback. The questions have been formulated with input from former students, current supervisors, and the University of Oslo’s Academic Writing Centre. Students are also welcome to formulate their own assignments based on ongoing writing projects. All participants prepare comments to their peers.


To pass the course, students must participate in all activities, and receive a pass on 90% of all reflection notes, including the research proposal.?A draft research proposal will be circulated and discussed with peers during the last workshop before submitting a revised version that is evaluated by teaching staff.


If you are ill or have another valid reason for being absent from compulsory activities, it is required that you replace the activity you have been absent from. Read more about?regulations regarding compulsory activities.?


Use of sources and citation:


You should familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to?the use of sources and citations. If you violate the rules, you may be suspected of?cheating/attempted cheating.


Language of examination:


The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.


Grading scale:


Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about?the grading system.


Explanations and appeals:


Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 23, 2025 5:25:32 PM

Facts about this course

Teaching language