Syllabus/achievement requirements

Aguilar-St?en, Mariel (2016), Beyond Transnational Corporations, Food and Biofuels: The Role of Extractivism and Agribusiness in Land Grabbing in Central America, Forum for Development Studies, Pages 155-175.

Aguilar-St?en, Mariel  (2017), Better safe than sorry? Indigenous poeples, carbon cowboys and the governance of REDD in the AmazonForum for Development Studies, 91-108,

Backhouse and Lehman (2019), New renewable frontiers: contested palm oil plantations and wind energy projects in Brazil and Mexico

Bebbington, Anthony with Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Marja Hinfelaar, and Denise Humphreys Bebbington, and Cynthia Sanborn (2017), Political settlements and the governance of extractive industry: A comparative analysis of the longue durée in Africa and Latin America, ESDI Working Paper 81. file://kant/div-sum-u1/bbull/pc/Downloads/SSRN-id2986786.pdf

Blank, S (2015), Russia and Latin America: The New Frontier for Geopolitics, Arms Sales and Energy, Problems of post-Communism, Volume 62, 2015 - Issue 3. 159-173.

Bull; Benedicte  and Mariel Aguilar-St?en (2015), Changing Elites, Institutions and Environmental Governance, Environmental Governance in Latin America, Editors: De Castro, Fabio, Hogenboom, Barbara, Baud, Michiel (Eds.), Palgrave MacMillan, 137-163,

Bull, Benedcite (2020), Between geopolitics, global capitalism and multilateralism: Latin America in the new global resource competition, forthcoming, 30 pages.

Coronil, Fernando (1997), The Magical State: Nature, Money and Modernity in Venezuela, Ch. 1: Chapter 1: History’s Nature, pp. 21-66 (45 pages)

Dunlap, Alexander, Siamanta, Christina & Dunlap, Alexander (2019). ‘Accumulation by Wind Energy’: Wind energy Development as a Capitalist Trojan Horse in Crete,Greece and Oaxaca, Mexico. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies.  ISSN 1492-9732.  18(4), s 925- 955

Farthing, Linda and Nicola Frabricant (2018) Open Veins Revisited: Charting the Social, Economic, and Political Contours of the New Extractivism in Latin America, LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, Issue 222, Vol. 45 No. 5, September 2018, 4–17,

Freitas da Rocha, Felipe and Ricardo Bielschowsky (2018), China’s quest for natural resources in Latin America, CEPAL.

Furnaro, A. 2019. Neoliberal energy transitions: the renewable energy boom in the Chilean mining economy, Environment and Planning,

Leff, Enrique (2015) Political Ecology: a Latin-American perspective,  Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, Volume 35, Number 1, 2015, pp. 29-64 (36)

Martínez-Allier, Joan, Héctor Sejenovich and Michiel Baud (2015), Origins and Perspectives of Latin American Environmentalism, Environmental Governance in Latin America, Editors: De Castro, Fabio, Hogenboom, Barbara, Baud, Michiel (Eds.), Palgrave MacMillan, 29-57,

Newell, Peter (2019), Trasformismo or transformation? The global political economy of energy transitions, Review of International Political Economy, 26 (1)

Nolte, Detlef and Leslie E. Wehner (2015), Geopolitics in Latin America, Old and New, Routledge Handbook of Latin American Security, Edited by: David R. Mares , Arie M. Kacowicz, 33-44.

Perrault, Tom (2018) Energy, extractivism and hydrocarbon geographies incontemporary Latin America, Journal of Latin American Geography, Volume 17, Number 3, October 2018, pp. 235-252 (Article)

Saturnino M. Borras Jr.,Jennifer C. Franco,Sergio Gómez,Cristóbal Kay &Max Spoor (2012), Land grabbing in Latin America and the Caribbean, Journal of Peasant Studies, Pages 845-872



Published Nov. 25, 2019 9:00 AM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2019 9:00 AM