

Artikler merket (*) er tilgjengelig som kompendium i kopiutsalget i underetasjen p? Akademika. (#) er boktitler som kan kj?pes p? Akademika eller l?nes p? biblioteket (UB og Sophus Bugge). Artikler med lenke (merket €) er fritt tilgjengelige som pdf-filer via universitetets nett


Arkeologiens oppgaver, kildemateriale, teori og metoder:

# Greene, K.: Archaeology: An Introduction, 5. edition, 2010. Routledge, London and New York. Pensum er: kap. 2 (Discovery and Investigation) - kap. 3 (excavation) - kap. 6.6. (Archaeology and the Public). (80 lesesider)

# Hedeager, L.: Arkeologi. Kort fortalt, 2017, Pax, Oslo. (168 lesesider)

# Renfrew, C. & P. Bahn, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, 7. edition, 2016. Thames & Hudson, London. Pensum er Introduction (The Nature and Aims of Archaeology) - kap. 1 (The Searchers) - kap. 2 (What is Left ? The Variety of the Evidence). (79 lesesider)


# Gr?slund, B: Arkeologisk datering, 2000. Studentlitteratur, Lund. (45 lesesider).

# Renfrew, C. & P. Bahn, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, 7. edition, 2016. Thames & Hudson, London. Pensum er kap. 4 (When? Dating Methods and Chronology). (54 lesesider)

Kulturhistorisk oversikt:

# Fox, Robin Lane 2005. The Classical World. An Epic History of Greece and Rome. Pengiun Books, London.

# Scarre, C (red): The human past - World prehistory and the development of human societes, 4. edition, 2018. Thames and Hudson Ltd. Pensum er kap. 1 (introduction) - 2 (African origins) - 3 (Hominin dispersals in the old world - 4 (The rise of modern humans) - 6 (The world transformed: from foragers and farmer to states and empires) - 7 (From foragers to complex societies in southwest Asia) - 11 (Holocene Africa (including Egypt)) - 12 (Holocene Europe) - 13 (Peoples and complex societies of ancient Southwest Asia) - 14 (The Mediterranean world) - 20 (The human past: retrospect and prospect).

# Price, T. Douglas 2015. Ancient Scandinavia. An Archaeological History from the First Humans to the Vikings. Oxford University Press: Oxford (ca. 390 lesesider)


1295 lesesider i alt


Anbefalt litteratur med god oversikt over det norske gjenstandsmaterialet fra jernalder:

 # Solberg, B. 2003 Jernalderen i Norge - ca. 500 f.Kr.-1030 e.Kr. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. (315 lesesider)

Publisert 31. mai 2019 13:47 - Sist endret 31. mai 2019 13:47