
Boktitler er kan kj?pes p? Akademika eller l?nes p? biblioteket (UB og Sophus Bugge). Artikler merket (F) legges ut i Fronter.

Alcock, S.E. & R. Osborne (eds.) 2007: Classical archaeology. Blackwell, London . Pensum = kap. 2-9. (Ca. 275 lesesider.)

Cherry, J.F., D. Margomenou & L.E. Talalay (eds.) 2005: Prehistorians round the pond. Reflections on Aegean prehistory as a discipline. Kelsey Museum of archaeology, Ann Arbor. (Pensum = ca. 125 lesesider.)

(F) Chilidis, K. 2002: Klassisk arkeologi och skriftlige kilder – forventninger og virkelighet, Primitive tider 5, 2002, 117-126. (10 s.)

Iddeng, J. W. (red.) 2008: Fra palass til polis. Den greske verden mellom bronsealdersivilisasjoner og bystatskultur (Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Institutt i Athen, 7). Novus, Oslo. ( Pensum = ca. 175 lesesider.)

Renfrew, C. & P. Bahn, 2008: Archaeology. Theories. Methods and practice, 5th ed. Thames and Hudson, London. Pensum = kap. 14 (Whose past? Archaeology and the public) (17 lesesider.)

Stewart, P. 2008: The social history of Roman art. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York. (Ca. 150 lesesider.)

Whitley, J. 2001: The archaeology of Ancient Greece. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (Ca. 300 lesesider.)

Zanker, P. 1999: Pompeii: public and private life. Harvard University Press. Cambridge Mass. (Ca. 200 lesesider.)

Utfyllende lesning

Beard, M. 2009: Pompeii. The life of a Roman town. Profilebooks, London.

Connolly, P. & H. Dodge 1998: Antikkens storbyer. Livet i det gamle Athen og Roma. Aschehoug, Oslo.

Garland, R. 1985: The Greek way of death. Duckworth, London.

Keay, S. & S, Moser (eds.) 2004: Greek art in view. Oxbow, Oxford. (Ca. 125 lesesider.)

Papadopoulos, J.K. & R.M. Leventhal (2003): Theory and practice in mediterranean Archaeology: Old World and New World perspectives. The Cotsen Institute of UCLA, Los Angeles.

Pedley, J. 2006: Sanctuaries and the sacred in the Ancient Greek world. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York & Melbourne.

Renfrew & Bahn 2008 (se over): kap. 4 (When? Dating metods and chronology). (38 s.)

Sear, Frank 1998(eller senere utgaver): Roman architecture, London, Routledge.

Publisert 11. okt. 2011 15:57 - Sist endret 6. jan. 2012 16:37