
Det som er merket med * kj?pes som kompendier i Akademika. Pensumet er det samme som for ARK2010

Steinteknologi (Silje Evjenth Bentsen)

*Bodu, P. Karlin, C and Ploux, S. “Who’s Who? The Magdalenian Flintknappers of Pincevent, France” i : The big puzzle : International Symposium on Refitting Stone Artefacts, Monrepos, 1987 , red: E. Cziesla, S. Eickhoff, N.Arts and D. Winter, 1990. Monrepos. Studies in Modern Archaeology ; 1 , Bonn : Holos. s. 143-163.

*Dobres, Marcia-Anne “Engendering the Cha?ne Opératoire: Methodological Considerations” and “A Future for Technology’s Past” i: Technology and Social Agency: Outlining a Practice Framework for Archaeology, 2000. Oxford : Blackwell . s. 164-231.

*Dobres, Marcia-Anne and Christopher R. Hoffman “Introduction: A Context for the Present and Future of Technology Studies” i: The Social Dynamics of Technology : Practice, Politics, and World Views, 1999. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press. s. Pages 1-19.

*Cahen, D. and L. H. Keeley “Not less than two, not more than three” i : World Archaeology Early Man. Volume 12 No. 2, 1980. s. 166-180.

*Edmonds, Mark “Description, Understand and the Cha?ne Opératoire” i : Technology in the humanities, Archaeological Review from Cambridge. Summer, 1990. Cambridge: Department of Archaeology. 9:1. s. 55-70.

* Hodder, Ian “In Technology in the Humanities: A Commentary” i: Technology in the humanities, Archaeological Review from Cambridge. Summer, 1990. Cambridge: Department of Archaeology. 9:1 . s. 154-157.

* Luedtke, Barbara E. “Altered Cherts” i : An Archaeologist’s Guide to Chert and Flint, 1992. Archaeological Research Tools 7, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. s. 91-103.

* Pelegrin, Jacques “Prehistoric Lithic Technology: Some Aspects of Research” i: Technology in the humanities, Summer, 1990. Archaeological Review from Cambridge. Cambridge: Department of Archaeology. 9:1 . s. 116-125.

Recommended additional reading:

* Crabtree, Don E. : An Introduction to Flintworking. , Second Edition. 1982. Occasional Papers of the Idaho Museum of Natural History, No. 28..

* Helskog, Knut, Svein Indrelid og Egil Mikkelsen : ”Morfologisk klassifisering av sl?tte steinartefakter” , Oslo 1976. Universitetets Oldsaksamlingens ?rbok, 1972-1974. s. 9-40.

* Whittaker, John C. “Flintknapping: Basic Principles”, “Raw Materials”, “Hard hammer Percussion”, “Pressure Flaking” and “Using Stone Tools” i: Flintknapping : making and understanding stone tools, 1994. Austin, Texas : University of Texas Press, Austin. ss. 11-21, 65-78, 85-176, 243-257.

Monument, landskap & religion (Christopher Prescott)

*Bloch, Maurice, "Death, Women and Power" i : Death and the regeneration of life, red: Maurice Bloch og Jonathan Parry, 1982. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. s. 211-230.

*Bradley, Richard: An archaeology of natural places , 2000. London : Routledge. Kapittel 1: In the cave of thunder. Sacred places in a northern landscape, s. 3-17. Kapittel 3: Nature study. The archaeological potential of unaltered places, s. 33-44. Kapittel 10: A long-playing record. The significance of natural places in later prehistoric Europe, s. 147-161.

Gansum, Terje, Gro B. Jerp?sen og Christian Keller: Arkeologisk landskapsanalyse med visuelle metoder, 1997. AmS-Varia 28. Stavanger : Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger. 24 s.

*Ingold, Tim, "The temporality of the landscape" i: World Archaeology 25 (2), 1993. s. 152-174.

*Jones, Michael "Progress in Norwegian cultural landscape studies" i: Norsk geografisk tidsskrift 42, 1988. s. 163-169.

*Kristiansen, Kristian "Institutioner og materiel kultur. Tvillingherskerne som religi?st og politisk institution under bronzealderen" i: Ordning mot kaos – studier av nordisk f?rkristen kosmologi, red: Anders Andrén, Kristina Jennberg og Catharina Raudvere, 2004. V?gar till Midg?rd 4. Nordic Academic Press, Lund. s. 99-122.

*Larsson, Thomas B. "Form, mening och kontext. – Att l?sa brons?lderens symboler" i: Spiralens ?ga. Tjugo artiklar kring aktuell brons?lderforskning, Red: Michael Olausson, 1999. Riksantikvarie?mbetet, Stockholm. s. 374-361.

*Melheim, Lene "I m?rket er alle katter gr?. Om overgangen til branngravskikk i bronsealderen" i : Mellom himmel og jord. Foredrag fra et seminar om religionsarkeologi. Isegran 31. januar – 2. februar 2002, red: Lene Melheim, Lotte Hedeager og Kristin Oma, 2004. Oslo Arkeologiske Serie 2. IAKK, UiO, Oslo. s. 392-421.

*Prescott, Christopher "Symbolic Metallurgy – Assessing Early Metallurgic Processes in a Periphery" i: Form, Function & Context, red: Deborah Olausson og Helle Vandkilde, 2000. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. s. 213-225.

*Ranger, Terence : Voices from the Rocks. Nature, Culture & History in the Matopos Hills of Zimbabwe, 1999. Baobab, Harare. Introduction og Kap. 1: Seeing the Matopos, s. 1-38.

*Tilley, Christopher : A phenomenology of landscape, 1994. Berg, Oxford. Kapittel 1: Space, Place, Landscape and Perception: Phenomenological Perspectives, s. 7-33.

Tilley, Christopher : An ethnography of the Neolithic : early prehistoric societies in southern Scandinavia, 1996. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Kapittel 3: Monument construction and social competition, s. 119-166.

*Wallis, J. og Jenny Blain : Sacredness, and Stories: Interactions of Archaeology and Contemporary Paganism. Folklore 114, 2003. s. 307-321.

*Wienberg, Jes "Sakral geometri. Veje og vildveje til viden" i : Ordning mot kaos - studier av nordisk f?rkristen kosmologi, red: Anders Andrén, Kristina Jennbert og Catharina Raudvere, 2004. V?gar till Midg?rd 4. Nordic Academic Press, Lund. s. 23-57.

Publisert 9. aug. 2007 16:12 - Sist endret 9. aug. 2007 16:13