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Cyperns arkeologi med tonvikt p? brons?ldern: forskningstrender och aktuella problem

Titler merket # finnes for salg p? Akademika. Titler merket * finnes som masterkopier i Blindernveien 11.

# Steel, L., Cyprus before history: from the earliest settlers to the end of the Bronze Age, London (Duckworth), 2004.

* Karageorghis, V., “Cypriote archaeology, the eighty years after the Swedish Cyprus Expedition”, in ?str?m, P. & Nys, K. (eds.), The Swedish Cyprus Expedition 80 years. Proceedings of the symposium in memory of Einar Gjerstad, Stockholm 28 September 2007 (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, Pocket-book 175), S?vedalen (?str?ms), 2008, 7-34.

* Simmons, A. H., “Of tiny hippos, large cows, and early colonists in Cyprus”, Journal of Mediterranean archaeology 11, 1998, 232-241.

* Knapp, A. B., “Power and ideology on prehistoric Cyprus”, in Hellstr?m, P., & Alroth, B., Religion and power in the ancient Greek world. Proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1993 (Boreas. Uppsala studies in ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern civilizations, 24), Uppsala (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis) 1996, 9-25.

* Smith, J. S., “Problems and prospects in the study of script and seal use on Cyprus in the Bronze and Iron Ages”, in Smith, J. S. (ed.), Script and seal use on Cyprus in the Bronze and Iron Ages (Colloquia and conference papers, 4), Boston, MA (Archaeological Institute of America) 2002, 1-47.

* Talalay, L. E. & Cullen, T., “Sexual ambiguity in plank figures from Bronze Age Cyprus”, in Bolger, D. & Serwint, N. (eds.), Engendering Aphrodite: Women and society in ancient Cyprus, Boston (ASOR) 2002, 181-195.

* Fisher, K. D., “Elite place-making and social interaction in the Late Cypriote Bronze Age”, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 22:2, 2009, 183-209.

Published Apr. 8, 2010 3:56 PM - Last modified May 27, 2010 3:13 PM