S?remne "Nye perspektiver p? den industrielle revolusjon"

Fagl?rer: Kristine Bruland

Tekster markert med (*) finnes tilgjengelig i kompendium som kan kj?pes p? kopiutsalget.


T.S.Ashton, The Industrial Revolution 1760-1830, Oxford: OUP, 1997. (129 sider)

* M.Berg, “Women’s Work and the Industrial Revolution” i A.Digby, C.Feinstein og D.Jenkins (red.), New Directions in Economic and Social History, Vol II, London: MacMillan, (1992), s. 23-36. (11 sider)

* K. Bruland, ‘The transformation of work’, i P.Mathias og J.A.Davis (red.), The First Industrial Revolution, Oxford, 1989. (15 sider)

* K.Bruland, ‘Industrialisation and technological change’, in R.Floud and P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Britain. Volume I, Industrialisation 1700-1860, 2004, s. 117-147. (30 sider)

* N.Crafts, “The Industrial Revolution: Economic Growth in Britian, 1700-1860”, i A.Digby og C.Feinstein (red.), New Directions in Economic and Social History, London: MacMillan (1989), s. 64-76. (11 sider)

* P.Hudson, “Proto-industrialisation”, i A.Digby, C.Feinstein og D.Jenkins (red.), New Directions in Economic and Social History, Vol II, London: MacMillan, (1992), s. 11-23 (10 sider)

* Joel Mokyr, ‘Industrial Revolution’, i J.Mokyr (red.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Vol 3, Oxford, New York, 2003. s 49-56. (8 sider).

* J. Rendall, “Women’s Paid Employment 1750-1830”; “Women, the Family and Economic Change 1750-1830”, i Women in an Industrializing Society: England 1750-1889, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, (1990)s. 1-55 (54 sider)

* J.Rule, “Labour in a Changing Economy 1700-1850”, i A.Digby, C.Feinstein og D.Jenkins (red.), New Directions in Economic and Social History, Vol II, London: MacMillan, (1992), s. 83-96 (12 sider)

* E.P.Thompson, “Time, Work-Dsicipline, and Industrial Capitalism”, I M.W.Flinn og T.C.Smout (eds.), Essays in Social History, Oxford: OUP, 1974. s. 39-78. (29 sider)

309 sider

Kilder, prim?rlitteratur:

Richard Brown, Economic Revolutions in Britain 1750-1850. Prometheus unbound?, Cambridge: CUP, 1992. 116 sider.

* F. Engels, “Historical Introduction”, i The Condition of the Working Class, (1845), Standford, USA: Basil Blackwell, 1958, s. 9-26 (15 sider)

Publisert 25. apr. 2005 16:50 - Sist endret 2. juni 2005 12:58