S?remne "Tyskland etter 1945"

Fagl?rer: Einhart Lorenz

Mary Fulbrook: History of Germany 1918-2000. The Divided Nation, Oxford 2002, s.107-301, 307-318 (204 s.)

* Hagen Schulze: Germany – a new history_, Cambridge – London 1998, s. 333-340 (8 s.)

* Rolf Steininger: The German Question, 1945-1995, i: Klaus Larres (ed.): Germany since Unification. The Domestic and External Consequences, Houndmills 1998, s. 9-29 (32) (20 s.)

* Christian Meier: Oppgj?ret med fortiden. Tysk historikerdebatt etter 1945, i: Jarle Simensen (red.): Tyskland – Norge. Den lange historien, Oslo 1999, s. 164-174 (11 s.)

* Einhart Lorenz: Tyske flyktninger i Norge etter 1933 og deres betydning i Tyskland etter 1945, i: Jarle Simensen (red.): Tyskland – Norge. Den lange historien, Oslo 1999, s. 134-143 (10 s.)

* Moshe Postone: After the Holocaust: History and Identity in West Germany, i: Coping with the Past. Germany and Austria after 1945, ed. by Kathy Harms, Lutz R. Reuter and Volker Dürr, Madison 1990, s. 79-93 (19 s.)

* Panikos Panayi: Race in the Federal Republic of Germany: Immigration, Ethnicity and Racism since the Second World War, i: The Federal Republic of Germany since 1949, ed. by Klaus Larres and Panikos Panayi, London 1996, s. 191-208 (18 s.)


Willy Brandt: Nobelpristale i Oslo, 10.12.1971, i: Les Prix Nobel en 1971, Stockholm 1972, s. 84-86 (2 s.)

Willy Brandt: De to Tyskland og den gamle hovedstad, i: Willy Brandt: Erindringer, Oslo 1990, s. 177-184 (7 s.)

Overcoming the Division (the ten-point programme presented by Chancellor Kohl on 28 November 1989, i: Gert-Joachim Glaessner (ed.): The Unification Process in Germany. From Dictatorship to Democracy, London 1992, s. 160-163 (4 s.)

Resolution on the German-Polish frontier (21 June 1990), i: Glaessner, s. 164-165 (2 s.)

Treaty of 12 September 1990 on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, i: Glaessner, s. 169-174 (6 s.)

Publisert 25. apr. 2005 16:46 - Sist endret 25. apr. 2005 16:56