S?remne: Den russiske revolusjon

Fagl?rer: J?rn Holm-Hansen


?smund Egge, Fra Aleksander II til Boris Jeltsin. Russlands og Sovjetunionens moderne historie, kap. 3-6, s. 47-133 (89 s.)


*Edward Acton, Rethinking the Russian Revolution, ch. 2: ”The three traditions and revisionism”, s. 28-48 (21 s.)


Daniel H. Kaiser (red.), "The Workers’ Revolution in Russia 1917. The View from Below": http://wgate.bibsys.no/gate1/SHOW?objd=890306990&bibl=UHS&lang=N&bibk=o Ronald G. Suny, ”Revising the old story: the 1917 revolution in light of new sources” (s. 1-19) (19 s.)

Steve A. Smith, ”Petrograd in 1917: the view from below” (s. 59-79) (21 s.)William G. Rosenberg, ”Conclusion: understanding the Russian Revolution” (s. 132-141) (20 s.)

Martin Miller (red.), The Russian Revolution. The Essential Readings Orlando Figes, ”The Russian Revolution of 1917 and its Language in the Village” ( s. 73-102) (30 s.)Alexander Rabinowitch, ”The Bolsheviks Come to Power” (s. 104-139) (36 s.)

William G. Rosenberg, ”Russian labor and Bolshevik power: social dimensions of protest in Petrograd after October” (s. 149-179) (29 s.) Barbara Evans Clements, ”Bolshevik Women” (s. 180-203) (24 s.) Ronald G. Suny, ”State-Building and Nation-Making: The Soviet Experience” (s. 236-255) (20 s.)


”Ordre nr. 1”, Lenins ”Aprilteser”, Lenin om maktovertakelsen medio september, Kamenev og Zinovjev opponerer mot maktovertakelse, Dekretet om jord, Oppl?sningen av den grunnlovgivende forsamling. (14 s.)

Til sammen 323 s.

Publisert 12. jan. 2007 17:16 - Sist endret 12. jan. 2007 17:20