S?remne "Meiji restaurasjonen i 1868 – Japans modernisering p? slutten av 1800-tallet"

Fagl?rer: Eldrid Mageli

Tekstene er samlet i to kompendier som kan kj?pes i kopiutsalget i underetasjen til GnistAkademika bokhandel.


W.G. Beasley 1990. The Rise of Moderen Japan, London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, s. 1-53

W.G. Beasley 2000. The Japanese Experience. A Short History of Japan, London: Phoenix Press, s. 210-229

L.M.Cullen 2003. A History of Japan, 1582-1941. Internal and External Worlds. New York: Cambridge U. Press. s. 1-17 og s. 175-238 (kap. 1,6,7)

Irokawa Daikichi 1985. The Culture of the Meiji Period, Princeton: Princeton U. Press, s. 51-75 og s. 245-311

Carol Gluck 1985. Japan’s Modern Myth’s. Ideology in the Late Meiji Period, Princeton: Priceton U. Press, s. 17-41

Mikiso Hane 2003 (2nd edition). Peasants, Rebels, Women and Outcastes. The Underside of Modern Japan. New York: Rowland and Littlefield Publishers. s. 3-50 (“Modernisation and the Peasants”).

Richard Sims 2000. Japanese Political History since the Meiji Renovation 1868-2000. London: Hurst & Company. s. 1-39 (kap).

S.N. Eisenstadt 1996. Japanese Civilization, A Comparative View. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. s. 1-49 (kap 1,2).

Tilsammen 317 sider


?The records of the legitimate succession of the divine sovereigns: Japanese uniqueness.? World Civilization I, s. 160-161

?The way of the samurai.? World Civilization II, s. 55-56 (rediger)

Publisert 25. apr. 2005 17:29 - Sist endret 30. aug. 2005 13:12