Pamela Price will put the essays with comments in an envelope in her shelf in the IAKH post room by 13.00 on the 2nd of November. The students whose essay did not pass will get a week to revise it. The revised essay is due on the 9th of November.
The next meeting of the class will be on the 9th of November and there will also be a class meeting on the 10th of November in seminar room 201 in Harriet Holters hus at 14:15.
The will be an extra lecture because of the cancelled lecture 2nd of November. The extra lecture will be held 10th of November at room 201 in Harriet Holters.
There will be no lecture on the 28th of September.
Students who do not read Norwegian should (instead of reading the selection from Ruud, Mageli and Price) read pages 1-80 in A HISTORY OF INDIA, by Peter Robb. A copy of these pages will be available at the IAKH reception at NHAhus.
The instructor strongly recommends that students read as soon as possible (that is, before the first course meeting) pages 21-151 in the textbook, INDIAS HISTORIE MED PAKISTAN OG BANGLADESH, by Arild Engelsen Ruud, Eldrid Mageli and Pamela Price (Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, 2004).