Syllabus/achievement requirements


Eley, Geoff. A Crooked Line: From Cultural History to the History of Society. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005, pp.



The articles and chapters marked with * are available at Kopiutsalget/Akademika as a compendium. Articles marked with € are available online.


€ AHR Forum on A Crooked Line. American Historical Review, vol. 113, 2 (April 2008): comments by Sewell (393-405) and Spiegel (406-416), Eley's reply (425-437).


* Blom, Ida. "Women's History", in William H. Hubbard et al. (eds): Making a Historical Culture: Historiography in Norway. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1995, pp. 289-310.


€ Cohen, Lizbeth. "Is There an Urban History of Consumption? ".  Journal of Urban History 29 (2003): 87-106.


€ Conrad, Christoph. "Social History", in Neil J. Smelser, Paul B. Baltes, (eds.): International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. vol. 21, 14299-14306.


* Eisenberg, Christiane. The Rise of Market Society in England 1066-1900. New York: Berghahn, 2013, pp. 72-103. (Ch. 3: The Embeddedness of Market Exchange).


€ Fraser, Nancy. "Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History". New Left Review 56 (March-April 2009): 97-117.


€ Hobsbawm, Eric. "From Social History to the History of Society". Deadalus 100, 1 (1971): 20-45.


€ Igo, Sarah. "From Main Street to Mainstream: Middletown, Muncie, and 'Typical America'". Indiana Magazine of History 101, 3 (2005): 239-266.


* Johnson, Paul. Saving and Spending: The Working-class Economy in Britain 1870-1939. Oxford: Clarendon, 1985, pp. 11-47. (Ch. 2 Life Insurance, Death Insurance)


* Kjelstadli, Knut. "Arven etter Edvard Bull d.y. ¨C en sosiokulturell historie?", in Steinar Supphellen (ed): I Gerhard Sch?nings fotspor: Historiefaget og historieinstitutt i Trondheim i fag- og kunnskapshistorisk perspektiv. Trondheim: NTNU, 2009, pp. 37-47.


€ Levy, Jonathan Ira. "Contemplating Delivery: Futures Trading and the Problem of Commodity Exchange in the United States, 1875-1905". American Historical Review 111, 2 (2006): 307-335.


€ MacKenzie, Donald and Millo, Yuval. "Constructing a Market, Performing Theory: The Historical Sociology of a Financial Derivative Exchange".  American Journal of Sociology 109, 1 (2003), 107-145.


* Myhre, Jan Eivind. Social History ¨C a personal journal. Unpublished manuscript, 13.10.2014.


* Myhre, Jan Eivind. "From the History of Society to Social History: The Development of Social History in Norway", in Myhre, Jan Eivind: Mange veier til historien: Om historiefagets og historikernes historie. Oslo: Unipub, 2009, pp. 171-202


* Myhre, Jan Eivind. "Historikeren og sosiologen ¨C en nerv?s romanse?", in Myhre, Jan Eivind: Mange veier til historien: Om historiefagets og historikernes historie. Oslo: Unipub 2009, pp. 99-118.


€ Nathaus, Klaus. "'All dressed up and nowhere to go?': Spaces and conventions of youth in 1950s Britain", forthcoming in Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2015.


€ Rawls, Anne Warfield. "Harold Garfinkel. Ethnomethodology and Workplace Studies". Organization Studies 29, 5 (2008): 701-732.


€ Sampson, Helen and Wu, Bin. "Compressing Time and Constraint Space: The Contradictory Effects of  ICT and Containerization on International Shipping Labour".  International Review of Social History 48 (2003), suppl., 123-152.


€ Savage, Mike. And Burrows, Roger. "The Coming Crisis of Empirical Sociology". Sociology 41, 5 (2007): 885-899.


€ Sewell jr., William. "A Strange Career: The Historical Study of Economic Life". History and Theory 49, 4 (2010): 146-166.


* Sewell jr., William. "How classes are made: Critical Reflections on E. P. Thompson¡¯s Theory of Working-class Formation", in Harvey J. Kaye, Keith McClelland (eds.): E P Thompson: Critical Perspectives. London: Polity Press, 1990, pp. 50-77.


* Sewell jr., William. "The Political Unconscious of Social and Cultural History, or, Confessions of a Former Quantitative Historian", in Sewell jr., William: Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005, pp. 22-80.


€ Stone, Lawrence. "The Revival of Narrative: Reflections on a New Old History". Past and Present, 85 (1979): 3-24.


* Swidler, Ann. Talk of Love: How Culture Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 160-180. (ch. 8: codes, contexts, and institutions).


* Thompson, E. P.  The making of the English working class. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972 (first 1963), pp. 9-15 (Preface) and pp. 456-469 (Rituals of Mutuality).


€ Van der Linden, Marcel. "The Promise and Challenges of Global Labor History". International Labor and Working-Class History 82 (2012): 57-76.


* Wehler, Hans-Ulrich. The German Empire 1871-1918. Leamington Spa: Berg, 1985 (first publication in German in 1973), pp.9-31 (Ch. 1: The Configuration of 1871).

Published Nov. 25, 2014 1:52 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2014 1:53 PM