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HIS 2372 Fra Marshallplanen til Maastricht. Historien bak den Europeiske Union


Dinan, Desmond, Europe Recast. A history of European Union. Palgrave Macmillan : Basingstoke 2004. Med unntak av kap. 8.

Rosamond, Ben, Theories of European Integration. Palgrave : 2000. (ca 130 s.) Med unntak av kap. 1, 7 og 8

?vrig litteratur:

*Gillingham , John, European Integration 1950-2003. Superstate or new market economy?. Cambridge University Press : Cambridge 2003. Kap. 6 og 11 (s. 105-143 og 259-302) 81s.

*Griffiths, Richard & Ward, Stuart (eds.), Courting the common market : The first attempt to enlarge the European Community 1961-63. Lothian Foundation Press : London 1996.

  • Kap 1 “The End of a thousand years of history”: The origins of Britain’s decision to join the European community, 1955-61 . (ss. 7-38) 31 s.
  • Kap 2 The United Kingdom Application for EEC Membership 1961-1963. (ss.39-58) 19 s.
  • Kap 3 The choice of “La petite Europe” by France, 1957-63: An ambition for France and for Europe. (ss. 59-82) 23 s.

*Hogan, Michael J., The Marshall Plan. America, Britain and the reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952. Cambridge University Press : Cambridge 1987.

  • Kap. 2 (ss. 54-87) 33 s.
  • Conclusion (ss. 427-445) 18 s.

Lundestad, Geir, “Empire” by Integration. The United states and European Integration, 1945-1997. Oxford University Press : Oxford 1998. Kap 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 og 10. (ss. 13-98 og 126-146) 105 s.

*Magnusson, Lars og Str?th, Bo, From the Werner plan to the EMU. In search of a political economy of Europe. Bruxelles : Peter Lang 2001.

  • Kap. 4 “Money and political economy : from the Werner plan to the Delors report and Beyond” (ss.125-161) 36 s.

*Milward, Alan, The Reconstruction of Western Europe 1945-51. Routledge : London 1984.

  • Kap. 3 (ss. 90-126) og 14 (ss. 462-502) 76 s.

Milward, Alan, The European Rescue of the Nation-State. Routledge : London 2000 (2nd Edition).

  • Kap. 1 History and theory (ss.1-20) 20 s.
  • Kap. 2 The post war nation-state (ss.21-45) 24 s.
  • Kap. 4 Foreign trade, economic and social advance, and the origins of the European Economic Community (ss.119-223) 104 s.
  • Kap 6. The lives and teachings of the European saints (ss. 318-344) 26 s.

*Moravscik, Andrew, “Preferences and power in the European Community : a liberal intergovernmentalist approach” in. Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 31 no. 4 1993. (ss. 473-524) 51 s.

Totalt ca 1100 s.

Publisert 7. mars 2005 15:28