
History of Development Aid

Required reading:

Olav Stokke, The UN and Development. From Aid to Cooperation, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2009, pp. 131-313.

Helge ?. Pharo and Monika Pohle Fraser, eds., The Aid Rush. Aid Regimes in Northern Europe during the Cold War. 2. vols, Unipub, Oslo 2008.

In vol 1:

Richard T. Griffiths, “Development Aid. Some reference points for historical research” pp. 17-49.

Helge ?. Pharo, “Reluctance, enthusiasm and indulgence: the extension of bilateral Norwegian aid”, pp. 53-89.

Heide-Irene Schmidt, “German foreign assistance policy, 1958-1974”, pp. 91-143.

Thorsten B. Olesen, “Between words and deeds. Denmark and the NIEO agenda, 1958-1974”, pp. 145-182.

Jan Pedersen, “Denmark’s bilateral aid, 1962-1982”, pp. 183-221. Marc Dierikx, “Developing policy on development. The Hague 1945-1977”, pp.223-249.

Sunniva Engh, “From Northern Feminists to southern women. Scandinavian population aid to India”, pp. 253-284.

Peter Brunbech, “Early Danish development assistance policy, 1945-1962”, pp. 285-314.

Mari Smits, “Non-governmental organisations in the Netherlands. From private funding to governmental support”, pp. 315-332.

Hanne H. Vik, “Small but not weak? Nordic strategies to influence the World Bank in the 1980s”, pp. 333-363.

In vol 2:

Helge ?. Pharo, “Entreperneurship and development aid. The case of the Indo-Norwegian Fisheries Project”, pp. 53-93.

Tirthankar Roy, “End of aid. External assistance and development strategy in India, 1950-1965, pp. 95-113.

Sintayoh Fissha Gebregaziabher, “The impact of conditionality on aid effectiveness in Ethiopia”, pp. 115-152.

Jarle Simensen, “Aid symbioses and its pitfalls. The Nordic/Norwegian-Tanzanian aid relationship, 1962-1986”, pp. 153-177.

Hilde Selbervik, “The Norwegian-Tanzanian aid relationship in the 1990s: still trapped in a Samaritan’s Dilemma?”, pp. 179-216.

Monika Pohle Fraser, “’Not the needy but the speedy ones’. West German developmentaid and private investment in the Middle East, 1960-67”, pp. 217-243.

Contemporary European History, vol 12/4, 2003, guest eds. Helge ?. Pharo and Heide-Irene Schmidt:

Heide-Irene Schmidt and Helge ?. Pharo, ”Introduction”, pp. 387-394.

Marc Frey, ”Control. Legitimacy, and the Securing of Interests: European Development Policy in South-east Asia from the Late Colonial Period to the Early 1960s”, pp. 395-412.

Jim Tomlinson, “The Commonwealth, the Balance of Payments and the Politics of International Poverty: British Aid Policy, 1958-1971”, pp. 413-429.

Gérard Bossuat, “French Development Aid and Co-operation under de Gaulle”, pp. 431-456.

Esther H. Arens, “Multilateral Institution-Building and National Interest: Dutch Development Policy in the 1960s”, pp. 457-452.

Heide-Irene Schmidt, “ Pushed to the Front: The Foreign Assistance Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1958-1971”. Elena Calandri, “Italy’s Foreign Assistance Policy, 1959-1969”, pp. 509-525.

Helge Pharo, “Security, and the Impact of Oil: Norway’s Foreign Economic Assistance Policy, 1958-71”, pp. 527-546.

Journal of Modern European History, Vol. 8/2010/1, guest eds., Corinna R. Unger, Stephan Malinowski and Andreas Eckert.

Frederick Cooper, “Writing the History of Development”, pp. 5-23.

Joseph M. HOgde, “British Colonial Expertise, Post-Colonial Careering and the Early History of International Development”, pp. 24-46.

Corinna R. Unger, “Industrialization vs. Agrarian Reform: West German Modernization Policies in India in the 1950s and 1960s”, pp.47-65.

Abou B. Bamba, “Triangulating a Modernization Experiment: The United States, France and the Making of the Kossou Project in Central Ivory Coast”, pp. 66-84.

Constantin Katsakioris, “Soviet Lessons for Arab Modernization: Soviet Educational Aid towards Arab Countries after 1956”, pp. 85-105.

Published July 14, 2010 2:43 PM - Last modified July 14, 2010 2:54 PM