
Stat og samfunn i Sovjetunionen 1917-1991

I. Den russiske revolusjon 1917

Acton, E.: Rethinking the Russian Revolution, (London 1990), s. 28-82, 182-209 83 s.

*Frankel, E.R. et al. (eds.): Revolution in Russia: Reassessments of 1917, (Cambridge 1992),

  • s. 219-240 R. Suny: ”Nationalism and Class in the Russian Revolution 22 s.

Kaiser, D.H. (ed.): The Workers Revolution in Russia, 1917. The View From Below(Cambridge 1987),

  • s. 1-19 R. Suny: ”Revising the old story: the 1917 revolution in light of newsources”
  • s. 59-79 S. Smith: ”Petrograd 1917: the view from below”
  • s. 132-141 W. Rosenberg: ”Conclusion: understanding the Russian Revolution 48 s.

Til sammen del I 153 s.

II. Krigskommunismen, borgerkrigen og NEP (1918-1928)

*Fitzpatrick, S. et al. (eds.): Russia in the Era of NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture, (Bloomington 1991),

  • s. 1-10 W.G. Rosenberg: ”Introduction: NEP Russia as a ”Transitional” Society”
  • s. 12-30 S. Fitzpatrick: ”The Problem of Class Identity in NEP Society”
  • s. 310-320 W.G. Rosenberg: ”Conclusion: Understanding NEP Society and
Culture in the Light of New Research” 40 s.

*Hatch, J.: ”The Lenin Levy and the social origin of Stalinism: workers and the Communist Party in Moscow 1921-1928”, i Slavic Review, 48, 1989, s. 558-577 19 s.

*Koenker, D. et al. (eds.): Party, State and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History, (Bloomington, 1989)

  • s. 3-21 S. Fitzpatrick: ”New Perspectives on the Civil War”
  • s. 81-100 D.P. Koenker: ”Urbanization and Deurbanization in the RussianRevolution and Civil War”
  • s. 385-397 S. Fitzpatrick: ”The Legacy of the Civil War” 52 s.

Lewin, M.: The Making of the Soviet System: Essays in the Social History of Inter War Russia, (NY 1985/1994), (jf ogs? nedenfor under III)

  • s. 3-45 ”Social Crisis and Political Structures in the USSR”
  • s. 191-208 ”Leninism and Bolshevism: The Test of History and Power” 61 s.

Til sammen del II 172 s.

III. Stalinismen (1928-1953)

*Egge, ?smund: ”Hva vet vi om ”overd?delighet” og terrorofre i Sovjetunionen i 1930-?rene?” i Nordisk ?st-Forum, 1/1998, s. 53-64 12 s.

*Fitzpatrick, S.: ”Stalin and the making of a new elite”, Slavic Review, 38, 1979, s. 377-402 25 s.

*Fitzpatrick, S.: ”New perspectives on Stalinism”, Russian Review, 45, 1986, s. 357-374 27 s.

Fitzpatrick, S.: Everyday Stalinism. Ordinary life in extraordinary times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s (Oxford UP 1999), kap. 4, 8 og Conclusion 62 s.

*Fitzpatrick, S.: “Postwar Soviet Society: The ‘Return to Normalcy’, 1945-1953” i Linz, S.J.: The Impact of World War II on the Soviet Union, (Princeton 1985), s. 129- 156 28 s.

*Getty, J.A./Manning, R. (eds.): Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives, (NY 1993),

  • s. 1-18 J. Getty/R. Manning: ”Introduction”
  • s. 65-98 L. Viola: ”The Second Coming: Class Enemies in the SovietCountryside”
  • s. 99-115 G. Rittersporn: ”The omnipresent conspiracy: on Soviet imageryof politics and social relations in the 1920’s 69 s.

Gill, G.: Stalinism, (2. ed.) (Basingstoke 1998), s. 1-35, 51-69 53 s.

Lewin, M.: The Making of the Soviet System: Essays in the Social History of Inter War Russia, (NY 1985/1994), (jf ogs? ovenfor under II)

  • s. 209-241 ”Society, State and Ideology During the First Five Year Plan”
  • s. 286-314 ”Grappling with Stalinism” 62 s.

*Viola, L.: ”Back on the Economic Front of Collectivization or Soviet Agriculture without Soviet Power”, i Slavic Review 47, 2/1988, s. 217-232 16 s.

*Weiner, A.: “The Making of a Dominant Myth: The Second World War and the Construction of Political Identities within the Soviet Polity”, Russian Review 4/1996, s. 638-660 23 s.

Til sammen del III 377 s.

IV. Sovjetunionen under Khrusjtsjov og Brezjnev (1953-1985)

*Hauslohner, P.: “Politics Before Gorbachev: De-Stalinization and the Roots of Reform” i Dallin, A. & Lapidus, G. (red.), The Soviet System in Crisis, (Westview Press 1992), s. 37-58 22 s.

*Reid, S.: ”Cold War in the Kitchen: Gender and the De-Stalinization of Consumer Taste in the Soviet Union under Khrushchev”, Slavic Review 2/2002, s. 211-252 42 s.

Tilsammen del IV 64 s.

V. Glasnost, perestroika og Sovjetunionens sammenbrudd (1985-1991)

*Lapidus, G.: “State and Society: Toward the Emergence of Civil Society in the Soviet Union” i Dallin, A. & Lapidus, G. (red.), The Soviet System in Crisis, (Westview Press 1992), s. 130-147 18 s.

Strayer, Robert W., Why did the Soviet Union collapse? 203 s.

Til sammen del V 221 s.

VI. Kilder

*Siegelbaum, L. & Sokolov, A.: Stalinism as a Way of Life. A Narrative in Documents, s. 28-38, 103-110, 207-225 35 s.

Samlet pensum 1022 s.

Publisert 7. mars 2005 15:32