
Gender and urban economy 1400-1800, power, prosperity and poverty

The protection of urban trades in the old economies of Europe balanced upon an intricate system of gendered and household relations. The litterature for the seminar can be choosen from this reading list.

Overviews: ca. 100 pages from this list:

Hill, Bridget, Women, work and sexual politics in eighteenth century England, London 1994, Wiesner, Merry, Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge 1993

Main list: ca. 700 pages from this list:

Women’s work in towns

Clark, Alice, “Crafts and trades”, Working life of women in the seventeenth century, (London 1919,) 1982 or later reprints.

Davis, Natalie Zemon, "Women in the Crafts in Sixteenth Century Lyon", :Feminist Studies 8-1982, 47-80

Hufton, Olwen, "Women in the French Family Economy in Eighteenth Century France", French Historical Studies 9, 1975, 1-22

Monter, E. William, "Women in Calvinist Geneva 1550-1800", Signs 6, 1980-81, 189-209

Ogilvie, Sheilagh, A bitter living. Women, markets, and social capital in early modern Germany, Oxford 2003, 1-38 206-352, 190s.

Wiesner, Merry E., Working Women in Renaissance Germany, New Brunswick 1986, 263


Wiesner, Merry E., "Guilds, male bonding and women's work in early modern Germany", La donna nell' economia secc XIII-XVIII, Prato 1990, 655-669

Hill, Bridget, “Female Apprenticeship”, Women work and sexual politics ineighteenth century England, London 1994, 85-102


Howell Martha, Women, Production and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities, 1986

Howell, Martha, "Citizenship and Gender: Women's Political Status in Northern Medieval Cities", Mary Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski (ed) Women & power in the middle ages, London 1988, 37-60


Bull, Ida, Inheritance in Family Business. The "Long" Merchant Family: Problems Concerning Generation Change, Scandinavian Journal of History, 2002 Volum: 27:4

Davis, Natalie Zemon, “Arguing with God, Glikel Bas Judah Leib”, Women on the Margins. Three Seventeenth Century Lives, Cambridge 1997, 5-62


Lis, Catharina & Soly Hugo, Disordered Lives, Eighteenth Century Families and their Unruly Relatives. Polity Press, Cambridge, 1996

Schama, Simon, “The mystery of the drowning cell”,“Housewieves and Hussies:Homeliness and Wordliness”, Embarrassment of riches. An Interpretation of dutch culture in the golden age, Fontana 1988, 15-24, 375-480


Pool, Lotte v.d. “ The lure of the big city. Female migration to the Amsterdam,” 1994

Roper, Lyndal, Prostitution and Moral Order, The Holy household. Women and Morals in Reformation Augsburg, Oxford 1989

The criminal classes

Sharpe, J.A. The criminal orders of early modern England, Crime in early modern England 1550-1750, London 1984,94-120, (gjerne ogs? andre deler av boka)

Military institutions

Barton Hacker, Women and military institutions, Signs 1981, 643-671

Nordiske spr?k – opptil 200 sider fra disse artiklene/b?kene

Bladh, Christine, M?nglerskor. Att s?lja fr?n korg och bod i Stockholm 1819-1846, Stockholm 1992

Bull, Ida, "Kvinners dagligliv i borgerskapet ca. 1780-1830", Historisk tidsskrift 4:1990

Bull, Ida, De trondhjemske handelshusene p? 1700-tallet : slekt, hushold og forretning, Trondheim 1998

Dübeck, Inger, K?bekoner og konkurrence. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 over myndigheds- og erhvervsrettens udvikling med stadigt henblik p? kvinders historiske retsstilling, K?benhavn 1978

Jacobsen, Grethe, Kvinder, k?n og k?bstadslovgining 1400-1600. Lovfaste M?nd og ?rlige Kvinder, K?benhavn 1995

Jacobsen, Grethe, "R?dm?nd, borgere og borgersker. K?n , autoritet og magt i de senmiddelalderlige danske byer", B. P. McGuire (red) Autoritet i Middelalderen, K?benhavn 1991

Karlsson, ?sa B., "Hustruens r?ttsliga st?llning i svenska st?der under stormaktstiden", i B.Gullikstad og K. Heitmann (red), Kj?nn, makt, samfunn i Norden i et historisk perspektiv, bind 1. konferanserapport fra det 5. nordiske kvinnehistorikerm?tet, Trondheim 1997, 254-255

Sandvik, Hilde, "Umyndige" kvinner i handel og h?ndverk. Kvinner i byn?ringer i Christiania i siste halvdel av 1700-tallet", (1985) Oslo 1992

Sogner, S?lvi, Ung i Europa. Norsk ungdom over Nordsj?en til Nederland i tidlig nytid, Oslo 1994

Published Nov. 16, 2005 12:33 PM - Last modified Nov. 28, 2005 4:06 PM