Syllabus/achievement requirements


Jan de Vries: The industrious revolution: consumer behavior and the household economy, 1650 to the present, 2008, s.1-180


Og enten:




  • Merry Wiesner Hanks, Early Modern Europe, 1450–1789, 2013





Tekster som finnes p? nettet (tilgjengelige via UiOs nettverk):

Martin Luther: Katekismen, det fjerde budet (1529), i Martin Luther, Verker i utvalg. Bd. 5, (1982) s. 259-269 (10 sider) og ett av Bondekrigsskriftene: Oppfordring til fred (1525) Bd 3, s. 367-384 (18s)

John Locke: Two treatises on government (1689), utg. 1821, I kapittel 1 og 6 , s. 1-15 og 55-82, II kapittel 1, s. 187-189 (45s)

Ludvig Holberg: Zille Hans Dotters GYNAICOLOGIA Eller Forsvars Skrift for Qvindeki?nnet (1722). (5s)

Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht: Fruentimmers forsvar (innledningen ) 1761 5 s. 250-255

Hajnal, John, “Two Kinds of Preindustrial Household Formation Systems” , Population and Development Review 1982 (44s)

S?lvi Sogner: Ung i Europa. Norsk ungdom over Nordsj?en til Nederland i tidlig nytid, 11-33, 59-106 (87)

Tine De Moor and Jan Luiten van Zanden: Girl power: the European marriage pattern and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period, Economic History Review, 2010, vol. 63, issue 1, s. 1-33 (33)

E.P. Thompson, The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century, Past & Present 1971, 76-136 (60s)



Susan Amussen, An Ordered Society, Gender and Class in early modern England, Columbia 1988, 34-66 (32)

Harriet B. Applewhite and Darline G. Levy: ”Introduction” i  H.A. Applewhite and D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990,  1-20 (20 sider)

Badinter, Elisabeth,  "Barnets status f?r 1760", Det naturligste av verden. Om morskj?rlighetens historie, 1980 ( norsk utg. 1981)  35-55,  20 s.

Dominique Godineau: ”Masculine and Feminine Political Practice during the French Revolution, 1793  - Year III” (20 sider)

Olwen Hufton, "Women in the Revolution 1789-1796", Past & Present 1971, 90- 108

Karin Hassan Janson, Marriage, family and gender in Swedish Political Language 1750-1820, , Scandinavia in the age of revolution, eds. Pasi Ihalainen et. al, Ashgate 2011, 193- 204 (10)

Gary Kates: ””The Powers of Husbands and Wife Must Be Equal and Seperate”: The Cercle Social and the Rights of Women, 1790-91” (18 sider)

Joan Landes: ”The Performance of Citizenship: Democracy, Gender and Difference in the French Revolution” i  S. Benhabib (ed): Democracy and Difference. Contesting the Boundaries of the Political, 295-313 (18)

Darline G. Levy  and Harriet B. Applewhite: ”Women, Radicalization and the Fall of the French Monarchy” i (28 sider)

Lyndal Roper, The holy household: women and morals in Reformation Augsburg, Oxford University Press, 1989, 1-55 (50s)

Jean Jaques Rousseau: Emile, 1762 del av 1., 3. og 5. kapittel.

K?re T?nnesson: ”Kvinnene i den franske revolusjon” (5 sider)

Wilson, Stephen, "The myth of motherhood a myth: the historical view of European child-rearing", Social History 1984, 181-198, 1

Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Right of Woman(1792), chapter II “The prevailing opinion of sexual character discussed”, Penguin 1992, s.100-123, (23 sider

Heide Wunder, Gender norms and their enforcement in early modern Germany , Gender relations in German history, (eds) Lynn Abrams and Elisabeth Harvey, 1996, 39-56 (17)

Publisert 25. nov. 2015 14:16 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2015 14:16