
LECTURE 1Part I: History of Conservation - Introduction

Christensen, Carol, : 'Beck’s Book Considered’, AIC News 19/2 (1994) 1-3. 3 s.

Gould, Stephen J., ‘How the Vulva Stone became a Brachiopod [section on Bacon’s idols]’, in : The Lying Stones of Marrakech. Penultimate Reflections in Natural History, , Vintage, London (2001). (53-71), esp. 53-7, 4 s.

Riegl, Alois, ‘The Modern Cult of Monuments: Its Essence and Its Development’, in : Readings in Conservation, , eds. N.S. Price, et al., The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) 69-83. 14 s.

Schie?l, U., ’The conservator-restorer. A short history of his profession and the development of professional education’, in : CON.B.E.FOR., Ricerca Comparata: Conservatori-Restauratori di Beni Culturali in Europa: Centri ed Istituti di Formazione, , ed. C. Gimondi, Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo, Lurano (2000) 37-61 (biblio 98-105). 24 s.

LECTURE 1Part II: History of Conservation - Antiquity to the Renaissance

Hoeniger, Cathleen, : The Renovation of Paintings in Tuscany, 1250-1500, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1995) 1-33, (Lecture 7: 150-157). 21s.

Jokilehto, Jukka,: A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) 1-6, 13-16, 21-25, 29-46 [First published 1999]. 30 s.

LECTURE 2Part I: The Birth of the Institutions

Jokilehto, Jukka: A History of Architectural Conservation, , Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) 47-48, 56-65, 69-87 [First published 1999]. 26 s.

Lewis, Goeffrey, 'Museums and their precursors: a brief world survey', in : Manual of Curatorship: A Guide to Museum Practice, , 2nd ed., ed. J.M.A. Thompson, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (1994) 5-21. 14 s.

McClellen, Andew, ’Raphael’s Foligno Madonna at the Louvre in 1800: Restoration and Reaction at the Dawn of the Museum Age’,: Art Journal , 54/2 (1995) 80-85. 5 s.

Norman, Mark, ‘’It is surprising that things can be preserved as well as they are.’ Conservation and the Ashmolean since before 1683’, in : Past Practice – Future Prospects, British Museum Occasional Paper Number 145, , eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, British Museum, London (2001) 159-66. 7 s.

LECTURE 2Part II: The introduction of Science to Conservation

Bradley, Susan, ‘The Impact of Conservation Science at the British Museum’, in : The Interface between Science and Conservation, British Museum Occasional Paper No. 116, , ed. S. Bradley, The British Museum, London (1997) 1-7. 7 s.

Oddy, Andrew, 'Scientific examination of artefacts', in: Manual of Curatorship: A Guide to Museum Practice, , 2nd ed., ed. J.M.A. Thompson, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (1994) 480-6. 7 s.

Gilberg, M., and Vivian, D., ’The Rise of Conservation Science in Archaeology (1830-1930)’, in : Past Practice – Future Prospects, The British Museum Occasional Paper No. 145, , eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, The British Museum Press, London (2001) 87-93. 6 s.

Nadolny, Jilleen, ’The first century of published scientific analyses of the materials of historical painting and polychromy, circa 1780-1880’, : Reviews in Conservation 4,, Forthcoming (2003-4) 1-13. 5 s.

Percival-Prescott, Westby, ’The dreadful fate of Colliveau. A parable by Julius Ceasar Ibbetson (1759-1817) with notes by [W.P.P.]’, in Conservare Necesse Est. : Festschrift til Leif Einar Plahter p? hans 70-?rsdag, , ed. E. Skaug, IIC Nordic Group, Oslo (1999) 168-70. 2 s.

Schie?l, U., ’The conservator-restorer. A short history of his profession and the development of professional education’, in : CON.B.E.FOR., Ricerca Comparata: Conservatori-Restauratori di Beni Culturali in Europa: Centri ed Istituti di Formazione, , ed. C. Gimondi, Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo, Lurano (2000) 49-52, 60-61. 2 s.

Schmitt, Sibylle, 'Examination of Paintings Treated by Pettenkoffer's Process', in : Cleaning, Retouching and Coatings. Preprints of the Contributions to the Brussels Congress, 3-7 September 1990, , eds. J.S. Mills and P. Smith, IIC, London (1990) 81-4. 4 s.

Watkins, S.C., ‘Science and Conservation at the British Museum: A Nineteenth-Century Legacy', in : The Interface between Science and Conservation, British Museum Occasional Paper No. 116, , ed. S. Bradley, The British Museum, London (1997) 221-6. 5 s.

LECTURE 4History of Conservation in Scandinavia Guest Lecturer: Beate Knuth Federspiel

Clavir, M., ’The Social and Historic Construction of Professional Values in Conservation’, : Studies in Conservation , 43 (1998) 1-8.8 s.

Federspiel, B.K., ’Konserveringsbegrebet i det 20. ?rhundrede’, : Nordisk Museologi 1 , (2003) 3-15. 13 s.

Federspiel, B.K., ’The Definition of the Conservation Profession and its Field of Operation: Issues in the 21st Century’, in : Past Practice – Future Prospects, British Museum Occasional Paper Number 145,, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, British Museum, London (2001) 75-79.5 s.

Gamboni, D., ’World Heritage - Shield or Target?’, : The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter , 16/2 (2001) 5-11. 5 s.

Henderson, J., and Dollery, D., ’Growing Pains. The Development of a Conservation Profession’, : Tradition and Innovation. Advances in Conservation, , eds. A. Roy and P. Smith, IIC, London (2000) 88-91. 4 s.

Jokilehto, Jukka, : A History of Architectural Conservation,, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (2002) Chapter 10: Definitions and trends 275-318. [First published 1999], 24 s.

Mason, R., and de la Torre, M., ’Heritage Conservation and Values in Globalizing Societies’, : World Culture Report 2000: Cultural diversity, conflict and pluralism , (2000) Chapter 11: 164-179.16 s.

Sani, Margherita, ed., ’The legislative-organisational context [Norway]’, in : CON.B.E.FOR., Ricerca Comparata: Conservatori-Restauratori di Beni Culturali in Europa: Centri ed Istituti di Formazione, , ed. C. Gimondi, Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo, Lurano (2000) 247-253. 3 s.

Schiessl, Ulrich, ’The conservator-restorer. A short history of his profession and the development of professional education’, in : CON.B.E.FOR., Ricerca Comparata: Conservatori-Restauratori di Beni Culturali in Europa: Centri ed Istituti di Formazione, , ed. C. Gimondi, Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo, Lurano (2000) 51-61. 3 s.

LECTURE 10 Part I: Ethical considerations in the conservation of paper Guest Lecturer: Kari Greve

Daniels, Vincent, ‘Imperfect reversibility in paper conservation’, in : Reversibility – does it exist? British Museum Occasional Paper nr. 135, , eds. A. Oddy and S. Carroll, British Museum Press, London (1999) 47-51. 10 s.

James, Carlo, ‘The history of conservation’, in : Old master prints and drawings. A guide to preservation and conservation, , eds. J. Carlo and M.B. Cohn, Amsterdam U. Press, Amsterdam (1997) 190-9. 10 s.

James, Carlo, ‘Concerns of the curator and concerns of the conservator’, in : Old master prints and drawings. A guide to preservation and conservation, , eds. J. Carlo and M.B. Cohn, Amsterdam U. Press, Amsterdam (1997) 200 – 214. 15 s.

Keyes, Keiko, ‘The unique qualities of paper as an artefact in conservation treatment’, : The Paper Conservator 3 , (1978) 4-8. 5 s.

Kosek, Joanna M., ‘Restoration of art on paper in the west: A consideration of changing attitudes and values’, in : Restoration – is it acceptable?, British Museum Occasional Paper nr. 99, , ed. A. Oddy, British Museum Press, London (1994) 41-50. 10 s.

Oddy, Andrew, ‘Does reversibility exist?’, in : Reversibility – does it exist?, , in British Museum Occasional Paper nr. 135, eds. A. Oddy and S. Carroll, British Museum Press, London (1999) 1-5. 5 s.

Published Mar. 6, 2005 10:32 AM