
Digital compendium (must log in to access): /studier/emner/hf/iakh/KONS2010/v20/kompendier//studier/emner/hf/iakh/KONS2010/v20/kompendier/


The pensum reading is not divided equally throughout the course. Students are encouraged to complete the reading in advance of lectures.

The Compendium (available from Akademika) should include all texts that are not available via a web-link.



Miller, P.N., History and Its Objects. Antiquarianism and Material Culture since 1500, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY (2017).



LECTURE 1 The history of conservation/restoration: an overview of ideas and concepts (Antiquity to the early twentieth century

* Mu?oz Vi?as, Salvador, Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (2005) ¡®Chapter 1: What is conservation?¡¯ pp. 7¨C25 ¡®Chapter 7: The reasons for conservation¡¯ pp. 171¨C181.

* Schie?l, U., ¡¯The conservator-restorer. A short history of his profession and the development of professional education¡¯, in CON.B.E.FOR., Ricerca Comparata: Conservatori-Restauratori di Beni Culturali in Europa: Centri ed Istituti di Formazione, ed. C. Gimondi, Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo, Lurano (2000) pp. 37¨C61 (biblio 98¨C105).

Miller, P.N., History and Its Objects. Antiquarianism and Material Culture since 1500, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY (2017). ¡®Introduction¡¯, pp. 1?20; ¡®Things as historical evidence in the late Renaissance and early Enlightenment¡¯, pp. 55?75.


Optional (external to pensum):

Jokilehto, J., A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (2002) pp. 1¨C6, 13¨C16, 21¨C25, 29¨C48, 56¨C65 [First published 1999].

Keck, Sheldon, ¡®Further materials for a history of conservation¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 281¨C287.



LECTURE 2  Formative debates in the nineteenth century

* Melucco Vaccaro, Alessandra, ¡®Restoration and Anti-Restoration¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 308¨C313.

* Morris, William, ¡®Manifesto of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 319¨C321. [Originally published in ¡®The Principles of the Society [for the Protection of Ancient Buildings] As Set Forth upon Its Foundation¡¯, Builder 35 (25 August 1877)].

* Ruskin, John, ¡®The Lamp of Memory, II¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 322¨C323. [Originally published in: ¡®The Lamp of Memory¡¯, chap. 6 in The Seven Lamps of Architecture, Smith, Elder, London (1849) nos. 18¨C20].

Miller, P.N., History and Its Objects. Antiquarianism and Material Culture since 1500, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY (2017). ¡®Archaeology as a way of talking about things, 1750?1850¡¯, pp. 97?122.


Optional (external to pensum):

Darrow, Elisabeth, ¡®Necessity Introduced these Arts: Pietro Edwards and the Restoration of the Public Pictures of Venice 1778¨C1819¡¯, in Past Practice, Future Prospects; The British Museum Occasional Paper Number 145, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, The British Museum Press, London (2001) pp. 61¨C65.

Falser, M.S., Lipp, W., Tomaszewski, A., eds., Conservation and preservation: interactions between theory and practice: in memoriam Alois Riegl (1858?1905), Edizioni Polistampa, Firenze, c. 2010.

Jokilehto, J., A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (2002) pp. 101, 109¨C110, 127¨C132, 137¨C141, 149¨C157, 174¨C176, 181¨C186, 252¨C255.

?mile-M?le, Gilberte, ¡®The first transfer at the Louvre in 1750: Andrea del Sarto¡¯s La Charit¨¦ (1982)¡¯, in Issues in the Conservation of Paintings, eds. D. Bomford and M. Leonard, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (2004) 275¨C289.

Miele, Christopher, ¡®¡°A Small Knot of Cultured People¡±: William Morris and ideologies of protection¡¯, Art Journal 54/2 (1995) pp. 73¨C79. (JSTOR)






LECTURE 3 Scientific research and museum objects  

Science, archaeology and the study of paint

€ Pinto, M. ¡®Taking Paint Samples for Pigment Analysis in Nineteenth-Century England¡¯, Studies in Conservation 64:7, pp. 381?386.

* Gilberg, M., and Vivian, D., ¡¯The rise of conservation science in archaeology (1830¨C1930)¡¯, in Past Practice ¨C Future Prospects, The British Museum Occasional Paper No. 145, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, The British Museum Press, London (2001) pp. 87¨C93.

* Bradley, Susan, ¡®The impact of conservation science at the British Museum¡¯, in The Interface between Science and Conservation, British Museum Occasional Paper No. 116, ed. S. Bradley, The British Museum, London (1997) pp. 1¨C7.


Histories of cleaning controversies

* Anderson, Jaynie, ¡®The first cleaning controversy at the National Gallery 1846¨C1853¡¯, in Appearance, Opinion, Change: Evaluation the Look of Paintings, The United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, London (1990) pp. 3¨C7.

€ Brommelle, Norman, ¡¯Material for a History of Conservation¡¯, Studies in Conservation 2/4 (1956) pp. 176¨C188. (JSTOR)

€ Keck, Sheldon, ¡®Some picture cleaning controversies: past and present¡¯, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 23/2 (1984) pp. 73¨C87. (JSTOR)

* R?d, Johannes, ¡®The cleaning controversy and the keeping of secrets at the National Gallery in Oslo 1917¨C1921¡¯, in ICOM-CC, 11th triennial meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1¨C6 September 1996: Preprints, ed. J. Bridgland, James & James (Science Publishers), London (1996) pp. 172¨C176.

€ Sciolino, E., ¡®Leonardo painting¡¯s restoration bitterly divides art experts¡¯, New York Times, 3 January 2012, (accessed October 2017).


Optional (external to pensum):

Nadolny, J., ¡®The first century of published scientific analyses of the materials of historical painting and polychromy, circa 1780¨C1880¡¯, Reviews in Conservation 4 (2003) pp. 39¨C51.

Plenderleith, H.J., ¡®Notes on technique in the examination of panel paintings¡¯, Technical Studies in the Field of the Fine Arts 1(1) 1932, 3-7.

Urbani, Giovanni, ¡®The science and art of conservation of cultural property¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 445¨C450.

Larsen, Ren¨¦, ¡®The Science of Conservation-Restoration¡¯, in 25 Years School of Conservation: the Jubilee Symposium Preprints 18-20 May 1998, Konservatorskolen Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen (1998) pp. 77¨C85.

Schmitt, Sibylle, ¡®Examination of paintings treated by Pettenkoffer¡¯s process¡¯, in Cleaning, Retouching and Coatings. Preprints of the Contributions to the Brussels Congress, 3¨C7 September 1990, eds. J.S. Mills and P. Smith, IIC, London (1990) pp. 81¨C84.


LECTURE 4 From craftsman to conservator: catalysts and frameworks for multi-disciplinary training


* Stout, George, ¡®Letters¡¯ and ¡®Section V: The aftermath¡¯, in Robert M. Edsel, Monuments Men, Preface Publishing, London (2009), pp. 95¨C96, 277¨C279, 371¨C387.

€ Keck, C., ¡®Salute to Paul Coremans¡¯, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 30(1), 1991, 1¨C2 (available at ).



* Brandi, Cesare, ¡®Theory of Restoration, I¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 230¨C235 (first published in Italian in 1963).

* Philippot, Paul, ¡®Historic preservation: Philosophy, Criteria, Guidelines, I.¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 268¨C274.

€ Mu?oz Vi?as, Salvador, ¡®Who is Afraid of Cesare Brandi?¡¯ Personal reflections on Teoria del restauro, CREOART, June 2015.


Training and education

The ENCoRE Document of Constitution, Drafted in Dresden, 9 November (1997), in 25 Years School of Conservation: the Jubilee Symposium Preprints 18-20 May 1998, Konservatorskolen Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen (1998) pp. 201¨C203.



Optional (external to pensum):

Coremans, P., ¡®The technique of the ¡°Flemish Primitives¡¯¡±, in Issues in the Conservation of Paintings, eds. D. Bomford and M. Leonard, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (2004) pp. 194¨C206.

Stout, George L., ¡®Thirty years of conservation in the arts: a summary of remarks to the I.I.C. American Group in New York, June 1963¡¯, Studies in Conservation 9 (1964) pp. 126-128.

Riefsnyder, Joan M., ¡®Cesare Brandi and Italian Conservation Theory: In and Out of Context¡¯, AIC Paintings Speciality Group Postprints Vol. 16, ed. H.M. Parkin, AIC, Washington, D.C. (2003) pp. 23¨C32.


LECTURE 5 Conservation standards: conventions, charters and codes of ethics


* Clavir, Miriam, ¡®The social and historic construction of professional values in conservation¡¯, Studies in Conservation 43 (1998) pp. 1¨C8.

* Hanssen-Bauer, Francoise, ¡¯Konvensjoner om faste kulturminner: Norges forpliktelser og utfordringer til fagmilj?et¡¯, Kirkeark?ologi i Norden 8 (2006) pp. 115¨C122.


Charters and guidelines

€ ¡®The Hague Convention¡¯, Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954)

€ ¡®The Murray Pease Report¡¯ [Studies in Conservation 9(3) (1964), pp. 116¨C121] reprinted in Articles of Association of IIC, Bylaws o the American Group, IIC-American Group, New York (1968) pp. 55-61.

€ ¡®The Venice Charter¡¯, International Charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites (ICOMOS), 2nd International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments, Venice, (25¨C31 May 1964, adopted 1965). See

€ ¡®The Nara Document on Authenticity¡¯ (ICOMOS), Agency for Cultural Affairs (Government of Japan), UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOMOS, Nara (1994). See

€ ¡®The Conservator-Restorer: a Definition of the Profession¡¯, International Council of Museums¨CCommittee for Conservation, (accessed October 2010). 

ECCO Professional Guidelines I/II/III, ECCO, Brussels (2002). See or Google ECCO Professional Guidelines for the link to the pdf.


Optional (external to pensum):

Sease, C, ¡®Codes of ethics for conservation¡¯, International Journal of Cultural Property 7(1) (1998) pp. 98¨C115.

Mu?oz Vi?as, Salvador, ¡®Contemporary theory of conservation¡¯, Reviews in Conservation 3 (2002) pp. 25¨C34.



LECTURE 6 Ethics and problems in contemporary conservation practice

* Pye, E., ¡®Reaching a decision¡¯ in Caring for the Past: Issues in Conservation for Archaeology and Museums, James and James, London (2001) pp. 116¨C120.

* Mu?oz Vi?as, S., Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford/Burlington (2005) ¡®Chapter 5: A brief excursion into the real world¡¯, pp. 115¨C146.

* Clavir, M., ¡®The social and historic construction of professional values in conservation¡¯, Studies in Conservation 43 (1998) pp. 1¨C8.


Restoration: an acceptable concept?

* Oddy, A., ¡®Restoration ¨C is it acceptable?¡¯, in British Museum Occasional Paper 99. Restoration ¨C is it acceptable?, ed. A. Oddy, The British Museum, London (1994) pp. 3¨C8.

* Richmond, A., ¡®Review: restoration ¨C is it acceptable?¡¯, V&A Conservation Journal No. 15 (1995) pp. 10¨C11.


Reversibility to retreatability

* Oddy, Andrew, ¡®Does reversibility exist in conservation?¡¯, in Reversibility ¨C does it exist?, British Museum Occasional Paper number 135, ed. A. Oddy, British Museum Press, London (1999) pp. 1¨C5.

€ Appelbaum, B., ¡®Criteria for treatment: reversibility¡¯, Studies in Conservation 26/2 (1987) pp. 65?73.




LECTURE 7 Writing histories for conservation

€ Streeton, No?lle L.W. Writing histories for late-medieval objects: the engagement of conservation with theoretical perspectives on material culture, Studies in Conservation, 62:7 (2017) 419-31:

Miller, P.N., History and Its Objects. Antiquarianism and Material Culture since 1500, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY (2017). ¡®History and things in the twentieth century¡¯, pp. 21?40; ¡®Toward a future theory of the historical document¡¯, pp. 200?210.




LECTURE 8 ArtWatch and critics of conservation

€ Daley, M., ¡®Review: Who Cleaned the Queen¡¯s Windows and the Lady¡¯s Pearls?¡¯, ArtWatch UK,

€ The Shroud of Turin: Meacham, William, ¡®The ¡°restoration¡± of the Turin Shroud: a conservation and scientific disaster¡¯, E-conservation, the online magazine 13 (February 2010), 28¨C42. Available at

€ Cleaning Michelangelo¡¯s David: ¡®Distilled water to clean David¡¯, BBC News, 24 July 2003,

 € Sterling, Kristin, ¡®ArtWatch Founder James Beck Discusses Restoration of ¡®David¡¯; Participates in Film that Screens February¡¯, Columbia News, 30 January (2004),

€ Cleaning Leonardo¡¯s The Virgin and Child With St Anne: Alberge, D., ¡®Louvre's Leonardo was overcleaned, say art experts¡¯, The Guardian (UK), 28 December 2011,


Film (external to compendium):

James Aviles Martin, ArtWatch: The Scandal Behind Art Restoration, National Film Network, Lanham, Maryland, 2005.



LECTURE 9 Cleaning controversies and their implications

* Hedley, G., ¡®Long lost relations and new found relativities: issues in the cleaning of paintings¡¯, in Appearance, Opinion and Change: Evaluating the Look of Paintings. Preprints of the UKIC/AAH Conference, June 1990,eds. P. Booth and V. Todd, UKIC, London, 1990. (Reprinted in Measured Opinions: Collected Papers on the Conservation of Paintings, ed. C. Villers, UKIC, London, 1993, 172?178.)

* van de Wetering, Ernst, ¡®The autonomy of restoration: ethical considerations in relation to artistic concepts¡¯, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price et al., Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 193¨C199.




LECTURE 10 Ethical considerations in archaeological conservation

Guest lecturer: Douwtje van der Meulen

Augustine, S.J.. Perspectives of an Elder/Curator on the meaning of heritage objects and why it is important to preserve objects and care for them in a respectful manner. In Dignard, C., Helwig, K., Mason, J., Nanowin, K., Stone, T. (eds.), 2008. Symposium 2007: Preserving Aboriginal Heritage: Technical and Traditional Approaches. Ottowa: Canadian Conservation Institute, (2007) 3-8.

Odegaard, N. Changing the way professionals work: Collaboration in the preservation of ethnographic and archaeological aspects. In The GCI newsletter 30, no. 1 (2005 Spring). Available from:

Peters, R.F. The parallel paths of conservation of contemporary art and indigenous collections.  Studies in Conservation 61 (2), (2016) 183-187.  Available online:

Sease, C., ¡®Conservation and the Antiquities Trade¡¯, JAIC 36 (1997) pp. 49¨C58. (JSTOR)

* Walker Tubb, K., ¡®The Antiquities Trade: an archaeological conservator¡¯s perspective¡¯, in Antiquities Trade or Betrayed. Legal, Ethical & Conservation Issues, ed. K.W. Tubb, Archetype, London (1995) pp. 256¨C263.

Zamir, E., The conservation laundering of illicit antiquities. ArtWatch UK online. (2015) Available from

Odegaard, N., Jeffery, R.B. , Bott, S., Rawan, A., Professional Education for Afghan Cultural Heritage Faculty. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15¨C19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgeland, art. 0305, Paris:International Council of Museums, (2014) pp. 8. Available from:



Richardson, H., Taking the ancestors on a visit: The role of conservators in reconnecting a collection of historic Blackfoot shirts with the community. In ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon, (2011)

* Sease, C. and Thimme, D., ¡®The Kanakari¨¢ Mosaics: the conservator¡¯s view¡¯, in Antiquities Trade or Betrayed. Legal, Ethical & Conservation Issues, ed. K.W. Tubb, Archetype, London (1995) pp. 122¨C130.



LECTURE 11 Engagement: War and the Protection of Cultural Heritage

€ Stone, P., Archaeology and conflict: An impossible relationship? Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 11(3¨C4) (2009) 315¨C32.

€ Blue Shield International:  





Published Nov. 22, 2019 5:19 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2020 3:10 PM