Studenter bes ? skaffe seg f?lgende b?ker:
A) Caple, C. (red.) 2011. Preventive Conservation in Museums, Routledge, London and New York.
A) Pinniger, D. 2015. Integrated pest management in cultural heritage, Archetype Publications, London.
Videre pensum finnes p? internett og lenker til disse er gitt.
€) Canadian Conservation Institute 2014. Preventive Conservation and Agents of Deterioration,
€)Chapter 4 Museums Collections Environment in NPS Museum Handbook, Part 1: Musuem Collections
€)Dawson, A.A. (red) 2011. Benchmarks in collection care 2.0, Museums Libraries Archives Council,
€)Standards in collection care,
€)Grzywacs, C.M. 2006. Monitoring for Gaseous Pollutants in Museum Environments. Tools for conservation. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles.
€)Ankersmit, B. og Stappers, M.H.L. 2017. Managing indoor Climate risks in Museums, Springer, Switzerland.
€)Excel 2013 training courses, videos and tutorials
€)Keene, S. 1991. Audits of care: a framework for collections condition surveys, I Norman, M . og Todd, V. (red.) Storage, Preprints for UKIC conference, Restoration ¡¯91, UKIC, London, s.6-16
€)Heritage Collections Council. 2000. Collections surveys and condition reporting, in reCollections: caring for collections across Australia, Vol.4, Managing Collections, kap.5, Heritage Collections Council, Canberra, s.40-51
€)Michalsky, S. 2004. Care and preservation of collections, i Running a museum: A practical handbook, ICOM International Council of Museums, s. 51-89
€)Searls, D. 2007. Guide to managing historical societies. Developing a significant collection. Conservation of collections and collection management plans, Royal historical Society of Victoria, s. 1-18.
€)Thickett, D. og Lee, L.R. 1996 (revidert 2004). Selection of materials for the storage or display of museum objects, The British Museum Occasional Paper, Number 11.
€)T¨¦trault, J. 1994. Display materials: The good, the bad and the ugly, Exhibitions and Conservation. Pre-prints of the Conference held at The Royal College of Physicans, Edinburg. Ed. J. Sage, The Scottish Society for Conservation & Restoration (SSCR), Edinburg, 79-87.
€)T¨¦treault, J. 1999. Coatings for Display and Storage in Museums, CCI Technical Bulletin no. 21. Canadian Conservation Institute. Ottawa 46.
€)Tsukada, M 2012. A new strategy for assessing off-gassing from museum materials: Air sampling in Oddy test vessels, AIC News, Vol. 37, No. 1, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, s.1, 3-7.
€)Mecklenburg, M.F. 1991: Art in Transit: Studies in the transport of paintings. Preprints to the International Conference on the Packing and Transportation of Paintings September 9-11, 1991, London National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
€)Marcon, Paul 2011: Six steps to safe shipment. in Preventive Conservation in Museums, Edited by Chris Caple. pp. 63-78. Routhledge.
€)Papadimitriou, Maria and Elpida Vamvakari 2008: Risk assessment during art loan and transportation at the Byzantine and Christian museum of Athens In Conservation and Access: Contributions to the 2008 IIC Congress, London, p.p.69-75
€)?ukasz Lasyk, Micha? ?ukomski, ?ukasz Bratasz and Roman Koz?owski 2008: Vibration as a hazard during the transportation of canvas paintings in Studies in Conservation Volume 53, Issue Supplement-1,pp. 64 ¨C 68.
€)Saunders, David 1998: Monitoring Shock and Vibration during the Transportation of Paintings in National Gallery Technical Bulletin Volume 19. p.p. 64-73.
*Mengshoel, Karen, Liu, Mirjam, Moltubakk Kempton, Hanne & Tine Fr?ysaker, 2012: Moving monumental Munch: From listed building to temporary studio - and back again. In Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 65-72. Archetype Publications Ltd.
*Braovac, Susan, Guro Hjulstad and Elin Storbekk 2012: Decitions about moving collections: where do conservators fit in? How can we contribute? in Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 175-184. Archetype Publications Ltd.
*Esser, Karen 2012: Intern transport og h?ndtering af s?rbare kunstv?rker med ubundet farve p? papir in Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 91-98. Archetype Publications Ltd.
€)Richard M., M. F. Mecklenburg and Ross Merrill 1991: Art in transit: a handbook for packing and transporting paintings. Preprints to the International Conference on the Packing and Transportation of Paintings September 9-11, 1991, London. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
€)Marcon, Paul: Corner pads for double case packages.
€)Marcon, Paul 1993: Basic handling of paintings
€)Marcon, Paul 1998: Wrapping a painting CCI Notes 10/16
*Carlsen. Mette 2012: Casing of sculptures and installations in Moving Collections. Processes and Consequences. pp. 81-90. Archetype Publications Ltd.