
Day 1

Introduction to Course/Conservation Surveys and Audits

Keene, S. 1996: Managing Conservation in Museums, Ch. 8 and 9 pp. 112-171. Butterworth Heinemann and The National Museum of Science & Industry Science Museum, Oxford.

Walker, K. and Louise Bacon 1987: A Condition of Specimens in the Horniman Museum: a Progress Report. In Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artifacts edited by Black, J. Summer School Press for University of London, Institute of Archaeology, London.

Museums and Galleries Commission 1992: Standards in the Museum Care of Archaeological Objects, Ch. 9-15 pp. 33-59. The Commission, London.

Day 2

External Influences on the Museum Climate/Environmental Monitoring and Statistical Analysis

Rowntree, D. 1981: Statistics without tears. An introduction for non-mathematicians, pp. 9-101. Penguin, Harmondsworth.DENNE BOKEN M? STUDENTENE KJ?PE SELV.

Cassar, M. 1997: Environmental Management. Guidelines for Museums and Galleries, Ch. 2-5 pp. 14-74. Routledge & Routledge, London and New York.

Subject 1

Chemical Damage

Tétreault, J. 2004: Airborne Pollutants in Museums, Galleries, and Archives: Risk Assessment, Control Strategies, and Preservation Management, pp. 7-36 and pp. 77-89. Canadian Conservation Institute, Canada.

Hatchfield, P.B. 2002: Pollutants in the Museum Environment, pp. 1-54. Archetype Publications Ltd., London.

Thickett, D. and L.R. Lee 2004 [1996]: The Selection of Materials for the Storage or Display of Museum Objects. The British Museum, London.

Canadian Conservation Institute 1994: CCI Notes 17/1 and CCI Notes 17/2. Government of Canada, Canada.

Subject 2

Biological Damage

Pinniger, D. 2001: Pest Management in Museums, Archives and Historic Houses. Archetype, London. STUDENTS MUST BUY THIS BOOK.

Pinniger, D. and Peter Winsor 1998: Integrated Pest Management. Museums and Galleries Commission, London.

Subject 3

Physical Material Damage

Costain, C. 1997: Scientific Rationale for Studies on Packing and Transportation of Paintings in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 19-23. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Erhardt, D. 1997: Art in Transit: Material considerations in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 25-36. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Green, T. 1997: Performance Criteria for Packing in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 49-57. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Hackeny, S. and Timothy Green 1997: Packing Case Designs in Art in transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 69-77. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Marcon, P.J. 1997a: A Circular Slide Rule for Protective Package Design in Art in Transit edited by Mecklengurg, M.F., pp. 93-106. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Marcon, P.J. 1997b: Shock, Vibration, and Protective Package Design in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 107-120. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Marcon, P.J. 1997c: Shock, Vibration, and the Shipping Environment in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 121-132. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Richard, M. 1997a: Foam Cushioning Materials: Techniques for their proper Use in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 269-278. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Richard, M. 1997b: Control of Temperature and Relative Hunidity in Packing Cases in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 279-297. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.

Staniforth, S. 1997: Lending Paintings - The Conservator's View in Art in Transit edited by Mecklenburg, M.F., pp. 335-342. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.

Publisert 22. okt. 2007 16:19 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2008 11:21