
(A) is a book that can be purchased at Akademika, or borrowed at the library. All other articles are available electronically; see links here and in Fronter.

Russell, Roslyn, Kylie Winkworth, 2010, Significance 2.0: a guide to assessing the significance of collections

Alois Riegl, “The Modern Cult of Monuments: Its Essence and Its Development”, in Historical and Philosophical Issues on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, ed. Nicholas Stanley Price, M Kirby, Jr Talley and Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro (Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 1996), 74.

Conservation Management

Cassar, May: Cost/Benefits Appraisals for Collection Care. A practical Guide, 1998. London. Les s. 5-46

Davies, Stuart: Producing a Forward Planning, Museum and Galleries Commissions 1996.

Forward Planning Toolkit

Netherlands. Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur. Deltaplan. Preservation of Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands. , Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs, 1990

Jaap van der Burg, 1996, The Deltaplan, The way it worked

Staniforth, Sarah "Benefits Versus Costs in Environmental Control". I Suzanne Keene (red.): Managing Conservation, s. 28-30. 1990. London.

(A) Keene, Suzanne: Managing Conservation in Museums, 2002 second edition. Oxford. Les kap. 4, 5, 9, 10.

Kate Clark, 1998, Conservation Plans: a guide for the perplexed

Risk Analysis

Jonathan Ashley-Smith. Risk assessment methodologies used in the cultural heritage field. In 'Avalia??o de Risco em Patrimonio:necesidade ou luxo?' Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto.Portugal. 6&7 December 2010.

Waller, R. Robert "Ch.4. Cultural Property Risk Analysis Model. Development and Application to Preventive Conservation at the Canadian Museum of Nature": G?tebotg Studies in Conservation 13, pp. 55-76, Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.

Disaster Management

Dorge, V. & Jones L. S.: Building an Emergency Plan, A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions. 1999. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles .

Stovel, H.: Risk Preparedness: A management manual for World Cultural Heritage , 1998. ICCROM, Rome.

Books for more dedicated reading

Ashley-Smith, Jonathan : Risk Assessment for Object Conservation, Butterworth-Heinemann 1999. Les kapitel 2 og 5.

Baer, N.S. & F. Snickars (eds): Rational decision-making in the preservation of cultural property, Report of the 86th Dahlem Workshop, Berlin, March 26-31, 2000. Dahlem University Press, Berlin 2001.

Gardener, Dan. Risk: the science and politics of fear Virgin Books. 2009 ISBN 9780753515532

Kidd, S. (ed.): Heritage under fire A guide to the protection of historic buildings. , 1995. The fire Protection Agency, London .

Levitt, A. M. : Disaster Planning and Recovery. A guide for Facilities Professionals., 1997. John Wiley and Sons, New York .

Morris, Julian (ed): Rethinking Risk and the Precautionary Principle, 2000. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Nelson, C. L.: Protecting the past from Natural Disasters. , 1991. The Preservation Press, National trust for Historic Preservation, Washington.

Sutherland, Stuart. Irrationality, Pinter and Martin. 2007 ISBN 9781905177073

R. Robert Waller Cultural Property Risk Analysis Model. Development and Application to Preventive Conservation at the Canadian Museum of Nature. G?teborg Studies in Conservation 13. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. ISBN 91-7346-475-9. (Especially chapter 4 pp 55-76)

Publisert 11. okt. 2011 15:57 - Sist endret 2. feb. 2012 18:00