
KONS3021 Kontroll av milj? og klima


For dette emnet er alle artikler tilgjengelig via internett. V?r obs p? at en del artikler kun er tilgjengelig via UiO nettverk. Det anbefales ? laste ned artikkelen ved studiestart for ? unng? problemer med nedlasting p? et senere tidspunkt.


1. Preventive conservation planning

€ Waller, Robert and Michalski, Stefan (2004) Effective preservation: From reaction to prevention, I: Conservation Perspectives, The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, 19.1 (spring 2004).

€ Susanne Hillhouse (2011) Collections Trust accreditation guidance sheet 3: Collections management plans and procedures, Collections Trust.

€ NEDCC Preservation leaflets :  1. Planning and Prioritization section 1 to 6.)

Further reading

€ Stuart Davies, (1996) Producing a Forward Plan, London: The Museums and Galleries Commision.

Forward planning toolkit, The South Western Federation of Museums and Art Galleries.

€ Jaap van der Burg, (1996) The Delta Plan, the way it worked, transcript of paper for the ICOM CC meeting in Edinburgh.

€ Erica Avrami, Kathleen Dardes and Marta de la Torre (1999) The Conservation Assessment: A Proposed Model for Evaluating Museum Environmental Management Needs, Los Angelos: Getty Conservation Institute.

€ Neal Putt and Sarah Slade ( 2004) Teamwork for Preventive Conservation, Rome: ICCROM..


2. Risk assessment and management- an introduction

€ Jos¨¦ Luiz Pedersoli Jr., Catharine Antomarchi and Stefan Michalski (2016) Welcome to risk management, I: A guide to risk management of cultural heritage, 8-15.

€ Agnes Brokerhof, Bart Ankersmit and Frank Ligterink (2017) Introduction:  Risk management for collections, Amersfoort : Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, 9-21.

€ Jonathan Ashely-Smith (2001) Practical uses of risk analysis, I: The Paper Conservator, 25:1, 59-63.

€ Jonathan Ashley-Smith (2002) Sustainability and precaution: Part 1, I: V&A Conservation Journal, Issue 40.

€ Jonathan Ashley-Smith (2003) Sustainability and precaution: Part 2 How precautionary should we be?, I: V&A Conservation Journal, Issue 44.  

€ Robert Waller (1995) Risk management applied to preventive conservation, Carolyn L. Rose, C. A. Hawks, H. H. Genoways (red) , Storage of natural history collections: a preventive conservation approach, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, 21-27.

€ Stefan Micahlski (2018) Does Jonathan Ashley-Smith believe in a transparent method for risk assessment, in Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 41:1, 71-78, DOI: 10.1080/19455224.2017.1418208.


3. Identifying risks

€ Jos¨¦ Luiz Pedersoli Jr., Catharine Antomarchi and Stefan Michalski (2016) Context and Identify, I: A guide to risk management of cultural heritage, 16-59.

€ Agnes Brokerhof, Bart Ankersmit and Frank Ligterink (2017) The risk management process: In practice-the steps of the risk management process and Step 1: Establish the context, I: Risk management for collections, Amersfoort : Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, 9-21.

€ Robert Waller (1994) Conservation risk assessment: a strategy for managing resources for preventive conservation, I: Roy Ashok and Perry Smith (Red.) Preventive conservation: practice, theory and research: preprints of the contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September, London: International Institute for Conservation if Historic and Artistic Works, 12-16.

€ Garnet Muething, Robert Waller and Fiona Graham (2005)Risk assessment of collections in exhibitions at the Canadian Museum of Nature, I: Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Volume 44, Issue 3, 233-243.


4. Value assessment

€ Joel Taylor and May Cassar (2008) Representations and intervention: The symbiotic relationship of conservation and value, I: Studies in Conservation, 53, sup1, 7-11.

€ Agnes Brokerhof, Bart Ankersmit and Frank Ligterink (2017) The risk management process: Step 2- Collection assessment and valuation, I: Risk management for collections, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed: Amersfoort, 21-26.

€ Russell, Roslyn, Kylie Winkworth (2010) Significance 2.0: a guide to assessing the significance of collections

Assessing museum collections (2014) Amersfoort:Rijksdienst voor het cultureel erfgoed.

Further reading

€ St?le Navrud and Richard C. Ready (red.) (2002) Valuing cultural heritage, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Marte de la Torre (2002) Assessing the values of cultural heritage: research report. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.


5. Risk analysis methods

€ Agnes Brokerhof, Bart Ankersmit and Frank Ligterink (2017) The risk management process: Step 3- QuickScan track, Step 3 ABC track- Identify risk and Step 4 ABC track ¨C Analyse risk ¨C Vulnerability and potential loss of value, I: Risk management for collections, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed: Amersfoort, 26-37.

Agnes W. Brokerhof and Anna E. B¨¹low (2016) The QuiskScan--a quick risk scan to identify value and hazards in a collection., I: Journal of the Institute of Conservation 39, no. 1, 18-28.

€ Jos¨¦ Luiz Pedersoli Jr., Catharine Antomarchi and Stefan Michalski (2016) Analyze and Evaluate, I: A guide to risk management of cultural heritage, 61-97.

€ Agnes Brokerhof, Bart Ankersmit and Frank Ligterink (2017) Step 3 ABC track- Identify risk and Step 4 ABC track ¨C Analyse risk ¨C Vulnerability and potential loss of value, I: Risk management for collections, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed: Amersfoort, 26-37.

€ Robert Waller, (2002) ¡°A risk model for collection preservation¡±, in The 13th Triennial Meeting Rio de Janeiro Preprints, Vol 1, 102-107,

€ Joel Taylor, ¡°Distinguishing between the Map and the Territory: Synergy in Agent based Approaches to Risk Assessment,¡± Guest Edited by Robert Waller, ¡°The International Symposium on Cultural Property Risk Analysis,¡± a focus issue of Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 8:4 (Fall 2012), 297-306.


6. Risk management

€ Agnes W. Brokerhof,  (2006) Collection Risk Management ¨C The next Frontier, Presented at the CMA Cultural Property Protection Conference, Ottawa, 16 January 2006

€ Jos¨¦ Luiz Pedersoli Jr., Catharine Antomarchi and Stefan Michalski (2016) Treat and Monitor, I: A guide to risk management of cultural heritage, 89-117.

€ Agnes Brokerhof, Bart Ankersmit and Frank Ligterink (2017) Agents of deterioration and scenario schemes, I: Risk management for collections, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed: Amersfoort, 47-189.

€ Stefan Michalski (2014) The power of history in the analysis of collection vulnerabilities, I: preprints of the ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Melbourne Australia, 15-19 September.


7. Uncertainty in risk assessment

€ Jonathan Ashley-Smith (2000) Developing professional uncertainty, in Studies in Conservation, 45:sup1, 14-17.

€ Jonathan Ashley-Smith (2006) Evaluating the risk of rare events, in V & A conservation journal, no. 54, 2006 Autumn, Victoria and Albert Museum, Conservation Department: London, 16-17.

Dario Camuffo, (1997) Perspectives on Risks to Architectural Heritage,  I: Norman Baer,  and Snethlage, R., Saving Our Architectural Heritage: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester,  63¨C92.

€ Gustaf Leijonhufvud, Erik Kjellstr?m, Tor Brostr?m, Jonathan Ashley-Smith and Dario Camuffo (2013) Uncertainties in damage assessments of future indoor climates, I: (Jonathan Ashley-Smith, Andreas Burmeister and Melanie Eibl eds.) Climate for collections. Standards and uncertainties, Munich 2013, Archetype Publications: London and Doerner Institute: Munich, 406-419.

€ Marco Martens and Henk Schellen (2013) Climate risk assessment in museums, in (Jonathan Ashley-Smith, Andreas Burmeister and Melanie Eibl eds.) Climate for collections. Standards and uncertainties, Munich 2013, Archetype Publications: London and Doerner Institute: Munich, 364-374.

€ Jean T¨¦trault (2008) Fire risk assessment for collections in museums, in Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation, Volume 33, 3-21.

€ Bruce Ford and Jim Druzik (2013) Microfading: The state of the art for natural history collections, in Collection forum, 27, no. 1-2, 54-71.


8. Life cycle costing, cost-benefit analysis and dependency modelling

€ Davide Settembre Blundo, Anna Maria Ferrare, Martine Pini, Maria Pia Riccardi, Jos¨¦ Francisco Garci¨¢ amd Alfonso Pedro Fern¨¢ndes del Hoyo (2014) The life cycle approach as an innovative methodology for the recovery and restoration of cultural heritage, I: Emerald Insight, Journal of Cultural Heritage management and Sustainable Development, Vol.4, Iss 2, 133-148.

€ Catherine Dillon, William Lindsay, Joel Taylor, Kalliopi Fouseki, Nancy Bell and Matija Strli? (2013) Collections demography: stakeholders¡¯ view on the lifetime of collections, I: , I: (Jonathan Ashley-Smith, Andreas Burmeister and Melanie Eibl eds.) Climate for collections. Standards and uncertainties, Munich 2013, Archetype Publications: London and Doerner Institute: Munich, 45-58.

€ Richard T. Melstrom (2015) Valuing a historic site with multiple visitor types and missing survey data, I: Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 16, Issue 1, 102-105.

€ Tran Huu Tuan, St?le Navrud (2008) ¡°Capturing the benefits of preserving cultural heritage¡± , in Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 326-337.

Kathy Litgow, Sarah Staniforth and Paul Etheridge (2008) Prioritizing access in the conservation of National Trust collections, I: Studies in Conservation, 53, sup 1, 178-185.

€ Joel Taylor, Nigel Blades and May Cassar, (2006) ¡°Dependency Modelling for Cultural Heritage¡±, in proceedings of Safeguarded Cultural Heritage ¨C Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe, Prague May 31st-June 3rd, 2006, (Eds.) M. Dradcky and M. Chapuis, Prague: ITAM, pp. 51-59.


9. Disaster planning

Fiona Macalister (2015) Preparing for the future: mitigating disasters and building resilience in the cultural heritage sector, I: Journal of the Institute of conservation, Volume 38, Issue 2, 115-129.

€ Ann D. Horowitz (2016) Planning before Disaster strikes: An introduction to adaptation strategies, I: APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology, Vol. 47, No. 1, Special issue on climate change and preservation technology, 40-48.

€ Valerie Dorge and  Sharon Jones,( 1999) Building an Emergency Plan, A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute

€ Jordan Ferraro and Jane Henderson (2013) Identifying features of effective emergency response plans, I: Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Volume 50, Issue 1, 35-48.



10. Emergency response

€ Sarah Spafford, Ricci and Fiona Graham, (2000) ¡°The Fire at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Part 1: Salvage, Initial Response, and the Implications for Disaster Planning¡± ,in Journal of  the American Institute of Conservation, Vol. 39, 15-36

€ Sarah Spafford, Ricci and Fiona Graham, (2000) ¡°The Fire at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Part 2: Removal of Soot from Artifacts and Recovery of the Building¡± ,in Journal of the American Institute of Conservation, Vol. 39, 15-36

€ Aparna Tandon, (2017) Building capacity for post-disaster recovery of museum collections in Nepal, in 18th Triennial Conference, ICOM-CC , Copenhagen

€ Fredrik Qvale og Ane Marte Ringstad (2012) Kriseh?ndtering av kunstverk etter terrorangrepet I Oslo 2011, I: Meddelelser om konservering, 2-2012, 3-13.

€ Robert Howes, (2003) ¡°After the disaster: drawing up the insurance claim¡±, Aslib Proceedings, Vol.55 Iss: 3, 181-187


Books/articles for further reading

Jonathan Ashley-Smith, (1999) Risk Assessment for Object Conservation, London: Butterworth-Heinemann.

R. Robert Waller Cultural Property Risk Analysis Model. Development and Application to Preventive Conservation at the Canadian Museum of Nature. G?teborg Studies in Conservation 13. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. ISBN 91-7346-475-9. (Especially chapter 4 pp 55-76)

Tema nummer Meddelelser om konservering 2-2012: Katastrofer og katastrofberedskab , tilgjengelig fra (bes?kt 12.01.2012)

FORK Nasjonalt forum for kriseberedskap tilgjengelig fra:

(bes?kt 12.01.2018)


Publisert 22. nov. 2019 17:21 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2019 17:21