
Konservering av L?r (Theo Sturge)

Bridgland, J (ed): Preprints: 11th Triennial Meeting Edingburgh, Vol 2, ICOM-CC Edingburgh 1996. Les: Tre artikler om l?r konservering.

Calnan, Ch & Betty Haines (eds): Leather its composition and changes with time, Northhampton 1991.

Groneman, C.H.: Leather Tooling and Carving, New York 1974.

Michael, Valerie: The Leatherworking Handbook, Cassell 1993.

Sturge, Theo "Gilt leather wall coverings: some options for repair" In: Preprints for Conservation of Decorative Arts, Horie, Velson, Ed. Archetype Publications LTD pp 65-70, 1999.

Sturge, Theodore: The Conservation of Leather Artefacts, 2000. (vil deles ut).

Sturge, Theo "The Reintegration of lost colour on upholstry leather": ICOM-CC Athens 2004. (kan kopieres).

Tuck, D.H.: Oils and Lubricants Used on Leather, Northhampon 1983.

Conservation of archaeological leather (Jeremy)

Ganiaris H, Keene S., Starling K. "A comparison of some treatments for excavated leather": The Conservator, 6 (1982): 12-32..

Peacock, E.E. "Water-degraded archaeological leather: an overview of treatments used at Vitenskapsmuseum (Trondheim)" In: Leather wet and dry. Current treatments in the conservation of waterlogged and desccated archaeological leather, edited by Wills B..

Wills B. "Excavated Desiccated leather: conservation problems on site and after" In: Leather wet and dry. Current treatments in the conservation of waterlogged and desiccated archaeological leather, edited by Wills B..

Leather its composition and changes with time, The leather conservation centre, edited by Christipher Calnan, Betty Haines, Northampton, 1991. les pp. 1-87.

Pearson, Colin: Conservation of marine archaeological objects, 1987. Les pp. 32-46, 122-140.

Mills, J. & Raymond White: The organic chemistry of museum objects, 1998. Les 84-94.

Hutchings, Jeremy "Water, detergents and chelating agents": Back to Basics. Selected Papers from a series of conferences organised by the Metals Section of the UKIC,

L?r teknologi (Torunn Klokkernes)

Forbes, R. J., 1966,”Leather in Antiquity”. In: Studies in Ancient Technology. Vol. V. E. J. Brill. Leiden. s 1-57.

Gannser, A., 1950, "The Early History of Tanning". Ciba Review 81.

Larsen, R. and Rahme, L., 1999, “L?der, pergament og skind. Fremstilling, historie og nedbrytning”. Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Konservatorskolen. K?benhavn. 88 s.

Thomson, Roy, 1991, “A History of Leather Processing. From the Medieval to the Present Time”. In: Calnan, C., Haines, B., Eds., 1991, "Leather. Its composition and changes with time." The Leather Conservation Centre. Northampton.

Teknologi, nedbrytning og bevaring av skinn og pels gjenstander fra urbefolkningers kulturer (Torunn Klokkernes)

Boulton, Ann, 1986, "The Examination, Treatment and Analysis of a Pair of Boots from the Aleutian Island Including a Note about Possible Pesticide Contamination." JAIC, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Spring 1986, vol.25, No.1. s 1-13.

Calnan, C., Haines, B., Eds., 1991, "Leather. Its composition and changes with time." The Leather Conservation Centre. Northampton. 88 s

Dignard, C. 1992 "Tear repair of skins with minimal access to their backs: the treatment of kayak". Leather conservation news, vol. 7, no. 2, s. 1-8

Florian, M.L., 1984, "Conservation Implications of the Structure, Reactivity, Deterioration and Modification of Proteinaceous Artifact Material." In: Protein Chemistry for Conservators. Eds. Rose,C.L. og Von Endt, D.W., AIC. Washington D.C. s. 61-88.

Hatt, A.G., 1912, "Om Brugen af Garvemidler hos Naturfolkene." Geografisk Tidsskrift, vol.21-22. 12.bind. s.147-151.

Howatt-Krahn, A. 1987 "Conservation: Skin an Native-Tanned Leather" American Indian Art Magazine vol. 12, No. 2, s. 44-52

Logheed, S. Mason, J., and Vuori, J. "Repair of rears in Fur Skin garments". JIIC - CG. Vol. 8 & 9. s. 13-22.

Richardson, H. 2002 "The Conservation of PLain Indian shirts at the National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution". In Conservation of Fur, feather and skin, edited by Wright, M. CEA Series no. 3 Archetype Publications s. 7-24.

Schaffer, Erika., 1974, "Properties and preservation of ethnographical semi-tanned leather." Studies in Conservation, 19. IIC. s. 66-75.

Wills, B, Calvera, A., Cruickshanksm, P. 1987 "Experimental Freeze-drying of Ethnographic Skins and Gut" ICOM Committee for Conservation 8th Triennial Meeting. Sydney, Australia, 6-11 sept. 1987. s. 225-239

Analyse: Larsen, R et al., 1996,” Determination of Hydrothermal Stability by the Micro Hot Table method”. In: Environment leather project. Deterioration and Conservation of Vegetable Tanned Leather. EV5V-CT94-0514. Research report No 6. Protection and conservation of European cultural heritage. European Commission. s 145-165.

Larsen, R. et al. 1996 "Amino Acid Analysis". In Environmental leather project. deterioration and Conservation of Vegetable Tanned leather. EV5V-CT94-0514. Reserch report no. 6 Protection and conservation of European cultural heritage. european commission, s. 39-68.


Haines, B.M. 1982 "The fibre structure of leather" Leather Conservation Centre. London 36 p.

Konservering av arkeologiske tekstiler (Elizabeth Peacock)

Arkeologiske tekstiler

Brooks, M., Lister A., Eastop, D. "Artifact or information? Articulating the conflicts in conserving archaeological textiles". I: Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences, redigert av A. Roy & P. Smith, pp. 16-21, London: IIC 1996.

Cook, B. "Creasing in ancient textiles": Conservation News, 35 (1988), 27-30.

Peacock, E.E. "N?r et arkeologisk tekstil ikke lenger er tekstilmateriale": SPOR - fortidsnytt fra midt-Norge, 9 (1) 1994: 28-29.

Peacock, E. E. "N?r et tekstil ikke bare er et tekstil": SPOR, 7 (2) 1992: 44-45.

Walton, P & Eastwood, G.M.: A Brief Guide to the Cataloguing of Archaeological Textiles, York 1988.

Wild, J.P.: Archaeological Textiles, London: Shire 1988.

Identifikasjon av tekstil materialer

Ballard, M. & Skals.I "Masking and misinterpretating cotton fibres: dangers associated with fibre analysis of archaeological textiles". I: Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences, redigert av Roy & Smith, pp 6-10, London: IIC 1996.

Referanse b?ker/artikler

The Textile Institutte: Identification of Textile Materials, Manchester: The Textile Institute 1975.

Appleyard, H.M. : Guide to the Identification of Animal Fibres, Leeds: WIRA 1978.

Catlin, D & Grayson, J.: Identification of Vegetable Fibres, London, Chapman and Hall 1982.

Cook, J.G.: Handbook of Textile Fibres. I. Natural Fibres, Shildon (UK): Merrow 1984.

Goodway, M. "Fiber identification in practice": Journal of American Institute for Conservation, 26 (1) 1987: 27-44. Abstrakt og full tekst.

Greaves, P.H. & Saville, B.P.: Microscopy of Textile Fibres, Oxford:BIOS Scientific Publishers 1995.

Mahall, K.: Qualit?tsbeurteilung von Textilien, Berlin: Schiele & Sch?n 1990.

Teerink, B.J.: Hair of West-European Mammals, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1991.

Properties and Deterioration of Textile Materials

Gohl, E.P.G. & Vilensky, L.D.: Textile Science, Melbourne: Longman Cheshire 1983.

Jakes, K.A. & Sibley, L.R. "Survival of cellulosic fibres in the archaeological context": Science and Archaeology, 25 (1983) 31-38.

Peacock, E.E. "The Biodeterioration of textiles fibres in wet archaeological contexts with implications for conservation choices": Incontri di Restauro 4, Trento:Provincia Autonoma di Trento (in press).

Sibley, L.R. & Jakes, K.A. "Survival of Protein fibres in archaeological contexts": Science and Archaeology, 26 (1984) 17-27.

Textile Technology

Schj?lberg, E. (n.d.)"Cord and similar products from Bryggen in Bergen": The Bryggen Papers, Supplementary Series No.3., pp. 69-138. Bergen: Norwegian UNiversity Press .

Referanse b?ker/artikler

Emery, I.: The Primary Structure of Fabrics, London: Thames and Hudson 1980.

Morrell, A (n.d.): The ATN Guide to Structural Sewing: Terms and Techniques, Leiden: ATN.

Seiler-Baldinger, A.: Textiles. A Classification of Techniques, Bathurst: Crawford House Press 1994.

Wendrich, W: Who is Afraid of Basketry, Leiden: Centre for Non-Westerm Studies (Leiden University) 1991.

Conservation in the Field

Peacock, E.E. "Fibrous materials, archaeological: on-site conservation" I: Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopeadia, redigert av L. Ellis, pp.205-209. London: Garland Publishing 2000.

Referanse b?ker/artikler

Cross, S, Hett, C & Bertulli, M: Conservation Manual for Northern Archaeologists, Archaeology Report No.6. Yellowknife (N.W.T.): Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre 1991.

Payton, R.: Retrieval of Objects from Archaeological Sites, London: Archetype Publications 1992.

Robinson, W.: First Aid for Underwater Finds, London: Archetype Publications/ Nautical Archaeology Society 1998.

Singley, K.: The Conservation of Archaeological Artifacts From Freshwater Environments, South Haven: Lake Michigan Maritime Museum 1988.

Watkinson, D. & Neal, V.: First Aid for Finds, London: rescue/UKIC Archaeology Section 1998.


Baron, M & Wright, A. "The conservation of waterlogged basketry fragments from the `William Salthouse`". I: AICCM Bulletin, 16 (3) 1990: 85-91.

Bilz, M., Grant, T. and Young, G. "Treating waterlogged basketry: a study of polythylene glycol penetration into the bark of western red cedar". I: Proceedings of the 7th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, redigert av Bonnot-Diconne, C., Hiron, X., Tran, Q.K. & Hoffmann, P, pp.249-253. Grenoble:ARC-Nucléart 1999.

Bojesen, I.M., Meyer, I., Str?tkvern, K. & Jensen, P. "Conservation of wet archaeological rope" I: ICOM Committee for Conservation 10th Triennial Meeting Washington DC, Preprints, Vol.I. pp. 262-265. Paris: ICOM 1993.

Edwards, G "GUidelines for dealing with material from sites where organic remains have been preserved by metal corrision products": Evidence preserved in Corrision Products: New Field in Artifact Studies, Occasional Papers nr. 8, pp. 3-7. London:UKIC 1989.

Godfrey, I.M. & King Smith, N. "Conservation of degraded rope from marine arhcaeological sites": AICCM Bulletin, 16(3) 1990: 93-107..

Jenssen, V. "Conservation of wet Organic Artifacts, Excluding Wood" I: Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, redigert av C. Pearson, pp. 140-156, London: Butterworths 1987.

Morris, K. & Seifert, B. "Conservation of Leather and textiles from the Defense": Journal of American Institute for Conservation, 18 (1) 1978, 33-43. abstrakt og full tekst.

Peacock, E.E. & Schofield, G "A Survey for Conservation Methods for Trondheim's water-degraded archaeological rope" I: Proceedings from the 6th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, redigert av P. Hoffmann, T. Grant, J. Spriggs and T. Daley, pp. 113-126, ICOM-CC, WOAM 1997..

Peacock, E.E. "Drying archaeological textiles" : Archaeological Textiles in Northern Europe, Tidens Tand no.5 Copenhagen: The School of Conservation, pp.197-207. 1992..

Peacock, E.E. "Freeze-drying archaeological textiles: The need for basic research": Archaeological Textiles, UKIC Occasional Papers No. 10, pp. 22-30. Lonodn: UKIC 1990..

Stauffer, A "Some comments on the wet cleaning of archaeological textiles" I: International Perspectives on Textile Conservation, redigert av Tímár-Balázsy, A & Eastop, D, pp. 159-161, London: Archetype Publications 1998.

Weibe, F & Stauffer, A. "Conservation of an early Etruscan cloak" I: ICOM Committee for Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 1999, Preprints, Vol.II, pp. 667-670, London: James & James 1999.

Referanse bok

Cronyn, J.M.: The Elements of Archaeological Conservation, London: Routlege 1990.

Housing, Storage & Display

Peacock, E.E. & Griffin, E. "Rehousing a collection of archaeological textiles": The Conservator, 22 (1998) 68-81.

Peacock, E.E. & Griffin, E "Hvor er tekstilene?": SPOR, 12 (2) 1997 30-33.

Skals, I. "From grave to shpwcase: modern care for ancient textiles" I: Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences, redigert av Roy & Smithm, pp. 162-165, London:IIC 1996.

Vouri, J., Segal, M. & Newton, C. "Development of archaeological textiles mounts at the Canadian Conservation Institute": J.IIC-CG, 14 (1989) 3-11.

Publisert 7. mars 2005 16:20 - Sist endret 7. apr. 2005 12:45