Pensum for Metals conservation (General)
Cronyn, J. M. 1990. The Elements of Archaeological Conservation. Routledge, London.
Gettens, R. J. 1963. Mineral Alteration Products on Ancient Metal Objects. In Recent Advances in Conservation, edited by G. Thomson, pp. 89-92. Butterworths, London.
Leskard, M. 1987. The Packing and Transportation of Marine Archaeological Objects. In Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, pp. 117-121. Butterworths, London.
Mavrov, G. 1983. Aging of Silicone Resins. Studies in Conservation 28:171-178.
North, N. A. 1987. Conservation of Metals. In Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, pp. 207-252. Butterworths, London.
North, N. A., and I. D. MacLeod. 1987. Corrosion of Metals. In Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, pp. 68-98. Butterworths, London.
Organ, R. M. 1963. The Consolidation of Fragile Metallic Objects. In Recent Advances in Conservation, edited by G. Thomson, pp. 128-134. Butterworths, London.
Patton, R. 1987. The Conservation of Artifacts from One of the World's Oldest Shipwrecks, The Ulu Burun, Ka Shipwreck, Turkey. In Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artifacts, edited by J. Black, pp. 41-49. Summers Schools Press, London.
Plenderleith, H. J., and A. E. A. Werner. 1971. The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. Revised Edition. Oxford University Press.
Pourbaix, M. 1966. Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibrium. Pergamon Press, Brussels.
SSCR. 1979. The Proceedings of the Symposium the Conservation and Restoration of Metals, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 1979, pp. 20-23. Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration, Edinburgh.
Literature on metal and corrosion for Christian Degrigny's lectures
Scott D. A, 1991, Metallography and Microstructure of Ancient and Historic Metals, Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, The J. Paul Getty Museum and Archetype Books.
Selwyn, L., 2004, Metals and Corrosion, A handbook for the Conservation Professional, CCI publications, Canada.
Tylecote, R. F., 1976, A History of Metallurgy. London: The Metals Society.
Pearson C., 1987, Conservation of marine archaeological objects, Butterworth-Heinemann, London, 1987, 207-252.
Arminjon, C. and Bilimoff, M., 1998, L’art du Métal – Vocabulaire technique, Eds. du Patrimoine, Paris.
Davis, J.R., Corrosion, understanding the basics, IHS American Technical Publishers.
Drayman-Weisser, T., 2000, Gilded metals – History, Technology and Conservation, Archetype Publications, London.
Evans U. R., 1991, An Introduction to Metallic Corrosion, 3rd ed., London Edward Arnold.
Meyer-Roudet, H., 1999, A la recherche du métal perdu, Errance, Paris, 1999.
Jones D. A., 1996, Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, 2nd Upper Sandle River, NJ (New Jersey), USA Prentice Hall, Inc.
Leygraf C., 2000, Atmospheric corrosion / Christofer Leygraf, Thomas Graedel. New York ; Chichester : Wiley-Interscience, c2000 (The Electrochemical Society series).
Robinson, W., 1998, First aid for underwater finds, Archetype publications
Trethewey, K. and Chamberlain, K., 1988, Corrosion for Science and Engineering, Pearson Edition, Longman, 1988 (more for engineers though)
Uhlig H. H. and Revie R. W., 1985, Corrosion and Corrosion Control. An Introduction to Corrosion Science and Engineering 3rd New York, USA John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Volfovsky, C., 2001, La conservation des métaux, ed. C. Volfobsky, CNRS Editions.
Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Metal WG
Metal 95, Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, ed. Ian MacLeod, S. Pennec & L. Robbiola, Semur en Auxois (F), 1995
Metal 98, Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, ed. W. Mourey, L. Robbiola, Draguignan (F), 1998
Metal 2001, Abstracts of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, ed. Ian MacLeod, J. Theile and C. Degrigny Santiago (Chile), 2001
Metal 04; Abstracts of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, ed. D. Hallam and John Ashton, Canberra (Australia), 2004
WOAM proceedings for metal-organic materials composites
Back to basics: Corrosion - Surface Treatments – Coatings, Selected post-prints of the series of popular conferences held from 1999-2000 and organised by the UKIC Metals Section.
To discover (the BROMEC) on the ICOM-CC Metal homepage:
Aldaz, A., T. Espana, V. Montiel, and M. Lopez-Segura. 1986. A Simple Tool for the Electrolytic Restoration of Archaeological Metallic Objects with Localized Corrosion. Studies in Conservation 31(4):175-177.
Argo, J. 1981. On the Nature of Ferrous Corrosion Products on Marine Iron. Studies in Conservation 26:42-44.
Barkman, L. 1975. Corrosion and Conservation of Iron. In Conservation in Archaeology and the Applied Arts, pp. 169-171. IIC, London.
Blackshaw, S.M. 1982. An appraisal of cleaning methods for use on corroded iron antiques. In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Bryce, T. 1979. Alkaline Sulphite Treatment of Iron at the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland: The Conservation and Restoration of Metals. In The Proceedings of the Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Metals, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 1979, pp. 20-23. Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration, Edinburgh.
Carlin, Worth, Donald Keith, and Juan Rodriquez, 2001, Less is More: Measure of Chloride Removal Rate from Iron artifacts during Electrolysis. Studies in Conservation, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 68-76.
Corfield, M. 1982. Radiography of archaeological ironwork. In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Cronyn, J.M. 1995. The Elements of Archaeological Conservation. London and New York 160-202
Eriksen, E., and S. Thegel. 1966. Conservation of Iron Recovered From the Sea. Tojhusmuseets Skrifter 8.
Farrer, T. W., L. Blek, and F. Wormwell. 1953. The Role of Tannates and Phosphates in the Preservation of Ancient Iron Objects. Journal of Applied Chemistry 80-84.
Fenn, J. D., and K. Foley. 1975. Passivation of Iron. In Conservation in Archaeology and the Applied Arts, pp. 195-198. IIC, London.
Gilberg, M. R., and N. J. Seeley. 1981. The Identity of Compounds Containing chloride Ions in Marine Iron Corrosion Products: A Critical Review. Studies in Conservation 26:50-56.
_. 1982. The Alkaline Sodium Sulphite Reduction Process for Archaeological Iron: A Closer Look. Studies in Conservation 27:180-184.
Katzev, M. L., and F. Van Doorninck. 1966. Replicas of Iron Tools from a Byzantine Shipwreck. Studies in Conservation 11(3):133-142.
Keene, S., and C. Orton. 1985. Stability of Treated Archaeological Iron: An Assessment. Studies in Conservation 30:136-142.
Knight, Barry 1990. A review of the corrosion of iron from terrestial sites and the problem of post-excavation corrosion. 38-43
Knight, B. 1982. Why do some iron objects break up in store? In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Logan, J. 1989. Tannic Acid Treatment. Canadian Conservation Institute Notes 9(5).
Muncher, D. A. 1988. Composite Casting of Partially Degraded Iron Artifacts. Studies in Conservation 33:94-96.
North, N. A. 1976. Thermal Stability of Cast and Wrought Marine Iron. Studies in Conservation 21:75-83.
_. 1982. Corrosion Products on Marine Iron. Studies in Conservation 27:75-83.
_. 1987. Conservation of Metals. In Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, pp. 207-252. Butterworths, London.
North, N. A., and I. D. MacLeod. 1987. Corrosion of Metals. In Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, pp. 68-98. Butterworths, London
North, N. A., and C. Pearson. 1975. Investigation Into Methods for Conserving Iron Relics Recovered from the Sea. In Conservation in Archaeology and the Applied Arts, pp. 173-182. IIC, London.
_. 1975. Alkaline Sulphite Reduction Treatment of Marine Iron. Preprints, ICOM Committee for Conservation, 4th Triennial Meeting, Venice. ICOM, Paris.
_. 1978. Washing Methods for Chloride Removal from Marine Iron Artifacts. Studies in Conservation 23:174-186.
Oddy, W. A., and M. J. Hughes. 1970. The Stabilization of Active Bronze and Iron Antiquities by the Use of Sodium Sesquicarbonate. Studies in Conservation 15:183-189.
Patscheider, J., and S. Veprek. 1986. Application of Low-Pressure Hydrogen Pplasma to the Conservation of Ancient Iron Artifacts. Studies in Conservation 31:29-37.
Pearson, C., ed. 1987. Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects. Butterworths, London. 68-80
_.1987. On-Site Storage and Conservation. In Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, edited by C. Pearson, pp. 105-116. Butterworths, London.
_. 1972. The Preservation of Iron Cannon after 200 Years under the Sea. Studies in Conservation 17(3).
Pascoe, M.W. 1982. Organic coating for iron: A review of methods. In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Pelikan, J. B. 1966. Conservation of Iron with Tannin. Studies in Conservation 12:109-115.
Rees-Jones, S. G. 1972. Some Aspects of the Conservation of Iron Objects from the Sea. Studies in Conservation 17(1):39-43.
Rinuy, A. og F. Schweizer. 1982. Application of the alkaline sulphite treatment to archaeological ironwork: a comparative study of different desalination methods. In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Scott, D. A., and N. J. Seeley. 1987. The Washing of Fragile Iron Artifacts. Studies in Conservation 32:73-76.
Scott, David A. 1983. The deterioration of cold alloys and some aspects of their conservation. Studies in conservation 28:194-203
Selwyn, L.S., W.R. McKinnon, and V. Argyropoulos, Models for chloride ion diffusion in archaeological iron. Studies in Conservation, 46:No. 2, pp. 109-120.
Selwyn, L.S. 1999. The Corrosion of excavated archaeological iron with details on weeping and akaganéite. Studies in Conservation, 44: 217-232
Schmidt-Ott, Katharina og Valentin Boissonnas. 2001. Low-Pressure Hydrogen Plasma: an assessment of its application on archaeological iron. Studies in Conservation 47: 81-87
Socha, J., M. Leslak, S. Safarzynski, and K. Leslak. 1980. Oxide Coating in the Conservation of Metal Monuments: The Column of King Sigismumdus III Waza in Warsaw. Studies in Conservation 1:19-27.
Turgoose, S. 1982. Post-Excavation Changes in Iron Antiquities. Studies in Conservation 27:97-101.
_. 1985. The Corrosion of Archaeological Iron during Burial and Treatment. Studies in Conservation 30:13-18.
Tylecote, R. F., and J. W. B. Black. 1980. The Effect of Hydrogen Reduction on the Properties of Ferrous Materials. Studies in Conservation 25:87-96.
Turgose, S. 1982. The nature of surviving iron objects. In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Walker, R. 1982 The role of corrosion inhibitors in the conservation of iron. In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Watkinson, D. 1982. An assessment of lithium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide treatments for archaeological ironwork. In Clarke, R. W., and S. M. Blackshaw, eds. 1982. Conservation of Iron. Maritime Monographs and Reports, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Watkinson, D. 1983. Degree of Mineralization: Its Significance for the Stability and Ttreatment of Excavated Ironwork. Studies in Conservation 28:85-90.
Western, A. C. 1972. The Conservation of Excavated Iron Objects. Studies in Conservation 17(2).
Wihr, R. 1975. Electrolytic Desalination of Archaeological Iron. In Conservation in Archaeology and the Applied Arts, pp. 189-191. IIC, London.
Copper Alloy (incomplete - to be added to by Douwtje van der Meulen)
Angelucci, S., P. Florentino, J. Kosinkova, and M. Marabelli. 1978. Pitting Corrosion in Copper and Copper Alloys: Comparative Treatment Tests. Studies in Conservation 24:147-156.
Degrigny, C., 2000, Protect our European outdoor bronze monuments, Good Practice Guide, Culture 2000 (2002). Guide accessible sur le site web :
Ganorkar, M. C., V. Pandit Rao, P. Gayathri, and T. A. Sreenivasa Rao. 1988. A Novel Method for Conservation of Copper-Based Artifacts. Studies in Conservation 33(2):97-101.
Green, V. 1975. The Use of Benzotriazole in Conservation. In Conservation in Archaeology and the Applied Arts, pp. -15. IIC, London.
Hjelm-Hansen, N. 1984. Cleaning and Stabilization of Sulphide-Corroded Bronzes. Studies in Conservation 29:17-20.
Horie, C. V., and J. A. Vint. 1982. Chalconatronite: A By-Product of Conservation? Studies in Conservation 27:185-186.
Jedrzejewska, H. 1963. Some New Experiments in the Conservation of Ancient Bronzes. In Recent Advances in Conservation, edited by G. Thomson, pp. 135-139. Butterworths, London.
Keith, Donald and Worth Carlin, 1997, A bronze cannon from La Belle, 1686: its construction, conservation, and display. Studies in Conservation 26.2:144-158.
Letardi, P., Beccaria, A., Marabelli, M. and D’Ercoli, G., 1998. Application of electrochemical impedance measurements as a tool for the characterization of the conservation and protection state of bronze works of art, in: Metal 98, Ed. William Mourey and Luc Robbiola, James & James, London, 303-308.
Leyssens, K., Adriaens, A., Pantos, E. and Degrigny, C. 2004, Study of corrosion potential measurements as a means to monitor the storage and stabilisation processes of archaeological copper artefacts, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, METAL 04, Canberra, Ed. J. Ashton and D. Hallam, National Museum of Australia, Canberra, 332-343
MacLeod, I. D. 1987. Conservation of Corroded Copper Alloys: A Comparison of New and Traditional Methods for Removing Chloride Ions. Studies in Conservation 32:25-40.
Madsen, H. B. 1967. A Preliminary Note on the Use of Benzotriazole for Stabilizing Bronze Objects. Studies in Conservation 12:163-167.
Merk, L. E. 1978. A Study of Reagents Used in the Stripping of Bronzes. Studies in Conservation 26:15-22.
_. 1981. The Effectiveness of Benzotriazole in the Inhibition of the Corrosive Behavior of Stripping Reagents on Bronzes. Studies in Conservation 26:73-76.
Organ, R. M. 1963. The Examination and Treatment of Bronze Antiquities. In Recent Advances in Conservation, edited by G. Thomson, pp. 104-110. Butterworths, London.
Scott, D. A. 1980. The Conservation and Analysis of Some Ancient Copper Alloy Beads from Columbia. Studies in Conservation 25:157-164.
Robbiola, Luc, Pereira, N., Thaury, K., Fiaud, C. and Labbé, J-P., 1998. Decuprification phenomenon of Cu-Sn alloys in aqueous solution in nearly neutral pH conditions, in: Metal 98, Ed. William Mourey and Luc Robbiola, James & James, London, 136-144
Scott, D.A., 2002, Copper and bronze in art, The GCI, Los Angeles.
Sease, C. 1978. Benzotriazole: A Review for Conservators. Studies in Conservation 23:76-85.
Walker, R. 1979. The Role of Benzotriazole in the Preservation of Antiquities. In The Proceedings of the Symposium the Conservation and Restoration of Metals, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 1979, pp. 40-44. Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration, Edinburgh
Weisser, T. D. 1987. The Use of Sodium Carbonate as a Pre-Treatment for Difficult-to-Stabilize Bronzes. In Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artifacts, compiled by J. Black, pp. 105-108. Summers Schools Press, London.
Lead & Lead Alloys
Caley, E. R. 1955. Coatings and Encrustations on Lead Objects from the Agora and the Method Used for their Removal. Studies in Conservation 2:49-54.
Degrigny, C. & Le Gall. R. 1999. Conservation of ancient lead artifacts corroded in organic acid environments: electrolytic stabilization/ consolidation. Studies in conservation 44:157-169
Duncan, S. J. & Ganiaris, H. 1987. Some Sulphide Corrosion Products on Copper Alloys and Lead Alloys from London Waterfront Sites. In Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artefacts. Jubilee Conservation Conference, University of London Institute of Archaeology. 109 - 118
Lane, H. 1975. The Reduction of Lead. In Conservation in Archaeology and the Applied Arts, pp. 215-218. IIC, London.
_. 1979. Some Comparisons of Lead Conservation Methods, including Consolidative Reduction. In The Proceedings of the Symposium the Conservation and Restoration of Metals, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 1979, pp. 50-66. Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration, Edinburgh.
Lane, H. 1987. The Conservation and Storage of Lead Coins in the Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum. . In Recent Advances in the Conservation and Analysis of Artefacts. Jubilee Conservation Conference, University of London Institute of Archaeology. 149 - 153
MacLeod, I.D. & R. Wozniak 1995. Corrosion and conservation of tin and pewter from sea water. in Metal 95: 118-123
Mattias, P., G. Maura, and G. Rinaldi. 1984. The Degradation of Lead Antiquities from Italy. Studies in Conservation 29:87-92.
Nosek, Elisabeth M. 1985. The Investigation and conservation of a lead paten from the eleventh century. Studies in conservation 30: 19-22
Pollard, Sarah 1985. Conservation of pewter objects from the roman reservoir at bath. in Lead Tin Studies in Conservation and Technology, Occasional Papers Number 3, Ed. Miles, G. & Pollard,S. UKIC. 1985
Turgoose, Steven. 1985: The corrosion of lead and tin: Before and after Excavation. in Lead Tin Studies in Conservation and Technology, Occasional Papers Number 3, Ed. Miles, G. & Pollard,S. UKIC. 1985
Watson, Jacqui 1985. Conservation of lead and lead alloys using EDTA solutions. in Lead Tin Studies in Conservation and Technology, Occasional Papers Number 3, Ed. Miles, G. & Pollard,S. UKIC. 1985
Watkins, S. & Dove, S. 2002. Reversing corrosion: A review of consolidative electrolytic reduction treatment of corrosion on lead artefacts. Back to Basics Selected papers from a series of conferences organised by the Metals Section of the UKIC. 23-30
Plenderleith, H. J. and R. M. Organ. 1953. The Decay and Conservation of Museum Objects of Tin. Studies in Conservation 1(2):63-72.
Schreier, L.L., 1963, Tin and tin alloys, Corrosion of metals and alloys, Eds Newnes, 1, 93-102
Ball, S. et. Al. 2005. Silver and other Polished Metals. MLA information. 6.asp
Charalambous, D., and W. A. Oddy. 1975. The 'Consolidative' Reduction of Silver. In Conservation in Archaeology and the Applied Arts, pp. 219-228. IIC, London.
Costa, V., 2001, The deterioration of silver alloys and some aspects of their conservation, Review in Conservation, 2, 18-34
Daniels, V. 1981. Plasma Reduction of Silver Tarnish on Daguerreotypes. Studies in Conservation 26:45-49.
Hawthorne, J.G. Smith, C.S. 1979. Theophilus On Divers Arts. Dover Publications. 104, 105, 108,115
Jaro, M. and Toth, A., 1997, Deterioration of metal threads and other metallic decoration made of gold, silver and gilt silver on museum textiles, problems of their conservation, Metal 95, James and James, London, 201-208
MacLeod, I. D., and N. A. North. 1979. Conservation of Corroded Silver. Studies in Conservation 24:165-170.
Oddy, W.A. et al. 1983. The composition of niello decoration on gold silver and bronze in the antique and medieval periods. Studies in conservation 28: 29-35
Organ, R. M. 1965. The Reclamation of the Wholly Mineralized Silver in the Ur Lyre. In Application of Science in Examination of Works of Art, pp. 126-144. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Sease, Cathrine et al. 1997. Problems with coated silver: whisker formation and possible filiform corrosion. Studies in Conservation 42:1-10
Rámek, J., T. B. Jakobsen, and J. B. Pelikan. 1978. Corrosion and Conservation of a Silver Visceral Vessel from the Beginning of the 17th century. Studies in Conservation 23:114-117.
Heath, D. 2002. Faded Glory: The deterioration of silver and gold. Back to Basics Selected papers from a series of conferences organised by the Metals Section of the UKIC. 3-8
Oddy, A. 2000. A History of gilding with Particular Reference to Statuary. In Gilded Metals, History, Technology and Conservation. Ed. Drayman-Weisser, T. 1-19
Plahter, U. Aastrup, E. & Straume, E. 1995. Norwegian rosette-brooches of the 3rd century AD: their construction, materials and technique. The Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, Volume 29 Number 1. 12 – 24.
Plahter, U. & Simensen, C. J. 2002 Some characteristic features of gilded jewellery from the 3rd, 5th, and 8th centuries found in Norway. Germania 80. 547 - 570
Scott, D. A. 1983. The Deterioration of Gold Alloys and Some Aspects of their Conservation. Studies in Conservation 28:194-201.
Selwyn, L. 2000. Corrosion Chemistry of gilded Silver and Copper. In Gilded Metals, History, Technology and Conservation. Ed. Drayman-Weisser, T. 21-47
MacLeod, I. D. 1983. Stabilization of Corroded Aluminum. Studies in Conservation 28:1-7.
Meehan, P. 2002 Aluminium and its alloys: Current approaches to conservation. Back to Basics Selected papers from a series of conferences organised by the Metals Section of the UKIC. 13-15
Pensum, v?r 2005
Buys, S. og Oakley, V.: The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics, 1996. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
Bradley, S.M., "Evaluation of Hxtal NYL-1 and Loctite 350 adhesives for glass conservation", I ICOM Committee for Conservation, 9th triennial meeting, Dresden, German Democratic Republic, ed. Grimstad, K., 26-31 August 1990: preprints, ss. 669-674.
Corvaia, C., MacLeod, I.D. og Cate Harley, "Conservation of Glass Recovered from Shipwreck Sites" i ICOM Committee for Conservation 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 September 1996, ICOM, London (1996), ss. 819-844.
Davidson, S., “Reversible fills for transparent and translucent materials”, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Volume 37, Number 1, Spring 1998, ss. 35-47.
Davidson, S., Conservation and restoration of glass, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann series in conservation and museology, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford : Boston, 2003, ss. 1-15, 87-123, 169-198, 199-226, 242-344.
Earl, N., “The investigation of glass deterioration as a result of storage systems for waterlogged archaeological glass”, I The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics: Research, Practice and Training, ed. Tennent, N.H., James and James, London, 1999, ss. 96-113.
Griffiths, D.R. og A.M. Feuerbach, “The conservation of wet medieval window glass: a test using an ethanol and acetone mixed solvent system”, Journal of the American Institute, Volume 40, Number 2, Summer 2001, ss. 125-136.
Henderson, J., "Electron-microprobe investigation of early Irish glass and glass-making practices", I Materials Research Society symposia proceedings, eds. Sayre, E.V., Vandiver, P., Druzik, J., Stevenson, C., Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1988, ss. 141-146.
Higgins, M.C., "Stained Glass Conservation: A Field in Flux" i Loss Compensation: Technical and Philosophical Issues, compiled by Ellen Pearlstein and Michele Marincola, Proceedings of the Objects Specialty Group Session June 10, 1994, 22nd Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, ss. 89-102.
Hunter, K., "The Friars Park window: excavation, conservation, and reconstruction of a 13th century window", I ICOM committee for conservation: 8th triennial meeting, Sydney, Australia, ed. Grimstad, K., 6-11 September, 1987. Preprints. Ss. 9889-996.
Hunter, K. og Kate Foley, "The Lincoln Hanging Bowl" i From Pinheads to Hanging Bowls: The Identification, Deterioration and Conservation of Applied Enamel and Glass Decoration on Archaeological Artefacts, Occasional Paper Number 7, 1987, UK Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, ss. 16-18.
Knight, B., "Imaging the design on corroded mediaeval window glass by beta-backscatter radiography", Studies in Conservation, Volume 34, Issue 4, November 1989, ss. 207-211.
Kunicki-Goldfinger, J., “Preventive conservation strategy for glass collections. Identification of glass objects susceptible to crizzling.” 5th European Commission Conference: Cultural Heritage Research: a Pan-European Challenge. May 16-18, 2002, Cracow, Polen.
Macleod, I. D.; Davies, J. A., "Desalination of glass, stone and ceramics recovered from shipwreck sites", I ICOM committee for conservation: 8th triennial meeting, Sydney, Australia, ed. Grimstad, K., 6-11 September, 1987. Preprints, ss. 1005-1007.
Magee, C.E., "The Treatment of a severely deteriorated enamel" i ICOM Committee For Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August-3 September 1999, ICOM (1999), ss. 787-791.
Mass, J.L., “Instrumental methods of analysis applied to the conservation of ancient and historic glass”, I The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics: Research, Practice and Training, ed. Tennent, N.H., James and James, London, 1999, ss. 15-41.
Mills, A., “The conservation and restoration of mediaeval stained glass windows by ‘gel-painting’”, Studies in Conservation, Volume 32, Number 3, August 1987, ss. 122-136.
Newton, R., "What do we really know about 'Protective Coatings'?" i ICOM Committee for Conservation 8th Triennial Meeting, Sydney, Australia 6-11 September 1987, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1987), ss. 1009-1011.
Newton, R.G.; Iliffe, C.J., "Using triangular diagrams to understand the behaviour of medieval glasses", I Verres et réfractaires. Actes du IX colloque international du Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Paris, 8-12 September 1975, ss. 30-34.
Oakley, V., “Five years on: A reassessment of aspects involved in the conservation of glass objects for a new gallery at the Victoria and Albert Museum”, I The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics: Research, Practice and Training, ed. Tennent, N.H., James and James, London, 1999, ss. 217-228.
Panter, I., "An investigation into the drying and consolidation of wet glass recovered from the Mary Rose" i ICOM committee for conservation: 8th triennial meeting, Sydney, Australia, ed. Grimstad, K., 6-11 September, 1987. Preprints, ss. 1013-1016.
Quinton, J. C., “The conservation of an 18th century pier glass mirror at Hampton Court Palace” i preprints fra Interim meeting of the ICOM-CC Working group, Finland, 1998: Glass, ceramics and related materials, ed. Paterakis, A., ss. 42-52.
R?mich, H., “Historic glass and its interaction with the environment”, I The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics: Research, Practice and Training, ed. Tennent, N.H., James and James, London, 1999, ss. 5-14.
Sommer-Larsen, A., “Conservation of three glass chandeliers from Kongsberg Church in Norway”, I The Conservation of Decorative Arts, ed. Horie, V., Archetype, London, 1999, ss. 35-42.
Schreiner, M.R., Ingrid Prohaska, Josef Rend log Christian Weigel, “Leaching studies of potash-lime-silica glass with medieval glass composition”, I The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics: Research, Practice and Training, ed. Tennent, N.H., James and James, London, 1999, ss. 72-83.
Szabó, J., "Restoration of a lead-lined glass window fragment recovered from a 14th c. Excavation", I ICOM committee for conservation: 8th triennial meeting, Sydney, Australia, ed., Grimstad, K., 6-11 September, 1987. Preprints, ss. 1097-1101.
Talland, V og Barbara Mangum, "Stained Glass Conservation at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum: Putting the Pieces Together" i Objects Specialty Group Postprints Volume Four 1996, Compiled by Virginia Greene and John Griswold, Proceedings of the Objects Specialty Group Session June 14, 1996, 24th Annual Meeting, American Institute for Conservation, Norfolk, Virginia, ss. 86-98.
Tennent, N.H., “Clear and pigmented epoxy resins for stained glass conservation: light ageing studies”, Studies in Conservation, Volume 24, Number 1, February 1979, ss. 153-164.
Troll, C. og Hannelore R?mich, "Cleaning of corrosion crusts on stained glass windows with excimer lasers" i ICOM Committee For Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August-3 September 1999, ICOM (1999), ss. 816-820.
Weijand, R., “Challenges and solutions in the restoration of vessel glass”, I The Conservation of Glass and Ceramics: Research, Practice and Training, ed. Tennent, N.H., James and James, London, 1999, ss. 192-198.
Bergkunst - nedbrytning og bevaring
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