
Conservation of archaeological wood (Jeremy Hutchings)

Ambrose W R and Neale J L, 1993. Antartic freeze-drying of waterlogged timbers: A feasibility report. I P Hoffman et al (red) Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference. Portland/Maine 1993 (231-252)

Astrup EE, 1993. A Medieval Log House in Oslo- Conservation of Waterlogged Softwoods with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG). I P Hoffmann et al(red) Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference. Portland/Maine 1993 (41-50)

Blanchette, R A and Hoffmann P, 1993. Degradation Process in Waterlogged Archaeological Wood. I P Hoffmann et al(red) Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference. Portland/Maine 1993 (111-142)

Blackshaw SM 1974. The Conservation of The Wooden Writing-Tablets from Vindolanda Roman Fort, Northumberland. I Studies in Conservation 19 (1974)(244-246)

Charles FWB and Charles M, 1984. Conservation of Timber Buildings. Oxford: Donhead. (109-133)

Christensen, BB 1970. The Conservation of Waterlogged Wood in the National Museum of Denmark, K?benhavn. (12-99)

Clarke R W & Gregson C, 1987. A Large Scale Polyethylene Glycol Conservation Facility for Waterlogged Wood at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. I ICOM Committee for Conservation 8th Triennial Meeting. Sidney (301-307)

Cook C and Grattan D W, 1990. A Method of Calculating The Consentration of PEG for Freeze- Drying Waterlogged Wood. I P Hoffmann (red) Proceedings of the 4th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Bremerhaven 1990 (239-252)

Cronyn, J M, 1990. The Elements of Archaeological Consrvation. London: Routledge. (238-263)

Edinger V, Holstein B, Larsen B, Transparent overfladebehandling p? danske m?bler mellem 1550 og 1828. K?benhavn: Nationalmuseets Bevaringsafdeling, M?belsektionen, sagsnr.1510-01. (1-16)

Erhardt D, Mecklenburg M F, Tumosa C S, Olstad T M, 1996. New versus Old Wood: Differences and Similarities in Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Properties. I ICOM-CC 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996. (903-910)

Glastrup J, 1996. Degradation of PEG- A Review. i Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York 1996.(377-383)

Grant T, Bilz M and de la Cruz V, 1996. Conservation of Waterlogged Cedar Basketry and Cordage. I P Hoffmann et al (red) Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Materials Conference, York 1996

Grattan, D W, 1982. A Practical comparative study of several treatments of waterlogged wood. Studies in Conservation 27, 1982.(124-136)

Grattan D W, 1987. Waterlogged Wood, i C. Pearson (red) Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects. London: Butterworths.(55-67)

Grattan D W and Clarke R W, 1987. Conservation of Waterlogged Wood, i C Pearson (red) Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects. London: Butterworths. (164-206)

Grattan, D W and Barclay, R L, 1988. A Study of Gap-Fillers for Wooden Objects, i Studies of Conservation 33, 1988 (71-86)

Hoffmann, P, 1986. On the Stabilisation of Waterlogged Oak-Wood with PEG. Designing a Two-Step Treatment for Multi Quality Timber, i Studies in Conservation 311986. (103-113)

Hoffmann, P, 1990. Sucrose for stabilization of waterlooged wood- some investigations into anti-shrink efficiency (ASE) and penetration, i P Hoffmann (red) Proceedings of the 4th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference. Bremerhaven. (317-328)

Hoffmann, P, Peres de Andres C, Sierra Mendes JL, Ramiere R, Tran Q K, Welser UM, 1993a. European Inter-Laboratory Study of the Conservation of Waterlogged Wood with Sucrose. I Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference Portland/Maine 1993. (309-335)

Hoffmann, P, 1993b. Restoring Deformed Fine Medieval Turned Woodware. I ICOM Committee for Conservation 10th Triennial Meeting Washington DC USA 22- 27 August 1993. (257-265)

Hoffmann, P, 1996. The Conservation of the Bremen Cog-between the steps. i P Hoffmann et al (red) Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference. York 1996 (527-545)

Hoffmann, P, 1996b. Sucrose for Waterlogged Wood- Not so Simple at All. I ICOM-CC11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh 1-6 September 1996.(657-662)

Hoffmann, P, 1999. Reconstruction of a medieval river craft from the Rhine. I ICO-CC 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 29 August- 3 September 1996. (609-613)

H?fors B, 1993.Improvement of the Conservation Programme for Tank Treatment with Polyethyleneglycol at the Vasa Conservation Laboratory. I P. Hoffman et al (red)Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference Portland /Maine 1993 (51-62)

Imazu S, Morgos A, 1996. Conservation of Waterlogged Wood using Sugar Alcohol and Comparison the effectiveness of Lactitol, Sucrose and PEG#4000 Treatment. I Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York 1996. (235-255)

Johansson L-U, 1990. The airdrying of wooden sculpture from teh Royal Warship Kronan. i P Hoffmann (red) Proceedings of the 4th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Bremerhaven 1990. (211-213)

Kühn H, 1986. Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art and Antiquities - Volume I, Kapitler 3, 19. ( 37-44), (176-185)

MacLeod I D and Richards V L, 1996a. The Impact of Metal Corrosion Products on the Degradation of Waterlogged Wood Recovered from Historic Shipwreck Sites. I P Hoffmann et al(red) Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Materials Conference, York 1996. (331-353)

MacLeod I D and Richards V L, 1996b. Wood Degradation on Historic Shipwreck Sites: The Use of FT- IR Spectroscopy to Study the Loss of Hemicellulose. I I P Hoffmann et al (red) Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Materials Conference, York 1996. (203-225)

Meyer I, 1996. A Logboat - From Berne to Brede. I P Hoffmann et al (red) Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York, 1996. (269-279)

Morgos A, Glattfelder-McQuirck L, and Gondar E, 1987. The cheapest method for conservation of Waterlogged Wood: the use of unheated sucrose solutions, ICOM Committee for Conservation 8th Triennial Meeting, Sidney. (313-319)

Morgos A, and Imazu S, 1993. A Conservation Method for Waterloged Wood Using a Sucrose Mannitol Mixture. I ICOM Committee for Conservation 10th Triennial Meeting Washington DC, USA 22-27 August 1993. (266-272)

M?ller Andersen L, 1982. Fryset?rringskader p? Ark?ologisk Tr?. K?benhavn, Konservatorskolen. (22-59)

Nakhla, S M. A comparative study of resins for the consolidation of wooden objects, i Studies in Conservation 31 1986 (38-44)

Peacock E E and Schofield G, 1996. A Survey of Conservation Methods for Trondheim's Water- Degraded Archaological Rope. I P Hoffmann et al (red) Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Materials Conference, York 1996. (113-126)

Pointing S B, Jones A M and Jones E B G, 1996. Practical Considerations for Gamma Radiation Sterilisation of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood. I P Hoffmann et al (red) Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Materials Conference, York 1996. (317-330)

S?terhaug R, 1990. International Comparative Wood Treatment Project. I P Hoffmann(red) Proceedings of the 4th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Bremerhaven 1990. (359-362)

Trier J, 1996. Problems concering the freezedrying process itself. I Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York 1996. (367-368)

Unger A and Perleberg J, 1987. X- Ray Computer Tomography (XTR) in Wood Conservation. I ICOM Committee for conservation 8th Triennial Meeting, Sydney, Australia 6-11 September 1987 (99-105)

Conservation of archaeological textiles (Elizabeth Peacock)

Brooks, M., Lister A., Eastop, D. "Artifact or information? Articulating the conflicts in conserving archaeological textiles". I: Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences, redigert av A. Roy & P. Smith, pp. 16-21, London: IIC 1996.

Cook, B. "Creasing in ancient textiles": Conservation News, 35 (1988), 27-30.

Peacock, E.E. "N?r et arkeologisk tekstil ikke lenger er tekstilmateriale": SPOR - fortidsnytt fra midt-Norge, 9 (1) 1994: 28-29.

Peacock, E. E. "N?r et tekstil ikke bare er et tekstil": SPOR, 7 (2) 1992: 44-45.

Walton, P & Eastwood, G.M.: A Brief Guide to the Cataloguing of Archaeological Textiles, York 1988.

Wild, J.P.: Archaeological Textiles, London: Shire 1988.

Identification of textile materials

Ballard, M. & Skals.I "Masking and misinterpretating cotton fibres: dangers associated with fibre analysis of archaeological textiles". I: Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences, redigert av Roy & Smith, pp 6-10, London: IIC 1996.

Reference books/articles

The Textile Institutte: Identification of Textile Materials, Manchester: The Textile Institute 1975.

Appleyard, H.M. : Guide to the Identification of Animal Fibres, Leeds: WIRA 1978.

Catlin, D & Grayson, J.: Identification of Vegetable Fibres, London, Chapman and Hall 1982.

Cook, J.G.: Handbook of Textile Fibres. I. Natural Fibres, Shildon (UK): Merrow 1984.

Goodway, M. "Fiber identification in practice": Journal of American Institute for Conservation, 26 (1) 1987: 27-44. Abstrakt og full tekst.

Greaves, P.H. & Saville, B.P.: Microscopy of Textile Fibres, Oxford:BIOS Scientific Publishers 1995.

Mahall, K.: Qualit?tsbeurteilung von Textilien, Berlin: Schiele & Sch?n 1990.

Teerink, B.J.: Hair of West-European Mammals, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1991.

Properties and Deterioration of Textile Materials

Gohl, E.P.G. & Vilensky, L.D.: Textile Science, Melbourne: Longman Cheshire 1983.

Jakes, K.A. & Sibley, L.R. "Survival of cellulosic fibres in the archaeological context": Science and Archaeology, 25 (1983) 31-38.

Peacock, E.E. "The Biodeterioration of textiles fibres in wet archaeological contexts with implications for conservation choices": Incontri di Restauro 4, Trento:Provincia Autonoma di Trento (in press).

Sibley, L.R. & Jakes, K.A. "Survival of Protein fibres in archaeological contexts": Science and Archaeology, 26 (1984) 17-27.

Textile Technology

Schj?lberg, E. (n.d.)"Cord and similar products from Bryggen in Bergen": The Bryggen Papers, Supplementary Series No.3., pp. 69-138. Bergen: Norwegian UNiversity Press .

Reference books/articles

Emery, I.: The Primary Structure of Fabrics, London: Thames and Hudson 1980.

Morrell, A (n.d.): The ATN Guide to Structural Sewing: Terms and Techniques, Leiden: ATN.

Seiler-Baldinger, A.: Textiles. A Classification of Techniques, Bathurst: Crawford House Press 1994.

Wendrich, W: Who is Afraid of Basketry, Leiden: Centre for Non-Westerm Studies (Leiden University) 1991.

Conservation in the Field

Peacock, E.E. "Fibrous materials, archaeological: on-site conservation" I: Archaeological Method and Theory: An Encyclopeadia, redigert av L. Ellis, pp.205-209. London: Garland Publishing 2000.

Reference books/articles

Cross, S, Hett, C & Bertulli, M: Conservation Manual for Northern Archaeologists, Archaeology Report No.6. Yellowknife (N.W.T.): Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre 1991.

Payton, R.: Retrieval of Objects from Archaeological Sites, London: Archetype Publications 1992.

Robinson, W.: First Aid for Underwater Finds, London: Archetype Publications/ Nautical Archaeology Society 1998. Singley, K.: The Conservation of Archaeological Artifacts From Freshwater Environments, South Haven: Lake Michigan Maritime Museum 1988.

Watkinson, D. & Neal, V.: First Aid for Finds, London: rescue/UKIC Archaeology Section 1998.


Baron, M & Wright, A. "The conservation of waterlogged basketry fragments from the `William Salthouse`". I: AICCM Bulletin, 16 (3) 1990: 85-91.

Bilz, M., Grant, T. and Young, G. "Treating waterlogged basketry: a study of polythylene glycol penetration into the bark of western red cedar". I: Proceedings of the 7th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, redigert av Bonnot-Diconne, C., Hiron, X., Tran, Q.K. & Hoffmann, P, pp.249-253. Grenoble:ARC-Nucléart 1999.

Bojesen, I.M., Meyer, I., Str?tkvern, K. & Jensen, P. "Conservation of wet archaeological rope" I: ICOM Committee for Conservation 10th Triennial Meeting Washington DC, Preprints, Vol.I. pp. 262-265. Paris: ICOM 1993.

Edwards, G "GUidelines for dealing with material from sites where organic remains have been preserved by metal corrision products": Evidence preserved in Corrision Products: New Field in Artifact Studies, Occasional Papers nr. 8, pp. 3-7. London:UKIC 1989.

Godfrey, I.M. & King Smith, N. "Conservation of degraded rope from marine arhcaeological sites": AICCM Bulletin, 16(3) 1990: 93-107.

Jenssen, V. "Conservation of wet Organic Artifacts, Excluding Wood" I: Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects, redigert av C. Pearson, pp. 140-156, London: Butterworths 1987.

Morris, K. & Seifert, B. "Conservation of Leather and textiles from the Defense": Journal of American Institute for Conservation, 18 (1) 1978, 33-43. abstrakt og full tekst.

Peacock, E.E. & Schofield, G "A Survey for Conservation Methods for Trondheim's water-degraded archaeological rope" I: Proceedings from the 6th ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, redigert av P. Hoffmann, T. Grant, J. Spriggs and T. Daley, pp. 113-126, ICOM-CC, WOAM 1997.

Peacock, E.E. "Drying archaeological textiles" : Archaeological Textiles in Northern Europe, Tidens Tand no.5 Copenhagen: The School of Conservation, pp.197-207. 1992.

Peacock, E.E. "Freeze-drying archaeological textiles: The need for basic research": Archaeological Textiles, UKIC Occasional Papers No. 10, pp. 22-30. Lonodn: UKIC 1990.

Stauffer, A "Some comments on the wet cleaning of archaeological textiles" I: International Perspectives on Textile Conservation, redigert av Tímár-Balázsy, A & Eastop, D, pp. 159-161, London: Archetype Publications 1998.

Weibe, F & Stauffer, A. "Conservation of an early Etruscan cloak" I: ICOM Committee for Conservation 12th Triennial Meeting Lyon 1999, Preprints, Vol.II, pp. 667-670, London: James & James 1999.

Reference book

Cronyn, J.M.: The Elements of Archaeological Conservation, London: Routlege 1990.

Housing, Storage & Display

Peacock, E.E. & Griffin, E. "Rehousing a collection of archaeological textiles": The Conservator, 22 (1998) 68-81. Peacock, E.E. & Griffin, E "Hvor er tekstilene?": SPOR, 12 (2) 1997 30-33.

Skals, I. "From grave to shpwcase: modern care for ancient textiles" I: Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences, redigert av Roy & Smithm, pp. 162-165, London:IIC 1996. Vouri, J., Segal, M. & Newton, C. "Development of archaeological textiles mounts at the Canadian Conservation Institute": J.IIC-CG, 14 (1989) 3-11.

Publisert 12. aug. 2008 16:40 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2009 12:15